*** Это код, и мой ответ возвращает ноль, я использую наблюдаемые и живые данные RXjav2. Я хочу быть в курсе, мое местоположение - Лагос, и это запрашивается в интерфейсе модернизации. Я использую API стека погоды
2020-02-29 15: 49: 10.309 17988-17988 / com.example.weatherapp D / network: null
data class Weather (
val location: String,
val description: List<String>,
val temperature: Long,
val windSpeed: Long,
val windDir: String,
val precipitation: Long,
val humidity: Long,
val visibility: Long,
val icon: List<String>
): Parcelable
data class Request(
val language: String,
val query: String,
val type: String,
val unit: String
data class Location(
val country: String,
val lat: String,
val localtime: String,
val localtime_epoch: Int,
val lon: String,
val name: String,
val region: String,
val timezone_id: String,
val utc_offset: String
Класс данных ответа
data class WeatherResponse(
val current: Weather,
val location: Location,
val request: Request
Сетевой интерфейс
interface ApixuApi {
fun getWeather(@Query("access_key") api: String = Util.API_KEY,
@Query("query") location: String = "Lagos"): Observable<WeatherResponse>
Интерфейс источника данных
interface DataSource {
fun getWeather(): LiveData<WeatherResponse>
fun refreshWeather()
fun saveWeather(weather: Weather)
fun clearWeather()
package com.example.weatherapp.dataSource
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import com.example.weatherapp.model.Weather
import com.example.weatherapp.model.WeatherResponse
import com.example.weatherapp.network.ApixuApi
import com.example.weatherapp.util.NetworkState
import io.reactivex.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers
class RemoteDataSource(private val api: ApixuApi, private val compositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable) : DataSource {
private val _networkState = MutableLiveData<NetworkState>()
val networkState: LiveData<NetworkState>
get() = _networkState
private val _apiResponse = MutableLiveData<WeatherResponse>()
val apiResponse
get() = _apiResponse
override fun getWeather(): LiveData<WeatherResponse> {
var data:Weather? = null
try {
// data = _apiResponse.value.current
// data = it
//data = _apiResponse.value!!.current
data = _apiResponse.value!!.current
Log.d("remotedd", _apiResponse.value!!.current.toString())
Log.d("networks", it.message.toString())
}catch (e: Exception){
Log.d("networks", e.message.toString())
return apiResponse
override fun refreshWeather() {
_apiResponse.value = getWeather().value
override fun saveWeather(weather: Weather) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun clearWeather() {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
Мне нужна помощь, чтобы понять, мой ответ нулевой