Таким образом, проблема в том, что я пытаюсь вынуть каждую букву в ana2 как i go при проверке анаграммы. Но когда я заменяю предмет, он вытаскивает ВСЕ эту букву из анаграммы, поэтому, когда он достигает 2-й буквы, он останавливается. Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью.
clue2 = "S#tatue# of Libert#y"
clue3 = "T#om Mar##volo R#iddle#"
CLUE1 = clue1.upper().replace("#",'').replace(" ",'')
CLUE2 = clue2.upper().replace("#",'').replace(" ",'')
CLUE3 = clue3.upper().replace("#",'').replace(" ",'')
print("CLUE1 is",CLUE1)
print("CLUE2 is",CLUE2)
print("CLUE3 is",CLUE3)
ana1 = "HERECOMEDOTS" #stores hypothesis in constant
print('Testing Hypothesis 1 HERECOMEDOTS')
for item in CLUE1 : #executes a for loop that compares character by character of each word to see if they contain the same.
if item in ana1:
print(item, "in clue is in my hypothesis. Continue.") #if else statements to print the according statements if conditions are met
print(item, "in the clue is NOT in my hypothesis. Thus, my hypothesis is false.\nCLUE1 is NOT an anagram!")
print('CLUE1 is an anagram!')
print() #spaces for desired output
print('Testing Hypothesis 2 BUILDTOSTAIFREE')
for item in CLUE2 :
if item in ana2:
ana2 = ana2.replace(item,'')
print(item, "in clue is in my hypothesis. Continue.")
print(item, "in the clue is NOT in my hypothesis. Thus, my hypothesis is false.\nCLUE2 is NOT an anagram!")
print('Testing Hypothesis 3 IIMLORDVOLDEMORT')
for item in CLUE3 :
if item in ana3:
print(item, "in clue is in my hypothesis. Continue.")
print(item, "in the clue is NOT in my hypothesis. Thus, my hypothesis is false.\nCLUE3 is NOT an anagram!")