как добавить кнопку отдыха игры к java коду скрипта .. Я создал java скрипт ti c та c игру на пальцах ног ... но у меня есть некоторые ошибки ... я не могу сбросить игра с помощью кнопки, связанной, чтобы перезагрузить страницу ... и я также хочу установить табло.
, и было бы неплохо, если кто-нибудь поможет мне реализовать мои мысли в игре ..: мои цели :
1.Каждый игрок получит максимальные шансы через 90 секунд. 2Будет счет, показывающий этот счет. 3. это табло должно быть всплывающим окном; 4. игрок может поделиться своим счетом на WhatsApp.
вот мой java код скрипта:
var theboard = new Board();
var ai = new AI('O');
var selected, opponent;
selected = $(this).text();
opponent = selected === 'X' ? 'O' : 'X';
ai = new AI('X');
$('button').attr('disabled', 'true').removeClass('hover');
if(opponent === 'X') {
//Make the computer's move
var move = ai.getBestMove(theboard);
var moveStr = move.join('');
$('#'+moveStr).text('X').addClass('selected').unbind( "click" );
theboard.makeMove('X', move);
//Handles clicking on a spot, only active after selecting which piece to play
function handleClicks() {
//Make the players move.
$(this).addClass('selected').unbind( "click" );
var spotid = $(this).attr('id');
spotid = spotid.split('');
theboard.makeMove(selected, [spotid[0], spotid[1]]);
//Ensure that it is not time for gameOver
var winner = theboard.checkForWin();
if(winner || theboard.isFull())
else {
//Make the computer's move
var move = ai.getBestMove(theboard);
var moveStr = move.join('');
$('#'+moveStr).text(opponent).addClass('selected').unbind( "click" );
theboard.makeMove(opponent, move);
//Check again for game over.
winner = theboard.checkForWin();
if(winner || theboard.isFull())
function gameOver(winner) {
//Notify the player of the status
$('#result').text('<'+winner +'>--WON THE GAME! ?');
$('#result').text('THE GAME WAS A DRAW! ?');
//Wait a second to show the move, then reset
//Reset the game
$('table').append("<tr id='row0' class='row'><td id='00' class='spot'> </td><td id='01' class='spot'> </td><td id='02' class='spot'> </td></tr><tr id='row1' class='row'><td id='10' class='spot'> </td><td id='11' class='spot'> </td><td id='12' class='spot'> </td></tr><tr id='row2' class='row'><td id='20' class='spot'> </td><td id='21' class='spot'> </td><td id='22' class='spot'> </td></tr>");
theboard = new Board();
if(opponent === 'X') {
//Make the computer's move
var move = ai.getBestMove(theboard);
var moveStr = move.join('');
$('#'+moveStr).text(opponent).addClass('selected').unbind( "click" );
theboard.makeMove(opponent, move);
}, 1000);
//Implementation of the game AI
function AI(seed) {
this.marker = seed;
this.opponent = seed == 'X' ? 'O' : 'X';
this.max = 10;
this.min = -10;
this.minimax = function(board, player) {
var bestScore = -10,
currScore = 0,
moves = board.getAvailableMoves();
//Base case for finding leaf nodes
if(board.turnCnt >= 9 || board.checkForWin() || !moves)
return this.evaluate(board);
if(player === this.marker) {
bestScore = this.min;
for(var move in moves) {
var newBoard = board.clone();
newBoard.makeMove(this.marker, moves[move]);
currScore = this.minimax(newBoard, this.opponent);
if(currScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = currScore;
return bestScore;
if(player === this.opponent) {
bestScore = this.max;
for(var move in moves) {
var newBoard = board.clone();
newBoard.makeMove(this.opponent, moves[move]);
currScore = this.minimax(newBoard, this.marker);
if(currScore < bestScore) {
bestScore = currScore;
return bestScore;
//Gets the best move for this board configuration
this.getBestMove = function(board) {
var bestScore = this.min;
var currScore;
var bestMove = null;
var moves = board.getAvailableMoves();
var corners = [[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [2, 2]];
//Prunes a few options for the first few states
if(board.turnCnt === 0)
return [1, 1];
else if(board.turnCnt === 1 && board.gamestate[1][1] === '')
return [1, 1];
else if(board.turnCnt === 1)
return corners[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
for(var move in moves) {
var newBoard = board.clone();
newBoard.makeMove(this.marker, moves[move]);
currScore = this.minimax(newBoard, this.opponent);
console.log('Current score: ' + currScore);
console.log('Current move: ' + moves[move]);
if(currScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = currScore;
bestMove = moves[move];
return bestMove;
//Evaluates the score for the board passed by checking each line
this.evaluate = function(board) {
var score = 0;
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2); // row 0
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2); // row 1
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2); // row 2
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0); // col 0
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1); // col 1
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2); // col 2
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2); // diagonal
score += this.evaluateLine(board, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0); // alternate diagonal
return score;
//Scores the line by checking each cell for our marker, 1 point for 1, 10 point for 2, 100 for 3, opposite for opponent marker
this.evaluateLine = function(board, r1, c1, r2, c2, r3, c3) {
var score = 0;
//First cell
if(board.gamestate[r1][c1] === this.marker)
score = 1;
else if(board.gamestate[r1][c1] === this.opponent)
score = -1;
//Second cell
if(board.gamestate[r2][c2] === this.marker){
if(score == 1) //Cell 1 was my marker
score = 10;
else if (score === -1) // Cell 1 was my opponent
return 0;
else //Cell 1 was empty
score = 1;
else if(board.gamestate[r2][c2] === this.opponent){
if(score == -1) //Cell 1 was opponent
score = -10;
else if (score === 1) // Cell 1 was my marker
return 0;
else //Cell 1 was empty
score = -1;
//Final cell
if(board.gamestate[r3][c3] === this.marker){
if(score > 1) //Cell 1 and or 2 was my marker
score *= 10;
else if (score < 0) // Cell 1 and or 2 was my opponent
return 0;
else //Cell 1 and 2 are empty
score = 1;
else if(board.gamestate[r3][c3] === this.opponent){
if(score < 0) //Cell 1 and or 2 was my opponent
score *= 10;
else if (score > 1) // Cell 1 and or 2 was my marker
return 0;
else //Cell 1 and 2 are empty
score = -1;
return score;
//Implementation of the board object
function Board() {
this.turnCnt = 0;
this.gamestate = [['','',''],
//Returns the open positions on the board as an array of points as [row, column] or [y, x]
this.getAvailableMoves = function() {
var moves = [];
for(var row in this.gamestate)
for(var col in this.gamestate[row])
if(this.gamestate[row][col] === '')
moves.push([row, col]);
return moves;
this.clone = function() {
var newBoard = new Board();
//Copy over the positions of X's and O's and the turn number to the cloned board
for(var row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for(var col = 0; col < 3; col++)
newBoard.gamestate[row][col] = this.gamestate[row][col];
newBoard.turnCnt = this.turnCnt;
return newBoard;
//Will take in the player making the move as well as an [y, x] array of where to place the player's marker
this.makeMove = function(player, point) {
var row = parseInt(point[0]);
var col = parseInt(point[1]);
this.gamestate[row][col] = player;
this.isFull = function() {
return this.turnCnt === 9;
this.checkForWin = function() {
var boardState = this.gamestate;
var winner;
//checking the diagonals
if(boardState[1][1] !== '' &&
((boardState[0][0] === boardState[1][1]
&& boardState[2][2] === boardState[1][1])
|| (boardState[0][2] === boardState[1][1]
&& boardState[2][0] === boardState[1][1]))) {
winner = boardState[1][1];
return winner;
else {
//Checking the horizontals
for(var row in boardState) {
if(boardState[row][0] !== '' &&
boardState[row][0] === boardState[row][1]
&& boardState[row][2] === boardState[row][1]) {
winner = boardState[row][0];
return winner;
for(var col in boardState) {
if(boardState[0][col] !== '' &&
boardState[0][col] === boardState[1][col]
&& boardState[1][col] === boardState[2][col]) {
winner = boardState[0][col];
return winner;