Как добавить несколько уровней карты плиток в Pygame? - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 01 марта 2020

Я работаю над игрой на основе тайлов. Я уже создал 3 уровня для игры, но теперь я не знаю, как загрузить новые уровни в игре. Игра начинается на уровне 1, и после обработки всех мобов она начинает уровень 2, но после обработки всех мобов на уровне 2 она не загружает уровень 3. Вместо этого она перезапускается на уровне 2. Я думаю, что моя ошибка в обновлении раздел кода, но так как я все еще очень неопытен, это может быть больше, чем просто «одна» ошибка в этом коде. Я был бы рад, если бы кто-нибудь мог помочь мне

вот мой main.py кода:

import pygame as pg
import sys
from os import path
from settings import *
from sprites import *
from tilemap import *

# HUD functions
def draw_player_health(surf, x, y, pct):
    if pct < 0:
        pct = 0
    BAR_LENGTH = 100
    BAR_HEIGHT = 20
    fill = pct * BAR_LENGTH
    outline_rect = pg.Rect(x, y, BAR_LENGTH, BAR_HEIGHT)
    fill_rect = pg.Rect(x, y, fill, BAR_HEIGHT)
    if pct > 0.6:
        col = GREEN
    elif pct > 0.3:
        col = YELLOW
        col = RED
    pg.draw.rect(surf, col, fill_rect)
    pg.draw.rect(surf, BLACK, outline_rect, 2)

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048)
        self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
        self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
        self.level = 0

    def draw_text(self, text, font_name, size, color, x, y, align="nw"):
        font = pg.font.Font(font_name, size)
        text_surface = font.render(text, True, color)
        text_rect = text_surface.get_rect()
        if align == "nw":
            text_rect.topleft = (x, y)
        if align == "ne":
            text_rect.topright = (x, y)
        if align == "sw":
            text_rect.bottomleft = (x, y)
        if align == "se":
            text_rect.bottomright = (x, y)
        if align == "n":
            text_rect.midtop = (x, y)
        if align == "s":
            text_rect.midbottom = (x, y)
        if align == "e":
            text_rect.midright = (x, y)
        if align == "w":
            text_rect.midleft = (x, y)
        if align == "center":
            text_rect.center = (x, y)
        self.screen.blit(text_surface, text_rect)

    def load_data(self):
        game_folder = path.dirname(__file__)
        img_folder = path.join(game_folder, 'img')
        self.map_folder = path.join(game_folder, 'maps')
        sfx_folder = path.join(game_folder, "sfx")
        music_folder = path.join(game_folder, "music")
        self.title_font = path.join(img_folder, "ZOMBIE.TTF")
        self.hud_font = path.join(img_folder, "Impacted2.0.ttf")
        self.dim_screen = pg.Surface(self.screen.get_size()).convert_alpha()
        self.dim_screen.fill((0, 0, 0, 180))
        self.player_img = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, PLAYER_IMG)).convert_alpha()
        self.mob_img = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, MOB_IMG)).convert_alpha()
        self.wall_img = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, WALL_IMG)).convert_alpha()
        self.wall_img = pg.transform.scale(self.wall_img, (TILESIZE, TILESIZE))
        self.bullet_images = {}
        self.bullet_images["lg"] = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, BULLET_IMG)).convert_alpha()
        self.bullet_images["sm"] = pg.transform.scale(self.bullet_images["lg"], (10, 10))
        self.splat = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, SPLAT)).convert_alpha()
        self.splat = pg.transform.scale(self.splat, (64, 64))
        self.gun_flashes = []
        for img in MUZZLE_FLASHES:
            self.gun_flashes.append(pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, img)).convert_alpha())
        self.item_images = {}
        for item in ITEM_IMAGES:
            self.item_images[item] = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, ITEM_IMAGES[item])).convert_alpha()
        # lighting effect
        self.fog = pg.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
        self.light_mask = pg.image.load(path.join(img_folder, LIGHT_MASK)).convert_alpha()
        self.light_mask = pg.transform.scale(self.light_mask, LIGHT_RADIUS)
        self.light_rect = self.light_mask.get_rect()
        pg.mixer.music.load(path.join(music_folder, BG_MUSIC))
        self.effects_sounds = {}
        for type in EFFECTS_SOUNDS:
            self.effects_sounds[type] = pg.mixer.Sound(path.join(sfx_folder, EFFECTS_SOUNDS[type]))
        self.weapon_sounds = {}
        for weapon in WEAPON_SOUNDS:
            self.weapon_sounds[weapon] = []
            for sfx in WEAPON_SOUNDS[weapon]:
                s = pg.mixer.Sound(path.join(sfx_folder, sfx))
        self.zombie_moan_sounds = []
        for sfx in ZOMBIE_MOAN_SOUNDS:
            s = pg.mixer.Sound(path.join(sfx_folder, sfx))
        self.player_hit_sounds = []
        for sfx in PLAYER_HIT_SOUNDS:
            self.player_hit_sounds.append(pg.mixer.Sound(path.join(sfx_folder, sfx)))
        self.zombie_hit_sounds = []
        for sfx in ZOMBIE_HIT_SOUNDS:
            self.zombie_hit_sounds.append(pg.mixer.Sound(path.join(sfx_folder, sfx)))

    def new(self):
        # initialize all variables and do all the setup for a new game
        self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
        self.walls = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.bullets = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.mobs = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.items = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.map = Tiled_Map(path.join(self.map_folder, 'level1.tmx'))
        self.map_image = self.map.make_map()
        self.map_rect = self.map_image.get_rect()
        # for row, tiles in enumerate(self.map.data):
        #   for col, tile in enumerate(tiles):
        #        if tile == '1':
        #            Wall(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'M':
        #            Mob(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'P':
        #            self.player = Player(self, col, row)
        for tile_object in self.map.tmxdata.objects:
            obj_center = vec(tile_object.x + tile_object.width / 2, tile_object.y + tile_object.height / 2)
            if tile_object.name == "player":
                self.player = Player(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "zombie":
               Mob(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "wall":
                Obstacle(self, tile_object.x, tile_object.y, tile_object.width, tile_object.height)
            if tile_object.name in ["health", "shotgun", "m_gun", "desert_eagle"]:
                Item(self, obj_center, tile_object.name)
        self.camera = Camera(self.map.width, self.map.height)
        self.draw_debug = False
        self.paused = False
        self.night = False

    def new_2(self):
        # initialize all variables and do all the setup for a new game
        self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
        self.walls = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.bullets = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.mobs = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.items = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.map = Tiled_Map(path.join(self.map_folder, 'level2.tmx'))
        self.map_image = self.map.make_map()
        self.map_rect = self.map_image.get_rect()
        # for row, tiles in enumerate(self.map.data):
        #   for col, tile in enumerate(tiles):
        #        if tile == '1':
        #            Wall(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'M':
        #            Mob(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'P':
        #            self.player = Player(self, col, row)
        for tile_object in self.map.tmxdata.objects:
            obj_center = vec(tile_object.x + tile_object.width / 2, tile_object.y + tile_object.height / 2)
            if tile_object.name == "player":
                self.player = Player(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "zombie":
               Mob(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "wall":
                Obstacle(self, tile_object.x, tile_object.y, tile_object.width, tile_object.height)
            if tile_object.name in ["health", "shotgun", "m_gun", "desert_eagle"]:
                Item(self, obj_center, tile_object.name)
        self.camera = Camera(self.map.width, self.map.height)
        self.draw_debug = False
        self.paused = False
        self.night = False

    def new_3(self):
        # initialize all variables and do all the setup for a new game
        self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
        self.walls = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.bullets = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.mobs = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.items = pg.sprite.Group()
        self.map = Tiled_Map(path.join(self.map_folder, 'level3.tmx'))
        self.map_image = self.map.make_map()
        self.map_rect = self.map_image.get_rect()
        # for row, tiles in enumerate(self.map.data):
        #   for col, tile in enumerate(tiles):
        #        if tile == '1':
        #            Wall(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'M':
        #            Mob(self, col, row)
        #        if tile == 'P':
        #            self.player = Player(self, col, row)
        for tile_object in self.map.tmxdata.objects:
            obj_center = vec(tile_object.x + tile_object.width / 2, tile_object.y + tile_object.height / 2)
            if tile_object.name == "player":
                self.player = Player(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "zombie":
               Mob(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y)
            if tile_object.name == "wall":
                Obstacle(self, tile_object.x, tile_object.y, tile_object.width, tile_object.height)
            if tile_object.name in ["health", "shotgun", "m_gun", "desert_eagle"]:
                Item(self, obj_center, tile_object.name)
        self.camera = Camera(self.map.width, self.map.height)
        self.draw_debug = False
        self.paused = False
        self.night = False

    def run(self):
        # game loop - set self.playing = False to end the game
        self.playing = True
        while self.playing:
            self.dt = self.clock.tick(FPS) / 1000.0  # fix for Python 2.x
            if not self.paused:

    def quit(self):

    def update(self):
        # Game over?
        if len(self.mobs) == 0:
            if len(self.mobs) == 0:
        # update portion of the game loop
        # player hits item
        hits = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.items, False, collide_hit_rect)
        for hit in hits:
            if hit.type == "health" and self.player.health < PLAYER_HEALTH:
            if hit.type == "shotgun":
                self.player.weapon = "shotgun"
            if hit.type == "m_gun":
                self.player.weapon = "m_gun"
            if hit.type == "desert_eagle":
                self.player.weapon = "desert_eagle"

        # mobs hit player
        hits = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.mobs, False, collide_hit_rect)
        for hit in hits:
            if random() < 0.7:
            self.player.health -= MOB_DAMAGE
            hit.vel = vec(0, 0)
            if self.player.health <= 0:
                self.playing = False
            if hits:
                self.player.pos += vec(MOB_KNOCKBACK, 0).rotate(-hits[0].rot)
        # bullet hit mobs
        hits = pg.sprite.groupcollide(self.mobs, self.bullets, False, True)
        for mob in hits:
            # hit.health -= WEAPONS[self.player.weapon]["damage"] * len(hits[hit])
            for bullet in hits[mob]:
                mob.health -= bullet.damage
            mob.vel = vec(0, 0)

    def draw_grid(self):
        for x in range(0, WIDTH, TILESIZE):
            pg.draw.line(self.screen, LIGHTGREY, (x, 0), (x, HEIGHT))
        for y in range(0, HEIGHT, TILESIZE):
            pg.draw.line(self.screen, LIGHTGREY, (0, y), (WIDTH, y))

    def render_fog(self):
        # draw the light mask (gradient) onto the fog image
        self.light_rect.center = self.camera.apply(self.player).center
        self.fog.blit(self.light_mask, self.light_rect)
        self.screen.blit(self.fog, (0, 0), special_flags=pg.BLEND_MULT)

    def draw(self):
        # self.screen.fill(BGCOLOR)
        self.screen.blit(self.map_image, self.camera.apply_rect(self.map_rect))
        # self.draw_grid()
        for sprite in self.all_sprites:
            if isinstance(sprite, Mob):
            self.screen.blit(sprite.image, self.camera.apply(sprite))
            if self.draw_debug:
                pg.draw.rect(self.screen, CYAN, self.camera.apply_rect(sprite.rect), 1)
        if self.draw_debug:
            for wall in self.walls:
                pg.draw.rect(self.screen, CYAN, self.camera.apply_rect(wall.rect), 1)
        # pg.draw.rect(self.screen, WHITE, self.player.hit_rect, 2)
        if self.night:
        # HUD functions
        draw_player_health(self.screen, 10, 10, self.player.health / PLAYER_HEALTH)
        self.draw_text("Zombies: {}".format(len(self.mobs)), self.hud_font,
                       30, WHITE, WIDTH - 10, 10, align="ne")
        if self.paused:
            self.screen.blit(self.dim_screen, (0, 0))
            self.draw_text("PAUSED", self.title_font, 105, RED, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, align="center")

    def events(self):
        # catch all events here
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
            if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
                if event.key == pg.K_h:
                    self.draw_debug = not self.draw_debug
                if event.key == pg.K_p:
                    self.paused = not self.paused
                if event.key == pg.K_n:
                    self.night = not self.night

    def show_start_screen(self):

    def show_go_screen(self):
        self.draw_text("GAME OVER", self.title_font, 100,
                       RED, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, align="center")
        self.draw_text("Press a key to start", self.title_font, 75, WHITE, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 3 / 4, align="center")

    def wait_for_key(self):
        waiting = True
        while waiting:
            for event in pg.event.get():
                if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                    waiting = False
                if event.type == pg.KEYUP:
                    waiting = False

# create the game object
g = Game()
while True:

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 01 марта 2020

[...] после обработки всех мобов на уровне 2 он не будет загружать уровень 3. Вместо этого он перезапускается на уровне 2. Я думаю, что моя ошибка в разделе обновления кода, [.. .]

Конечно. См. Следующие удержания кода:

class Game:
   # [...]

   def update(self):
       # Game over?
       if len(self.mobs) == 0:
           if len(self.mobs) == 0:

self.new_3() никогда не будет вызываться. Если len(self.mobs) == 0 выполнено, self.new_2() выполняется и self.mobs инициализируется.

Добавьте номер уровня (self.current_level) к классу Game. Увеличьте уровень в update и вызовите либо new_2, либо new_3 в зависимости от self.current_level. Например:

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        # [...]
        self.current_level = 1

    # [...]

    def update(self):
        # Game over?
        if len(self.mobs) == 0:
            self.current_level += 1
            if self.current_level == 2:

При таком подходе легко добавлять и загружать дополнительные уровни.

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