Actionscript 3.0 Логика игровой мыши - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 февраля 2020

Я разрабатываю игру в ActionScript 3.0 (Adobe Fla sh), похожую на эту У меня есть код для перетаскивания головы змеи в направлении мыши. Однако я не знаю, как мне добавить тело змеи и заставить его следовать по пути головы. Вот мой код для перетаскивания мувиклипа в направлении мыши:

        var _isActive = true;
        var _moveSpeedMax:Number = 1000;
        var _rotateSpeedMax:Number = 15;
        var _decay:Number = .98;
        var _destinationX:int = 150;
        var _destinationY:int = 150;
        var _dx:Number = 0;
        var _dy:Number = 0;
        var _vx:Number = 0;
        var _vy:Number = 0;
        var _trueRotation:Number = 0;
        var _player;
        var i;

        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown);

        function createPlayer():void{
            _player = new head();
            _player.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
            _player.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;

        function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void{
            _isActive = true;
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp);

        function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void{

        function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void{
            _isActive = false;
            stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);
            stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp);

        function updatePosition(mc):void
            // check if mouse is down
            if (_isActive)
                // update destination
                _destinationX = stage.mouseX;
                _destinationY = stage.mouseY;

                // update velocity
                _vx += (_destinationX - mc.x) / _moveSpeedMax;
                _vy += (_destinationY - mc.y) / _moveSpeedMax;
                // when mouse is not down, update velocity half of normal speed
                _vx += (_destinationX - mc.x) / _moveSpeedMax * .25;
                _vy += (_destinationY - mc.y) / _moveSpeedMax * .25;

            // apply decay (drag)
            _vx *= _decay;
            _vy *= _decay;

            // if close to target, slow down turn speed
            if (getDistance(_dx, _dy) < 50)
                _trueRotation *= .5;

            // update position
            mc.x += _vx;
            mc.y += _vy;

        function updateRotation(mc):void
            // calculate rotation
            _dx = mc.x - _destinationX;
            _dy = mc.y - _destinationY;

            // which way to rotate
            var rotateTo:Number = getDegrees(getRadians(_dx, _dy)); 

            // keep rotation positive, between 0 and 360 degrees
            if (rotateTo > mc.rotation + 180) rotateTo -= 360;
            if (rotateTo < mc.rotation - 180) rotateTo += 360;

            // ease rotation
            _trueRotation = (rotateTo - mc.rotation) / _rotateSpeedMax;

            // update rotation
            mc.rotation += _trueRotation;           

        function getDistance(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
            return Math.sqrt((delta_x*delta_x)+(delta_y*delta_y));

        function getRadians(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
            var r:Number = Math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x);

            if (delta_y < 0)
                r += (2 * Math.PI);
            return r;

        function getDegrees(radians:Number):Number
            return Math.floor(radians/(Math.PI/180));

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 05 февраля 2020

Сценарий, приведенный ниже, не будет чудесным образом работать сам по себе, однако в нем есть все логи c, которые вам нужны, хорошо объяснено. Это заставляет цепь любой длины следовать ее голове по определенным правилам. Я использовал тот же принцип здесь много лет go:

// This one will represent the Mouse position.
var Rat:Sprite = new Sprite;

// The ordered list of chain elements.
// It all starts with the Mouse.
var Snake:Array = [Rat];

// Call this one each time you want to
// extend the snake with the piece of tail.
function addTail(aPiece:DisplayObject):void
    // Get the last snake element.
    var lastPiece:DisplayObject = Snake[Snake.length - 1];

    // Sync the tail coordinates.
    aPiece.x = lastPiece.x;
    aPiece.y = lastPiece.y;

    // Add the new piece to the snake.

// Add the pre-defined head as the first element.

// Now start following the Mouse.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame);

// Fires every frame and adjusts the whole snake, if needed.
function onFrame(e:Event):void
    // Sync the attractor point with the Mouse.
    Rat.x = mouseX;
    Rat.y = mouseY;

    // Now lets make each piece follow the previous piece,
    // one by one, starting from the head, down to the tail.
    for (var i:int = 1; i < Snake.length; i++)
        followOne(Snake[i - 1], Snake[i]);

function followOne(A:DisplayObject, B:DisplayObject):void
    // Think of these values as of vector
    // pointing from B position to A position.
    var dx:Number = A.x - B.x;
    var dy:Number = A.y - B.y;

    // Figure out the distance between the given pieces.
    var aDist:Number = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

    // Do nothing if pieces are closer than 20 px apart.
    // You can change this value to make snake shorter or longer.
    if (aDist < 20)

    // This literally means "eat one tenth of the distance
    // between me and the previous piece". If you want pieces
    // to follow each other with more vigor, reduce this value,
    // if you want the whole snake to slither smoothly, increase it.
    B.x += dx / 10;
    B.y += dy / 10;

    // Rotate the B piece so it would look right into A's direction.
    // Well, unless your pieces are round and look all the same.
    B.rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;