Вот модель CP Optimizer, которая решает очень быстро, используя самую последнюю версию 12.10 (пару секунд). Модель вполне естественна, используя ограничения приоритета и «функцию состояния» для моделирования ограничений пакетирования (две задачи из разных категорий не могут выполняться одновременно).
11611, 12558, 11274, 7839, 5864, 6025, 11413, 10453, 5315, 12924,
5728, 6757, 10256, 12502, 6781, 5341, 10851, 11212, 8894, 8587,
7430, 7464, 6305, 14334, 8799, 12834, 8000, 6255, 12489, 5692,
7020, 5051, 7696, 9999, 6513, 6742, 8306, 8169, 8221, 14640,
14936, 8699, 8729, 12720, 8967, 14131, 6196, 12355, 5554, 10763
1, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 1, 3,
5, 3, 5, 4, 1, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3,
2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2,
1, 3, 1, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3,
3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2
PREC = [
(0, 2), (2, 8), (3, 12), (7, 26), (8, 20), (8, 22), (11, 22),
(13, 40), (20, 26), (25, 41), (30, 31), (9, 45), (9, 47), (10, 42)
DEADLINE = [ (15, 50756), (18, 57757), (19, 58797),
(24, 74443), (28, 65605), (31, 55928), (49, 58012) ]
assert(len(CATEGORY) == len(DURATION))
# ===========================================================================
from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel
mdl = CpoModel()
TASKS = range(len(DURATION))
# Decision variables - interval variables with duration (length) and name
itv = [
mdl.interval_var(length=DURATION[j], name="ITV_{}".format(j+1))
for j in TASKS
# Deadlines - constrain the end of the interval.
for j,d in DEADLINE :
mdl.add(mdl.end_of(itv[j]) <= d)
# Precedences - use end_before_start
for b, a in PREC :
mdl.add(mdl.end_before_start(itv[b], itv[a]))
# Batching. This uses a "state function" which is an unknown function of
# time which needs to be decided by CP Optimizer. We say that this function
# must take the value of the category of the interval during the interval
# (using always_equal meaning the state function is always equal to a value
# over the extent of the interval). This means that only tasks of a particular
# category can execute at the same time.
r = mdl.state_function()
for j in TASKS :
mdl.add(mdl.always_equal(r, itv[j], CATEGORY[j]))
# Objective. Minimize the latest task end.
makespan = mdl.max(mdl.end_of(itv[j]) for j in TASKS)
# Solve it, making sure we get the absolute optimal (0 tolerance)
# and limiting the log a bit. 's' contains the solution.
s = mdl.solve(OptimalityTolerance=0, LogVerbosity="Terse")
# Get the final makespan
sol_makespan = s.get_objective_values()[0]
# Print the solution by zone
# s[X] gets the value of unknown X in the solution s
# s[r] gets the value of the state function in the solution
# this is a list of triples (start, end, value) representing
# the full extent of the state function over the whole time line.
zones = s[r]
# Iterate over the zones, ignoring the first and last ones, which
# are the zones before the first and after the last task.
for (start, end, value) in zones[1:-1] :
print("Category is {} in window [{},{})".format(value, start, end))
for j in TASKS:
(istart, iend, ilength) = s[itv[j]] # intervals are start/end/length
if istart >= start and iend <= end:
print("\t{} @ {} -- {} --> {}".format(
itv[j].get_name(), istart, ilength, iend))