- Пример urls.csv для подачи в веб-скребок.
Main,Income statement,Balance sheet,Cash flows
ncav.py - это настоящий веб-скребок.
from os import system, name
from time import sleep
from csv import reader, writer
from ncavfunctions import income, flashbalance
def clear():
"""Clears GUI.
if name == 'nt':
_ = system('cls')
_ = system('clear')
# Try to read urls.csv. country is a list of lists of strings
with open('urls.csv', 'r', newline='') as csvfile:
csv_reader = reader(csvfile)
next(csv_reader) # Skip Headers
country = []
for line in csv_reader:
print("0. urls.csv loaded")
print("Error with urls.csv file!")
# Construct country_ncav a list of tuples of strings
country_ncav = []
i = 1
for line in country:
loading_perc = i * 100 / len(country)
print("Processed {0:.2f}".format(loading_perc), "% of urls")
i = i + 1
lst = \
+ flashbalance(line[2])
country_ncav.append(["Unknown Error"])
# Save a csv log of country ncav items.
header = ['Name', 'Shares', 'Last price',
'Total current assets', 'Total Liabilities']
with open('flashncav.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
csv_writer = writer(csvfile)
print("Closing in 5 seconds")
Модуль ncavfunctions работает следующим образом.
"""investing.com rejects get requests not identifying a User-Agent
1. Copy url to clipboard
2. Open Google Chrome, right click open space and click inspect
3. In Dev window click Network Tab
4. Paste url in Address Bar and press Enter, wait fully load
5. At Name window click info, on the right click Headers
6. Scroll Down to User-Agent and copy
7. Paste it between "" after "User-Agent": in var headers
8. Continue lines as needed
Parsing for investing.com
html.parser : prettify() encoding issues
lxml : prettify() encoding issues
lxml-xml : prettify() working but how grab from xml?
xml : prettify() working but how grab from xml?
html5lib : prettify() encoding isssues
Using html5, prettify() doesnt work due to encoding issues, but
i can grab the elements i want from soup element
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10\
_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 \
def indusector(url_m):
"""Returns industry and sector from all known types of mains.
Keyword arguments:
url_m -- The url of company's main page.
global inse
inse = indusector_a(url_m)
inse = (
"Error main page or data N/A",
return inse
def indusector_a(url_m):
"""Returns industry and sector of company from type a main url.
url_m -- The url of company's main page.
resp = get(url_m, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
cont_a = page.find("div", class_="companyProfileHeader")
cont_b = cont_a.find_all("a")
industry = cont_b[0].string
sector = cont_b[1].string
return industry, sector
def income(url_i):
"""Returns all NCAV items from all known type income statements.
Keyword arguments:
url_i -- The url of the Income statement.
inc = income_a(url_i)
inc = income_b(url_i)
inc = (
"Error income statement or data n/a",
return inc
def income_a(url_i):
"""Returns all NCAV items from income statements type a.
Keyword arguments:
url_i -- The url of the Income statement.
resp = get(url_i, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
# Grab secondaries from js dialog box and Diluted weighted average
# shares
cont_a = page.find_all("tbody")
cont_b = cont_a[2].find_all("tr")
cont_c = cont_b[31].find_all("td")
shares = cont_c[1].string
# Grab last price
cont_a = page.find(id="last_last")
lprice = cont_a.string
# Grab Name
cont_a = page.find("h1", class_="float_lang_base_1 relativeAttr")
namet = cont_a.string
tcut = len(namet) - 1
name = namet[0:tcut]
return name, shares, lprice
def income_b(url_i):
"""Returns all NCAV items from income statements type b.
Keyword arguments:
url_i -- The url of the Income statement.
resp = get(url_i, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
cont_a = page.find_all("tbody")
cont_b = cont_a[1].find_all("tr") # [1]vs[2] is the difference
cont_c = cont_b[31].find_all("td") # between the 2 types.
shares = cont_c[1].string
cont_a = page.find(id="last_last")
lprice = cont_a.string
cont_a = page.find("h1", class_="float_lang_base_1 relativeAttr")
namet = cont_a.string
tcut = len(namet) - 1
name = namet[0:tcut]
return name, shares, lprice
def balance(url_b):
"""Returns all NCAV items from all known type Balance sheets.
Keyword arguments:
url_b -- The url of the Balance sheet.
bal = balance_a(url_b)
bal = (
"Error balance sheet or data n/a",
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
return bal
def balance_a(url_b):
"""Returns all NCAV items from Balance sheet type a.
Keyword arguments:
url_b -- The url of the Balance sheet.
resp = get(url_b, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
# Grab bolds of js dialog box
cont_a = page.find_all(id="parentTr")
# Grab last total current assets
cont_b = cont_a[0].find_all("td")
last_tot_curr_ass = cont_b[1].string
# Grab last total liabilities
cont_b = cont_a[3].find_all("td")
last_tot_liabs = cont_b[1].string
# Grab secondaries of js dialog box
cont_a = page.find_all("tr", class_="child")
# Grab last cash
cont_b = cont_a[1].find_all("td")
last_cash = cont_b[1].string
# Grab last cash & equivalents
cont_b = cont_a[2].find_all("td")
last_casnnequins = cont_b[1].string
# Grab accounts receivables
cont_b = cont_a[5].find_all("td")
last_accreceivs = cont_b[1].string
# Grab last inventory
cont_b = cont_a[6].find_all("td")
last_invs = cont_b[1].string
# Grab last total debt
cont_b = cont_a[27].find_all("td")
last_tot_dts = (cont_b[1].string)
return (
last_tot_curr_ass, last_cash,
last_casnnequins, last_accreceivs,
last_invs, last_tot_liabs,
def cashflow(url_c):
"""Returns opcash and capex from Statement of cash flows all types.
Keyword arguments:
url_c -- The url of the Statement of cash flows.
cas = cashflow_a(url_c)
cas = (
"Error cash flow statement or data n/a", "",
"", "",
"", "",
"", "")
return cas
def cashflow_a(url_c):
"""Returns opcash and capex from Statement of cash flows type a.
Keyword arguments:
url_c -- The url of the Statement of cash flows.
resp = get(url_c, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
# Grab bolds of js dialog box and incremental operating income
cont_a = page.find_all(id="parentTr")
cont_b = cont_a[0].find_all("td")
incr_opcash_4 = cont_b[1].string
incr_opcash_3 = cont_b[2].string
incr_opcash_2 = cont_b[3].string
incr_opcash_1 = cont_b[4].string
# Grab secondaries of js dialog box and incremental capital
# expenditures
cont_a = page.find_all("tr", class_="child")
cont_b = cont_a[9].find_all("td")
incr_capex_4 = cont_b[1].string
incr_capex_3 = cont_b[2].string
incr_capex_2 = cont_b[3].string
incr_capex_1 = cont_b[4].string
return (
incr_opcash_4, incr_opcash_3,
incr_opcash_2, incr_opcash_1,
incr_capex_4, incr_capex_3,
incr_capex_2, incr_capex_1)
def lastprice(url_i):
"""Returns last price from all known type income statements.
Keyword arguments:
url_i -- The url of the Income statement.
lprice = lastprice_a(url_i)
lprice = lastprice_b(url_i)
lprice = ("iError", "iError")
return lprice
def lastprice_a(url_i):
"""Returns last price from income statements type a.
Keyword arguments:
url_i -- The url of the Income statement.
resp = get(url_i, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
# Grab last price
cont_a = page.find(id="last_last")
lprice = cont_a.string
return lprice
def flashbalance(url_b):
"""Returns all NCAV items from all known type Balance sheets.
Keyword arguments:
url_b -- The url of the Balance sheet.
flashbal = flashbalance_a(url_b)
flashbal = ("Error balance sheet or data n/a", "")
return flashbal
def flashbalance_a(url_b):
"""Returns all NCAV items from Balance sheet type a.
Keyword arguments:
url_b -- The url of the Balance sheet.
resp = get(url_b, headers=headers)
page = soup(resp.content, "html5lib")
# Grab bolds of js dialog box
cont_a = page.find_all(id="parentTr")
# Grab last total current assets
cont_b = cont_a[0].find_all("td")
last_tot_curr_ass = cont_b[1].string
# Grab last total liabilities
cont_b = cont_a[3].find_all("td")
last_tot_liabs = cont_b[1].string
return (last_tot_curr_ass, last_tot_liabs)
Пример вывода flashncav.csv
Name,Shares,Last price,Total current assets,Total Liabilities
Vical Inc (BBI),2.94,1.4700,30.73,13.14
Проблема в том, что если файл csv содержит более 130 строк, ncav.py зависает.
Текущее решение состоит в том, чтобы вручную разбить urls.csv (иногда 2000 компаний)
на группы из 130 строк. Есть идеи получше? Заранее спасибо.