Я использую Angular 7 и выбор нескольких материалов ... Я не могу установить флажок со значениями, возвращенными из API
this is the multiselect that I am using for multi select dropdown
dropdownList = [{1, "orange"}, {2, "яблоко"}, {3, "виноград"}, {4, "киви"}]
<label *ngIf="model.type == 'multiselect-drop-down'" class="label app-label pull-left">
<mat-label>Select Items</mat-label>
<mat-select [formControlName]="model.controlName"
<mat-option *ngFor="let topping of dropdownList" value="topping.item_id">{{topping.item_name}}</mat-option>
This is the model for "model"
export class CustomFormInput{
public formGroup: FormGroup,
public controlName: string, //Name of from control in form group
public type: string, // type of input from enum FormType
public editable: boolean, // placeholder for toggling
public required: boolean,
public label: string,
public value: any = null,
public list: BaseClass[] = [], // required only for dropdown and multiselect-dropdown types
public errorBanner: string = null, // displays if requirements are not met during entry and if attempted to save without entering specific fields default uses returned errors from validators
public placeholder: string = null, // displays default place holder for Guiding examples only used for text and textbox
public mask: string = null// ngx-mask expression see Masks
Using initform and setfields I am calling the above multiselect dropdown in the html i am working on
initForm() {
this.formGroup = this.fb.group({
selectedTopicIds: new FormControl(''),
In EventMode.Create i am just displaying the dropdown values for user to select them. If its not create mode then I have to display what user selected in create mode and also give an option to select more. this.topics is the full drop down list and this.displayModel.educationTopics is the selected values in create mode
setFields() {
if(this.EventMode ==EventMode.Create){
this.fields = [
new CustomFormInput(this.formGroup, 'selectedTopicIds', FormType.MultiSelectDropDown, false, false, 'Topic(s)',null, this.topics),
this.fields = [
new CustomFormInput(this.formGroup, 'selectedTopicIds', FormType.MultiSelectDropDown, false, false, 'Topic(s)',this.displayModel.educationTopics, this.topics),
this.fields.forEach(ea => {
let control = this.formGroup.controls[ea.controlName];
if (control.value != null)
In create mode [{1,"orange"},{2,"apple"}] are selected but I am having difficulty to display them selected in edit mode.
попытались передать только идентификаторы вместо идентификатора и имени, но это не помогло. попытался добавить [(ngModel)], но выдает ошибку, так как и formcontrol, и ngmodel не могут использоваться одновременно