Этот perl однострочный конвертирует входные данные, как указано выше, в массив JSON объектов, которые затем можно обработать в любом JSON -осведомленном инструменте.
racadm chassislog view -c Storage -b PDR | \
perl -MJSON::PP -lne 'if (/([^=]*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { $obj{$1} = $2 }
elsif (/^-+$/) { push @records, { %obj }; undef %obj }
END { push @records, { %obj } if defined %obj;
print encode_json(\@records) }'
выходных данных (после довольно -печать):
"Timestamp": "2020-03-21 00:02:06",
"Message ID": "PDR17",
"Category": "Storage",
"Message": "Global hot spare assigned to Physical Disk 0:0:15.",
"AgentID": "CMC",
"Severity": "Information",
"SeqNumber": "11700",
"FQDD": "Disk.Bay.15:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.ChassisIntegrated.1-1",
"Message Arg 1": "Physical Disk 0:0:15"
"Category": "Storage",
"Message ID": "PDR26",
"Timestamp": "2020-03-21 00:02:04",
"SeqNumber": "11699",
"Message": "Physical Disk 0:0:3 is online.",
"Severity": "Information",
"AgentID": "CMC",
"Message Arg 1": "Physical Disk 0:0:3",
"FQDD": "Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.ChassisIntegrated.1-1"
"FQDD": "Disk.Bay.15:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.ChassisIntegrated.1-1",
"Message Arg 2": "Physical Disk 0:0:3",
"Message Arg 1": "Physical Disk 0:0:15",
"Severity": "Information",
"AgentID": "CMC",
"Message": "Copyback completed from Physical Disk 0:0:15 to Physical Disk 0:0:3.",
"SeqNumber": "11696",
"Timestamp": "2020-03-21 00:02:01",
"Category": "Storage",
"Message ID": "PDR71"
"Message Arg 1": "Physical Disk 0:0:15",
"FQDD": "Disk.Bay.15:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.ChassisIntegrated.1-1",
"Message Arg 2": "Physical Disk 0:0:3",
"SeqNumber": "11670",
"Message": "Copyback started from Physical Disk 0:0:15 to Physical Disk 0:0:3.",
"Severity": "Information",
"AgentID": "CMC",
"Category": "Storage",
"Message ID": "PDR70",
"Timestamp": "2020-03-20 21:45:47"
"Timestamp": "2020-03-20 21:45:44",
"Message ID": "PDR8",
"Category": "Storage",
"Message": "Physical Disk 0:0:3 is inserted.",
"AgentID": "CMC",
"Severity": "Information",
"SeqNumber": "11667",
"FQDD": "Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-0:RAID.ChassisIntegrated.1-1",
"Message Arg 1": "Physical Disk 0:0:3"