Я не уверен на 100%, если это лучшее место, чтобы спросить это. Если да, не могли бы вы предложить мне лучший сайт.
Я написал программу на python 3 для шифрования данных. Но он использует совершенно новый метод шифрования данных, который я сделал. И я sh хочу знать, считает ли кто-либо из вас, что это достаточно безопасно для любого практического использования. или , если вы видите в нем fl aws.
Основа c Суть программы такова:
Программа преобразует каждый символ данных в их номера ASCII. Затем, чтобы зашифровать его, он «случайным образом» добавляет большое число к исходному номеру ASCII каждого символа.
Но это не случайно, потому что начальное число было установлено с помощью функции random.seed()
. И начальное значение, которое устанавливает программа, определяется ключом.
И затем он перетасовывает каждый ди git.
Из-за отсутствия лучшего названия я назвал этот метод SABONK. Это ничего не значит.
import random
def ASCII(x): #converts string to ASCII and returns as a list.
return [ord(c) for c in x]
def ASCII_char(x): #turns a list of ASCII numbers back into text and in a string
result = ""
for i in x:
result = result + chr(i)
return result
return None
def modifier(key): #returns the "modifier" value used for encryption
return len(key)*sum(key)
def pad(n, x): #adds 0 to front of number so the length is as required.
if len(str(x)) >= n: return x
return ("0"*(n-len(str(x))))+str(x)
class SABONK:
def __init__(self, key, max=856076, min=100, length=7):
self.keyString = key
self.key = ASCII(key)
self.m = modifier(self.key)
self.length = 7
self.maxLength = max
self.minLength = min
def setKey(self, newKey):
def Encrypt(self, data, password=None): #the main encrypt function
if data == "": return ""
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key #If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
return self.shuffle(self.combine(self.basicEncrypt(data, key)))
def Decrypt(self, data, password=None, toText=True): #the main encrypt function
if data == "": return ""
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key #If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
if toText: return ASCII_char(self.basicDecrypt(self.disjoin(self.unshuffle(data)), key)) #if toText is True, the function wil return decrypted text and translate it back to characters.
return self.basicDecrypt(self.disjoin(self.unshuffle(data)), key)#If not, will return list of ASCII numbers
def basicEncrypt(self, data, password=None): #does the 1/3 part of the encryption process.
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key #If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
m = self.m
if password != self.key: m = modifier(key)
current = 0 #current refers to the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
result = []
data = ASCII(data)
for x in data:
random.seed(key[current]*m)#setting the seed
result.append(pad(self.length, random.randint(self.minLength, self.maxLength)+x))#encrypted character to result
if current >= (len(key)-1): current = 0 #changing the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
else: current +=1
m += x*random.randint(0, 100000) #chaning the modifier
return result
def basicDecrypt(self, data, password=None): #does the 1/3 part of the decryption process.
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key#If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
m = self.m
if password != self.key: m = modifier(key)
current = 0 #current refers to the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
result = []
for x in data:
random.seed(key[current]*m)#setting the seed
d = x-random.randint(self.minLength, self.maxLength)
result.append(d)#encrypted character to result
if current >= (len(key)-1): current = 0 #changing the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
else: current +=1
m += d*random.randint(0, 100000) #chaning the modifier
return result
def combine(self, data):#combine the numbers from the encrypted data
result = ""
for x in data: #going through data list, converting it into string and joining it into single string to retrun
result = result + str(x)
return result
def disjoin(self, data):#disjoin the list of data that was combined by the "combine" function
l = self.length
result = []
while len(data) != 0: #going thorugh the data, converting it into intager and putting it in result list
data = data[l:]
return result
def shuffle(self, data, password=None): #data should be a string
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key#If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
m = self.m
if password != self.key: m = modifier(key)
current = 0 #current refers to the current item in the key list being applied to the random.seed.
result = []
l = (len(data) - 1)
#firist we split the data string into a list, so that every elemnt in the list is a single number
for x in data:
#And now we shuffle the list
for x in range(6*len(data)):
random.seed(key[current]*m)#setting the seed
i1 = random.randint(0, l) #choosing the two indexes of the data list to swap
i2 = i1
while i2 == i1: i2 = random.randint(0, l) #this makes sure i2 is different from i1
result[i1], result[i2] = result[i2], result[i1]
current +=1
if current >= (len(key)-1): current = 0 #changing the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
m += 1
return "".join(result)
def unshuffle(self, data, password=None): #data should be a string
#setting up variables needed.
key = password
if password == None: key = self.key#If password is None, use the password saved in the class.
m = self.m
if password != self.key: m = modifier(key)
current = 0 #current refers to the current item in the key list being applied to the random.seed.
result = []
actionsList = []
l = (len(data) - 1)
#firist we split the data string into a list, so that every elemnt in the list is a single number
for x in data:
#figure out list of swaps the shuffle dunctionn would have taken.
for x in range(6*len(str(data))):
random.seed(key[current]*m)#setting the seed
i1 = random.randint(0, l) #choosing the two indexes of the data list to swap
i2 = i1
while i2 == i1: i2 = random.randint(0, l) #this makes sure i2 is different from i1
current +=1
if current >= (len(key)-1): current = 0 #changing the current item in the key list being applied to the encryption process.
m += 1
actionsList = list(reversed(actionsList))#Then reverse the list, so the swaps can be undone.
#And now we unshuffle the list
for x in range(6*len(str(data))):
result[actionsList[x][0]], result[actionsList[x][1]] = result[actionsList[x][1]], result[actionsList[x][0]]
return "".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = input("Please type out key: ")
s = SABONK(key)
text = input("Please type out text to encrypt: ")
print("You have typed: " + text)
e = s.Encrypt(text)
print("Text Encrypted: "+ e)
print("Text Decrypted: "+ str(s.Decrypt(e)))