Я пытаюсь использовать ScreenManager
в Kivy.
Как я и ожидал, приведенный ниже код должен вместить два разных экрана: первый экран ScreenOne
представляет собой кнопку Play и второй экран ScreenTwo
- это место, где игровой процесс должен начаться сразу же.
Проблема в том, что при переключении на ScreenTwo
# ---------- Original file: kivytut2.py ----------
# Importations
import kivy
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.graphics import Rectangle
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.core.audio import SoundLoader
# Creating my kv code in the Python file
text: "Play"
background_normal: ''
background_color: 0, 255, 255, .85
# You can define the duration of the change
# and the direction of the slide
root.manager.transition.direction = 'up'
root.manager.transition.duration = 0.5
root.manager.current = 'screen_two'
# Create a class for all screens in which you can include
# helpful methods specific to that screen
class ScreenOne(Screen):
class ScreenTwo(Screen):
# Detect collision, to comment out
def collides(rect1, rect2):
r1x = rect1[0][0]
r1y = rect1[0][1]
r2x = rect2[0][0]
r2y = rect2[0][1]
r1w = rect1[1][0]
r1h = rect1[1][1]
r2w = rect2[1][0]
r2h = rect2[1][1]
if (r1x < r2x + r2w and r1x + r1w > r2x and r1y < r2y + r2h and r1y + r1h > r2y):
return True
return False
def keyboard_events(self, **kwargs):
# Requesting keyboard event and setting its callbacks
self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._on_keyboard_closed, self)
# The Fly rectangle
with self.canvas:
self.enemy = Rectangle(source="assets/theenemy.png", pos=(350, 350), size=(100, 85))
self.player = Rectangle(source="assets/theplayer.png", pos=(150, 150), size=(100, 85))
self.keysPressed = set()
# Refresh frame every "second argument" seconds
Clock.schedule_interval(self.move_step, 0)
# Background musics
sound = SoundLoader.load("assets/gp.wav")
if sound:
print("Sound found at %s" % sound.source)
print("Sound is %.3f seconds" % sound.length)
# The keyboard callback when closed?
def _on_keyboard_closed(self):
self.keyboard = None
# The keyboard callback to change player position on key down
def _on_key_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
def _on_key_up(self, keyboard, keycode):
text = keycode[1]
if text in self.keysPressed:
def move_step(self, dt):
# Bottom left is origin, +x is right, -x is left, +y is up, -y is down
currentx = self.player.pos[0]
currenty = self.player.pos[1]
# Move hundred pixels per second
step_size = 100 * dt
if "w" in self.keysPressed:
currenty += step_size
if "s" in self.keysPressed:
currenty -= step_size
if "a" in self.keysPressed:
currentx -= step_size
if "d" in self.keysPressed:
currentx += step_size
self.player.pos = (currentx, currenty)
if collides((self.player.pos, self.player.size), (self.enemy.pos, self.player.size)):
print("colliding, sire!")
print("not colliding, sire.")
# The ScreenManager controls moving between screens
screen_manager = ScreenManager()
# Add the screens to the manager and then supply a name
# that is used to switch screens
class KivyTut2App(App):
def build(self):
return screen_manager
sample_app = KivyTut2App()
возникает просто пустой черный экран.
В этом я использую файл примера Kivy с именем kivytut2.py
, а также учебное пособие из YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t1VXHICv-Q&t=388s
Вся идея заключается в использовании ScreenManager
в очень основное c главное меню.
Я ценю каждый комментарий и указания, чтобы решить это! Ура!