У меня проблемы с моими двумя java программами, связывающимися друг с другом. Проблема заключается в том, что программа «receive. java», действующая как сервер, не может запускать / запускать или получать данные от программы «sender. java». Программа отправителя работает и работает нормально, хотя на порту: 4444. Я получаю Java ошибка соединения с сокетом, так что это как-то связано с соединением.
FINAL UPDATE EDIT *****: Теперь все работает нормально, я исправил первую проблему, изменив соответствующие порты. (4444). И я пропустил получателя для подключения через (IP, 4444) НЕ (localhost, 4444), поэтому я запустил «sender. java» на своем локальном IP-адресе, который равен 127. . . *: 4444 и «Получатель. java» включен (localhost: 4444), и они подключились, и получатель получил данные контрольной суммы, которые я ввел. Спасибо всем!
- Check_Sum_Sender. java
// Java code for Checksum_Sender
package checksum_sender;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Checksum_Sender
// Setting maximum data length
private int MAX = 100;
// initialize socket and I/O streams
private Socket socket = null;
private ServerSocket servsock = null;
private DataInputStream dis = null;
private DataOutputStream dos = null;
public Checksum_Sender(int port) throws IOException
servsock = new ServerSocket(port);
// Used to block until a client connects to the server
socket = servsock.accept();
dis = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
while (true)
int i, l, sum = 0, nob;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter data length");
l = sc.nextInt();
// Array to hold the data being entered
int data[] = new int[MAX];
// Array to hold the complement of each data
int c_data[] = new int[MAX];
System.out.println("Enter data to send");
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
data[i] = sc.nextInt();
// Complementing the entered data
// Here we find the number of bits required to represent
// the data, like say 8 requires 1000, i.e 4 bits
nob = (int)(Math.floor(Math.log(data[i]) / Math.log(2))) + 1;
// Here we do a XOR of the data with the number 2^n -1,
// where n is the nob calculated in previous step
c_data[i] = ((1 << nob) - 1) ^ data[i];
// Adding the complemented data and storing in sum
sum += c_data[i];
// The sum(i.e checksum) is also sent along with the data
data[i] = sum;
l += 1;
System.out.println("Checksum Calculated is : " + sum);
System.out.println("Data being sent along with Checkum.....");
// Sends the data length to receiver
// Sends the data one by one to receiver
for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
// Displaying appropriate message depending on feedback received
if (dis.readUTF().equals("success"))
System.out.println("Thanks for the feedback!! Message received Successfully!");
else if (dis.readUTF().equals("failure"))
System.out.println("Message was not received successfully!");
// Closing all connections
// Driver Method
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
Checksum_Sender cs = new Checksum_Sender(4444);
Check_Sum_Receiver. java
// Java code for Checksum_Receiver
package checksum_sender;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Checksum_Receiver {
// Initialize socket and I/O streams
private Socket s = null;
private DataInputStream dis = null;
private DataOutputStream dos = null;
// Constructor to put ip address and port
public Checksum_Receiver(InetAddress ip,int port)throws IOException
// Opens a socket for connection
s = new Socket(ip,port);
dis = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());
dos = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
while (true)
{ Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int i, l, nob, sum = 0, chk_sum;
// Reads the data length sent by sender
l = dis.readInt();
// Initializes the arrays based on data length received
int c_data[] = new int[l];
int data[] = new int[l];
System.out.println("Data received (alond with checksum) is");
for(i = 0; i< data.length; i++)
// Reading the data being sent one by one
data[i] = dis.readInt();
// Complementing the data being received
nob = (int)(Math.floor(Math.log(data[i]) / Math.log(2))) + 1;
c_data[i] = ((1 << nob) - 1) ^ data[i];
// Adding the complemented data
sum += c_data[i];
System.out.println("Sum(in ones complement) is : "+sum);
// Complementing the sum
nob = (int)(Math.floor(Math.log(sum) / Math.log(2))) + 1;
sum = ((1 << nob) - 1) ^ sum;
System.out.println("Calculated Checksum is : "+sum);
// Checking whether final result is 0 or something else
// and sending feedback accordingly
if(sum == 0)
// Closing all connections
// Driver Method
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
// Getting ip address on which the receiver is running
// Here, it is "localhost"
InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
Checksum_Receiver cr = new Checksum_Receiver(ip,4444);