Если вы выполняете этот удаленный вызов с сервера Windows, библиотека объектов ActiveX IBM System i Access (cwdx.dll
) может быть хорошим способом вызова встроенных команд IBM i, а также написанных программ ILE. в RPG, CL, C или C ++.
Пример кода ниже написан на VB6 / VBA, но эту же технику можно использовать на любом COM-совместимом Windows языке (C ++, C#, VB. Net, Delphi). Интересно, что этот вызов ActiveX может иногда позволить SQL работать в системе, где другие удаленные вызовы SQL заблокированы. Например, если я попытаюсь выполнить команду SQL DELETE
, показанную ниже, через ODB C, OLE DB или JDB C (IBM Data Studio); оно будет заблокировано, потому что соответствующее задание сервера использует «RMTFIL» и «RMTOBJ» (Enforcive Objects Ver для управления доступом SQL. Задание сервера, связанное с удаленной командой ActiveX, не имеет этих ограничений и может запускать любую команду, на которую у пользователя есть права, как в командной строке.
Option Explicit
Sub Test_Run_RPG_Program()
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim prog As Program
Set prog = New Program
prog.LibraryName = "MYLIB"
prog.ProgramName = "MYPROG"
Set prog.system = system
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_RPG_Program_Fail()
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim prog As Program
Set prog = New Program
prog.LibraryName = "MYLIB"
prog.ProgramName = "MYPROGXXX"
Set prog.system = system
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
'-2147467259 &H80004005 "MCH3401 - Cannot resolve to object MYPROGXXX. Type and Subtype X'0201' Authority X'0000'."
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_Command()
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim comm As cwbx.Command
Set comm = New cwbx.Command
Set comm.system = system
comm.Run "DSPLIB MYLIB" 'prints output file like in batch mode
If Err Then
MsgBox comm.errors.Count
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd 'Does disconnect do anything? Active Job remains until AS400System destructor runs
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_Command_Fail()
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim comm As cwbx.Command
Set comm = New cwbx.Command
Set comm.system = system
comm.Run "DSPF"
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & FormatError(comm.errors)
'Error occurred in IBM i Access Library. Command failed.
'CPF0001 - Error found on DSPF command.
'CPD0031 - Command DSPF not allowed in this setting.
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd 'Does disconnect do anything? Active Job remains until AS400System destructor runs
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_RUNSQL_Delete() 'Succeeded, no Err
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim comm As cwbx.Command
Set comm = New cwbx.Command
Set comm.system = system
Dim commandStr As String
comm.Run commandStr
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & FormatError(comm.errors)
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd 'Does disconnect do anything? Active Job remains until AS400System destructor runs
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_RUNSQL_Insert() 'Succeeded, no Err
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim comm As cwbx.Command
Set comm = New cwbx.Command
Set comm.system = system
Dim commandStr As String
comm.Run commandStr
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & FormatError(comm.errors)
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd
End Sub
Sub Test_Run_RUNSQL_SELECT_Fail()
'Fails because SELECT statement not supported by RUNSQL.
'Would fail on command line too with status message of 'RUNSQLSTM or RUNSQL command failed.'
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = ConnectToSystem
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not connect to system." & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
Dim comm As cwbx.Command
Set comm = New cwbx.Command
Set comm.system = system
Dim commandStr As String
comm.Run commandStr
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & FormatError(comm.errors)
End If
system.Disconnect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd 'Does disconnect do anything? Active Job remains until AS400System destructor runs
End Sub
Private Function ConnectToSystem() As AS400System
On Error Resume Next
Dim system As AS400System
Set system = New AS400System
system.Define "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 'an IP address usually goes here
system.Connect cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd
Set ConnectToSystem = system
End Function
Private Function FormatError(ByVal errorList As cwbx.errors) As String
If errorList Is Nothing Then
FormatError = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim errItem As cwbx.Error
Dim errMsg As String
errMsg = Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message(errorList.ReturnCode) & vbCrLf
For Each errItem In errorList
errMsg = errMsg & errItem.Text & vbCrLf
'Debug.Print Mid$(errMsg, 1, Len(errMsg) - 2)
FormatError = Mid$(errMsg, 1, Len(errMsg) - 2)
End Function
Private Function Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message(ByVal return_code As Long)
'Program and Command Return Code Constants
Dim errMsg As String
errMsg = "Error occurred in IBM i Access Library. "
Select Case return_code
Case Is = cwbrcInvalidSystemHandle: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Invalid system handle." '6000
Case Is = cwbrcInvalidProgram: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Invalid program." '6001
Case Is = cwbrcSystemName: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Bad System Name." '6002
Case Is = cwbrcCommandString: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Bad command string." '6003
Case Is = cwbrcProgramName: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Bad program name." '6004
Case Is = cwbrcLibraryName: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Bad library name." '6005
Case Is = cwbrcInvalidType: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Invalid data type" '6006
Case Is = cwbrcInvalidParmLength: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Invalid parameter length." '6007
Case Is = cwbrcInvalidParm: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Invalid parameter." '6008
Case Is = cwbrcTooManyParms: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Too many parameters." '6009
Case Is = cwbrcIndexRangeError: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Index out of range." '6010
Case Is = cwbrcRejectedUserExit: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "User rejected." '6011
Case Is = cwbrcUserExitError: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "User error." '6012
Case Is = cwbrcCommandFailed: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Command failed." '6013
Case Is = cwbrcProgramNotFound: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Program not found." '6014
Case Is = cwbrcProgramError: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Program error." '6015
Case Is = cwbrcCommandTooLong: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Command too long." '6016
Case Is = cwbrcUnexpectedError: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Unexpected error." '6099
Case Else: Build_ProgramCommand_ReturnCode_Message = errMsg & "Unrecognised error."
End Select
End Function
' Dim hostMessageLibraryName As Variant 'Upon successful completion, contains the name of the library containing the system message file.
' Dim hostMessageFileName As Variant 'Upon successful completion, contains the name of the system message file.
' Dim hostSubstitutionText As Variant 'Upon successful completion, contains the message substitution text.
' 'The substitution text is the data inserted into the substitution variable fields defined for the message.
' 'This information is returned in the host code page. This is the format required by the QMHRTVM API.
' errItem.GetHostMessageInfo hostMessageLibraryName, hostMessageFileName, hostSubstitutionText