Хотел проверить, есть ли такая функция, как row_edit, похожая на cell_edit в R. Например,
dt_output = function(title, id) {
12, h1(paste0('Table ', sub('.*?([0-9]+)$', '\\1', id), ': ', title)),
hr(), DTOutput(id)
render_dt = function(data, editable = 'cell', server = TRUE, ...) {
renderDT(data, selection = 'none', server = server, editable = editable, ...)
ui = fluidPage(
title = 'Double-click to edit table cells',
dt_output('client-side processing (editable = "cell")', 'x1'),
dt_output('client-side processing (editable = "row")', 'x2'),
dt_output('client-side processing (editable = "column")', 'x3'),
dt_output('client-side processing (editable = "all")', 'x4'),
dt_output('server-side processing (editable = "cell")', 'x5'),
dt_output('server-side processing (editable = "row")', 'x6'),
dt_output('server-side processing (editable = "column")', 'x7'),
dt_output('server-side processing (editable = "all")', 'x8'),
dt_output('server-side processing (no row names)', 'x9'),
dt_output('edit rows but disable certain columns (editable = list(target = "row", disable = list(columns = c(2, 4, 5))))', 'x10')
server = function(input, output, session) {
d1 = iris
d1$Date = Sys.time() + seq_len(nrow(d1))
d10 = d9 = d8 = d7 = d6 = d5 = d4 = d3 = d2 = d1
options(DT.options = list(pageLength = 5))
# client-side processing
output$x1 = render_dt(d1, 'cell', FALSE)
output$x2 = render_dt(d2, 'row', FALSE)
output$x3 = render_dt(d3, 'column', FALSE)
output$x4 = render_dt(d4, 'all', FALSE)
# server-side processing
output$x5 = render_dt(d5, 'cell')
output$x6 = render_dt(d6, 'row')
output$x7 = render_dt(d7, 'column')
output$x8 = render_dt(d8, 'all')
output$x9 = render_dt(d9, 'cell', rownames = FALSE)
output$x10 = render_dt(d10, list(target = 'row', disable = list(columns = c(2, 4, 5))))
# edit a single cell
proxy5 = dataTableProxy('x5')
observeEvent(input$x5_cell_edit, {
info = input$x5_cell_edit
str(info) # check what info looks like (a data frame of 3 columns)
d5 <<- editData(d5, info)
replaceData(proxy5, d5, resetPaging = FALSE) # important
# the above steps can be merged into a single editData() call; see examples below
# edit a row
observeEvent(input$x6_cell_edit, {
d6 <<- editData(d6, input$x6_cell_edit, 'x6')
# edit a column
observeEvent(input$x7_cell_edit, {
d7 <<- editData(d7, input$x7_cell_edit, 'x7')
# edit all cells
observeEvent(input$x8_cell_edit, {
d8 <<- editData(d8, input$x8_cell_edit, 'x8')
# when the table doesn't contain row names
observeEvent(input$x9_cell_edit, {
d9 <<- editData(d9, input$x9_cell_edit, 'x9', rownames = FALSE)
# edit rows but disable columns 2, 4, 5
observeEvent(input$x10_cell_edit, {
d10 <<- editData(d10, input$x10_cell_edit, 'x10')
На самом деле вместо «cell» у меня есть «row», поэтому целые строки редактируются. Поэтому я хотел проверить, есть ли что-то, что называется input $ iris_row_edit. Пожалуйста, совет