Допустим, у вас есть папка с несколькими файлами Excel:
from pathlib import Path
folder = Path('excel_files')
xlsx_only_files = list(folder.rglob('*.xlsx'))
def process_files(xls_file):
#stem is a method in pathlib
#that gets just the filename without the parent or the suffix
filename = xls_file.stem
#sheet = None ensure the data is read in as a dictionary
#this sets the sheetname as the key
#usecols allows you to read in only the relevant columns
df = pd.read_excel(xls_file, usecols = ['date','value'] ,sheet_name = None)
df_cleaned = [data.assign(sheetname=sheetname,
filename = filename)
for sheetname, data in df.items()
return df_cleaned
combo = [process_files(xlsx) for xlsx in xlsx_only_files]
final = pd.concat(combo, ignore_index = True)
Дайте мне знать, как это происходит