*[2020-01-21 19:26:03.593] [ERROR] fileserver - [RequestID:2032]-Error after returned from scroller
{ Error: [es_rejected_execution_exception] rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.transport.
org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$6@1178a002 on EsThreadPoolExecutor
[search, queue capacity = 500, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsThreadPoolExecutor@2b3a276e
[Running, pool size = 7, active threads = 7, queued tasks = 500, completed tasks = 17993798]]
(and) [es_rejected_execution_exception]
rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$6@32325cb8
org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$6@32325cb8 on EsThreadPoolExecutor
[search, queue capacity = 500, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsThreadPoolExecutor@2b3a276e
[Running, pool size = 7, active threads = 7, queued tasks = 500, completed tasks = 17993798]] (and)
[es_rejected_execution_exception] rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$6@62f726b5 on EsThreadPoolExecutor
[search, queue capacity = 500,*
Я пытался увеличить размер очереди в файле yml, но из-за этого я получил исключение в GUI.