Эй, я провел последние несколько дней, программируя приложение WebRT C в Peer JS. Это простая память, и она прекрасно работает, когда я пытаюсь воспроизвести ее на своем телефоне через 4G (Vodaphone) и на ноутбуке в локальной сети (TMobile). Для этого я настроил свои серверы Turn и Stun следующим образом:
config: {'iceServers': [
{ "urls": 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }, {"urls": 'stun:stun.ideasip.com'},
{ "urls": 'turn:numb.viagenie.ca', "username": 'webrtc@live.com', "credential": 'muazkh', }
I`ve asked a couple friends to play with me. And when one of my friends was using Vodaphone as a provider it worked perfectly well. However when I try to connect to a Laptop that is using TMobile the connecting Process does not work. Tn the Receiver Page the peer.on(connection, ..) Function is triggered but in the sender the conn.on('open', function ()) is not evoked. Where exactly should I start looking for the error ? Is it really possible that two devices both using TMobile don`t work whereas if one device is using TMobile and the other One Vodaphone it works ?
With best Regards