Почему мои гистограммы matplotlib не отображаются в PyCharm из Tweepy? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 27 марта 2020

У меня есть код для Twitter-стримера, который выполняет анализ настроений для твитов, которые go в CSV-файл. Результаты анализа настроений затем наносятся на график ap ie, и я хотел бы также нарисовать их на гистограмме. Я посмотрел пару постов здесь ({ ссылка }) ({ ссылка }) и видео на YouTube о том, как это сделать, и не могу понять, почему это не работает. Я опубликую весь код, чтобы вы могли видеть все, что он делает, но код для диаграмм очень близко к основанию.

Я получаю сообщение об ошибке: «AttributeError: у объекта« SentimentAnalysis »нет атрибута plotHist», но он расположен точно так же, как и диаграмма p ie, и это прекрасно отображает. Может кто-нибудь указать, что я делаю не так, пожалуйста?

import csv
import re
import sys
import tweepy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from textblob import TextBlob
import sqlite3 as lite
# import models.py - was a file with CREATE statement in for SQLite
global db
global cursor

class SentimentAnalysis:

    def __init__(self):
        self.tweets = []  # initialising empty list objects
        self.tweetText = []
        # self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth)

    # Change access details below to point to own application
    def download_data(self):
        # authenticating
        consumerKey = '************'
        consumerSecret = '************'
        accessToken = '************'
        accessTokenSecret = '************'
        auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumerKey, consumerSecret)
        auth.set_access_token(accessToken, accessTokenSecret)
        # api = tweepy.API(auth)
        api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)

        # input for term to be searched and how many tweets to search
        searchTerm = input("Enter Keyword/Tag to search about: ")
        NoOfTerms = int(input("Enter how many tweets to search: "))

        # searching for tweets
        self.tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q=searchTerm, lang="en").items(NoOfTerms)

        # Open/create a file to append data to
        csvFile = open('result.csv', 'a')

        # Use csv writer
        csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)

        # creating variables to store info
        polarity = 0
        positive = 0
        wpositive = 0
        spositive = 0
        negative = 0
        wnegative = 0
        snegative = 0
        neutral = 0

        # iterating through tweets fetched
        for tweet in self.tweets:
            # Append to temp so that we can store in csv later. I use encode UTF-8
            # print (tweet.text.translate(non_bmp_map))    #print tweet's text
            analysis = TextBlob(tweet.text)
            # print(analysis.sentiment)  # print tweet's polarity
            polarity += analysis.sentiment.polarity  # adding up polarities to find the average later

            if analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0:  # adding reaction of how people are reacting to find average later
                neutral += 1
            elif 0 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.3:
                wpositive += 1
            elif 0.3 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0.6:
                positive += 1
            elif 0.6 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 1:
                spositive += 1
            elif -0.3 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= 0:
                wnegative += 1
            elif -0.6 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= -0.3:
                negative += 1
            elif -1 < analysis.sentiment.polarity <= -0.6:
                snegative += 1

        # Write to csv and close csv file
        csvFile.close()  # delete this for the insert SQL code bit

        # Attempt at SQLite code, couldn't get it right
        # con = lite.connect(r"C:\\Users\\Student User\\PycharmProjects\\DataScienceLabs\\tweets.db")
        # cur = con.cursor()
        # cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE tweets(created_at text, id_str text, text text)''')
        # commented out as models.py creates database

        # cur.execute("INSERT INTO tweets(?, ?, ?)", (created_at,
                                                    # id_str,
                                                    # text))

        # con.commit()

        # finding average of how people are reacting
        positive = self.percentage(positive, NoOfTerms)
        wpositive = self.percentage(wpositive, NoOfTerms)
        spositive = self.percentage(spositive, NoOfTerms)
        negative = self.percentage(negative, NoOfTerms)
        wnegative = self.percentage(wnegative, NoOfTerms)
        snegative = self.percentage(snegative, NoOfTerms)
        neutral = self.percentage(neutral, NoOfTerms)

        # finding average reaction
        polarity = polarity / NoOfTerms

        # printing out data
        print("How people are reacting on " + searchTerm + " by analyzing " + str(NoOfTerms) + " tweets.")
        print("General Report: ")

        if polarity == 0:
        elif 0 < polarity <= 0.3:
            print("Weakly Positive")
        elif 0.3 < polarity <= 0.6:
        elif 0.6 < polarity <= 1:
            print("Strongly Positive")
        elif -0.3 < polarity <= 0:
            print("Weakly Negative")
        elif -0.6 < polarity <= -0.3:
        elif -1 < polarity <= -0.6:
            print("Strongly Negative")

        print("Detailed Report: ")
        print(str(positive) + "% people thought it was positive")
        print(str(wpositive) + "% people thought it was weakly positive")
        print(str(spositive) + "% people thought it was strongly positive")
        print(str(negative) + "% people thought it was negative")
        print(str(wnegative) + "% people thought it was weakly negative")
        print(str(snegative) + "% people thought it was strongly negative")
        print(str(neutral) + "% people thought it was neutral")

        self.plotPieChart(positive, wpositive, spositive, negative, wnegative, snegative, neutral, searchTerm,
        self.plotHist(positive, wpositive, spositive, negative, wnegative, snegative, neutral)

    def clean_tweet(self, tweet):
        # Remove links, special characters, etc., from tweet
        return ' '.join(re.sub("(@[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t]) | (\w +:\ / \ / \S +)", " ", tweet).split())

    # function to calculate percentage
    def percentage(self, part, whole):
        temp = 100 * float(part) / float(whole)
        return format(temp, '.2f')

    def plotPieChart(self, positive, wpositive, spositive, negative, wnegative, snegative, neutral, searchTerm, noOfSearchTerms):
        labels = ['Positive [' + str(positive) + '%]', 'Weakly Positive [' + str(wpositive) + '%]','Strongly Positive [' + str(spositive) + '%]', 'Neutral [' + str(neutral) + '%]',
                  'Negative [' + str(negative) + '%]', 'Weakly Negative [' + str(wnegative) + '%]', 'Strongly Negative [' + str(snegative) + '%]']
        sizes = [positive, wpositive, spositive, neutral, negative, wnegative, snegative]
        colors = ['yellowgreen', 'lightgreen', 'darkgreen', 'gold', 'red', 'lightsalmon', 'darkred']
        patches, texts = plt.pie(sizes, colors=colors, startangle=90)
        plt.legend(patches, labels, loc="best")
        plt.title('How people are reacting on ' + searchTerm + ' by analyzing ' + str(noOfSearchTerms) + ' Tweets.')

    def plotHsit(self, positive, wpositive, spositive, negative, wnegative, snegative, neutral):
        sentiments = [positive, wpositive, spositive, negative, wnegative, snegative, neutral]

if __name__== "__main__":
    # db_init()
    sa = SentimentAnalysis()

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 27 марта 2020

Вы звоните:


Определение вашего метода:

def plotHsit(self, ...):

Обратите внимание, что они не совпадают. Следовательно, ошибка в том, что он не знает, что такое plotHist (<-> plotHsit).
