Этот ответ точен по состоянию на декабрь 2015 года.
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Сделайте запрос GET, и вы получите ответ JSON, аналогичный приведенному ниже. Для заголовка он существует в ключе snippet/title
"title":"AIA Malaysia - A-Plus Venus Plan - Comprehensive Female Protection and Insurance Plan",
"description":"A comprehensive female protection plan for the modern women\n\nFor more information visit: http://www.aia.com.my/en/individuals/products-and-services/health/a-plus-venus-a-plus-venus-extra.html\n\nFor more products, visit AIA Malaysia's Products and Services playlist:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSrgVT3aQ1fZ3SCe-dEVnFJDApBYkqolP\n\nFor more videos. subscribe to AIA Malaysia's YouTube channel:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTU5vd37FlTZ-xoB0xzRDA",
"channelTitle":"AIA Malaysia",
"aia malaysia",
"a-plus venus",
"female health insurance",
"female life insurance",
"female insurance",
"female medical insurance"
"title":"AIA Malaysia - A-Plus Venus Plan - Comprehensive Female Protection and Insurance Plan",
"description":"A comprehensive female protection plan for the modern women\n\nFor more information visit: http://www.aia.com.my/en/individuals/products-and-services/health/a-plus-venus-a-plus-venus-extra.html\n\nFor more products, visit AIA Malaysia's Products and Services playlist:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSrgVT3aQ1fZ3SCe-dEVnFJDApBYkqolP\n\nFor more videos. subscribe to AIA Malaysia's YouTube channel:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTU5vd37FlTZ-xoB0xzRDA"
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