A tidyverse
подход может быть следующим:
df1 %>%
#Convert to date
mutate_at(-1, ~as.Date(lubridate::dmy_hm(.))) %>%
#Create a sequence of date from date_in to date_out
mutate(date = purrr::map2(date_in, date_out, seq, by ="1 day")) %>%
#Get list dates in long format
tidyr::unnest(date) %>%
#Count number of id's in each date
# A tibble: 27 x 2
# date n
# <date> <int>
# 1 2019-08-04 2
# 2 2019-08-05 3
# 3 2019-08-06 3
# 4 2019-08-07 3
# 5 2019-08-08 4
# 6 2019-08-09 4
# 7 2019-08-10 4
# 8 2019-08-11 4
# 9 2019-08-12 4
#10 2019-08-13 4
# … with 17 more rows
df1 <- structure(list(id = c(12332, 231231, 123123, 1231231, 123123),
date_in = structure(1:5, .Label = c("04/08/2019 04:00", "04/08/2019 06:00",
"05/08/2019 04:00", "08/08/2019 12:00", "12/08/2019 04:00"
), class = "factor"), date_out = structure(c(3L, 2L, 1L,
4L, 4L), .Label = c("11/08/2019 04:00", "14/08/2019 13:00",
"20/08/2019 04:00", "30/08/2019 04:00"), class = "factor")),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))