Почему мой код запроса базы данных не работает в PHP 7.3? Но он отлично работает в php7 .0.
. Это часть кода, которую я сейчас использую, надеюсь получить вашу помощь
function is_page_activity_all_amount(){
if( ( $cache = get_transient( 'activity_list' ) ) !== false ) return $cache;
$value = '';
global $wpdb;
$all_amount=$wpdb->prepare("select count(*) as total from(
select ID as nid,comment_count as cid,post_author as uid,post_title as title,post_type as ctype,post_date as time from $wpdb->posts where post_type in ('post', 'works', 'downloads', 'book' ,'topic' ,'reply') and post_status='publish'
union all
select comment_ID as nid, comment_post_ID as cid, user_id as uid,comment_content as title,'comment' as ctype,comment_date as time from $wpdb->comments where comment_approved = 1
union all
select id as nid, comment_id as cid, user_id as uid,comment_id as title,'clike' as ctype,date_time as time from ".$wpdb->prefix."ulike_comments where status='like'
union all
select id as nid, post_id as cid,user_id as uid,post_id as title,'plike' as ctype,date_time as time from ".$wpdb->prefix."ulike where status='like'
) as ref left join $wpdb->users as user on user.id=ref.uid where user.id!=0 and user.id<50000 order by time desc");
$quantity = $wpdb->get_results( $all_amount );
$value = $quantity[0]->total;
set_transient( 'activity_list', $value, DAY_IN_SECONDS );
return $value;