Вопрос немного вводит в заблуждение, но:
исходные данные уже являются массивом типа [[String: String]]
, а требуемый результат - массив типа [[String: [String: String]]]
следуйте следующему коду, чтобы попасть туда:
// building the original data
var dic1: [String: String] = [:]
dic1["actual"] = "<null>"
dic1["code"] = "AUTO.US"
dic1["date"] = "2019-12-31"
dic1["difference"] = "<null>"
dic1["estimate"] = "-0.12"
dic1["percent"] = "<null>"
dic1["report_date"] = "2020-03-27"
var dic2: [String: String] = [:]
dic2["actual"] = "<null>"
dic2["code"] = "APTX.US"
dic2["date"] = "2019-12-31"
dic2["difference"] = "<null>"
dic2["estimate"] = "-0.5600000000000001"
dic2["percent"] = "<null>"
dic2["report_date"] = "2020-03-30"
// the array of the original data
let array = [dic1, dic2]
// the interesting function
func sortThemOut() {
var finalArray: [[String: [String: String]]] = []
for dic in array {
// get the `report_date` value from the original dictionary
let reportDate = dic["report_date"] ?? "there was no value for the `report_date`"
// create the new item that should be appended in the new array
var newDic: [String: [String: String]] = [:]
// set the key to the `reportDate`, and the value of that key to the original dictionary
newDic[reportDate] = dic
// append the new dictionary into the final array
Тем не менее, я настоятельно рекомендую вам изменить это, чтобы вместо этого преобразовать исходные данные в словарь типа [String: [String: String]]
, который, как я полагаю, вам действительно нужен Намерение получить:
// the array of the original data
let array = [dic1, dic2]
func sortThemOut() {
var finalDictionary: [String: [String: String]] = [:]
for dic in array {
// get the `report_date` value from the original dictionary
let reportDate = dic["report_date"] ?? "there was no value for the `report_date`"
// set the key to the `reportDate`, and the value of that key to the original dictionary
finalDictionary[reportDate] = dic
, который вы можете использовать следующим образом:
// key will represent the `report_date`, and the value will contain the rest of the object
for (key, value) in finalDictionary {
print("key: " + key)
print("value: \(value)")
// key: 2020-03-27
// value: ["report_date": "2020-03-27", "estimate": "-0.12", "code": "AUTO.US", "difference": "<null>", "date": "2019-12-31", "actual": "<null>", "percent": "<null>"]
// key: 2020-03-30
// value: ["report_date": "2020-03-30", "estimate": "-0.5600000000000001", "date": "2019-12-31", "difference": "<null>", "percent": "<null>", "actual": "<null>", "code": "APTX.US"]
// ["report_date": "2020-03-27", "estimate": "-0.12", "code": "AUTO.US", "difference": "<null>", "date": "2019-12-31", "actual": "<null>", "percent": "<null>"]
На основе пояснений в комментариях ниже, полученный объект будет работать быть словарем типа `[String: [[String: String]]] ', поэтому функция будет иметь вид:
func sortThemOut() {
var finalDictionary: [String: [[String: String]]] = [:]
for dic in array {
// get the `report_date` value from the original dictionary
let reportDate = dic["report_date"] ?? "there was no value for the `report_date`"
// creating an array that will hold the original objects
// try to get the array that was previously inserted (if a previous object with same report_date was inserted before, or assign an new empty array
var objects = finalDictionary[reportDate] ?? []
// append the object into the array
// set the key to the `reportDate`, and the value of that key to the array of original objects
finalDictionary[reportDate] = objects