Я пытаюсь предсказать цены акций, используя python, пытаясь преобразовать набор данных в двумерный массив num для функции 'fit', используя это в качестве ссылки: sklearn Logisti c Регрессия «ValueError: Найден массив с dim 3. Ожидается оценщик <= 2.» </a>
next_day_open_values, nx, ny = next_day_open_values.shape
next_day_open_values = next_day_open_values.reshape((next_day_open_values,nx*ny))
y_normaliser = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
y_normaliser.fit((np.expand_dims( next_day_open_values, -1 )))
Я сталкивался с этой ошибкой:
<ipython-input-42-6ea43c55dc18> in csv_to_dataset(csv_path)
21 next_day_open_values, nx, ny = next_day_open_values.shape
---> 22 next_day_open_values = next_day_open_values.reshape((next_day_open_values,nx*ny))
23 y_normaliser = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
24 y_normaliser.fit((np.expand_dims( next_day_open_values, -1 )))
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'reshape'
Что пошло не так? Как я могу это исправить? Подробные ответы приветствуются.
Код, приведенный на данный момент, приведен ниже (я использую блокнот Jupyter):
import keras
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, LSTM, Input, Activation
from keras import optimizers
import numpy as np
import tensorflow
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import preprocessing
import numpy as np
history_points = 50
def csv_to_dataset(csv_path):
data = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
data = data.drop('Date', axis=1)
data = data.drop(0, axis=0)
data_normaliser = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
data_normalised = data_normaliser.fit_transform(data)
# using the last {history_points} open high low close volume data points, predict the next open value
ohlcv_histories_normalised = np.array([data_normalised[i : i + history_points].copy() for i in range(len(data_normalised) - history_points)])
next_day_open_values_normalised = np.array([data_normalised[:,0][i + history_points].copy() for i in range(len(data_normalised) - history_points)])
next_day_open_values_normalised = np.expand_dims(next_day_open_values_normalised, -1)
next_day_open_values = np.array([data.iloc[:,0][i + history_points].copy() for i in range(len(data) - history_points)])
next_day_open_values = np.expand_dims(next_day_open_values_normalised, axis=-1)
next_day_open_values, nx, ny = next_day_open_values.shape
next_day_open_values = next_day_open_values.reshape((next_day_open_values,nx*ny))
y_normaliser = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
y_normaliser.fit((np.expand_dims( next_day_open_values, -1 )))
assert ohlcv_histories_normalised.shape[0] == next_day_open_values_normalised.shape[0]
return ohlcv_histories_normalised, next_day_open_values_normalised, next_day_open_values, y_normaliser
hlcv_histories, next_day_open_values, unscaled_y, y_normaliser = csv_to_dataset('AMZN1.csv')
test_split = 0.9 # the percent of data to be used for testing
n = int(ohlcv_histories.shape[0] * test_split)
# splitting the dataset up into train and test sets
ohlcv_train = ohlcv_histories[:n]
y_train = next_day_open_values[:n]
ohlcv_test = ohlcv_histories[n:]
y_test = next_day_open_values[n:]
unscaled_y_test = unscaled_y[n:]
Не стесняйтесь исправлять / редактировать это.