Вы можете использовать union all
и агрегирование с некоторыми оконными функциями:
with table1 as (
select 1 as id, date('2019-04-23') as start_date union all
select 1, '2019-06-05' union all
select 1, '2019-06-05' union all
select 1, '2019-10-29' union all
select 1, '2019-12-16' union all
select 2, '2019-01-05' union all
select 3, '2020-02-01'
table2 as (
SELECT 1 as id, DATE('2019-04-23') as end_date union all
SELECT 1, '2019-06-05' union all
select 1, '2019-06-06' union all
select 1, '2019-06-06' union all
select 1, '2019-07-24' union all
select 1, '2019-10-16' union all
select 2, '2020-01-04'
select id, min(start_date), end_date
from (select id, start_date,
first_value(end_date ignore nulls) over (partition by id order by DATE_DIFF(coalesce(start_date, end_date), CURRENT_DATE, day) RANGE between 1 following and unbounded following) as end_date
from ((select id, start_date, null as end_date
from table1
) union all
(select id, null as start_date, end_date
from table2
) se
group by id, end_date
having min(start_date) is not null;