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# count freq of words
words_as_tokens <- setNames(lapply(sapply(dat$description,
stopwords = stopwords(language = "en", source = "smart")),
function(x) as.data.frame(sort(table(x), TRUE), stringsAsFactors = F)), dat$name)
# tidyverse's job
df <- words_as_tokens %>%
bind_rows(, .id = "name") %>%
rename(word = x)
# output
# name word Freq
# 1 John experience 2
# 2 John word 2
# 3 John absolutely 1
# 4 John action 1
# 5 John amazon 1
# 6 John amazon.ae 1
# 7 John answering 1
# ....
# 42 Alex break 2
# 43 Alex nice 2
# 44 Alex times 2
# 45 Alex 8 1
# 46 Alex accent 1
# 47 Alex africa 1
# 48 Alex agents 1
# ....
dat <- data.frame(name = c("John", "Alex"),
description = c("Unprecedented. The perfect word to describe Amazon. In every positive sense of that word! All because of one man - Jeff Bezos. What an entrepreneur! What a vision! This is from personal experience. Let me explain. I had given up all hope, after a horrible experience with Amazon.ae (formerly Souq.com) - due to a Herculean effort to get an order cancelled and the subsequent refund issued. I have never faced such a feedback-resistant team in my life! They were robotically answering my calls and sending me monotonous, unhelpful emails, followed by absolutely zero action!",
"Not only does Amazon have great products but their Customer Service for the most part is wonderful. Although most times you are outsourced to a different country, I personally have found that when I call it's either South Africa or Philippines and they speak so well, understand me and my NY accent and are quite nice. Let’s face it. Most times you are calling CS with a problem or issue. These agents have to listen to 8 hours of complaints so they themselves need a break. No matter how annoyed I am I try to be on my best behavior and as nice as can be because they too need a break with how nasty we as a society can be."), stringsAsFactors = F)