В итоге я написал свой собственный.
* Takes a Date object and returns a string in the format
* "X UNITS ago" where X is a number and UNITS is a unit of
* time. Also has some other strings like "yesterday".
* @author Mims Wright (with thanks to John Resig)
* @param date The date to convert to a past string.
* @param now Optional time to compare against. Default will be the present.
public function getTimeElapsedString(date:Date, now:Date = null):String {
const SEC_PER_MINUTE:int = 60;
const SEC_PER_HOUR:int = SEC_PER_MINUTE * 60;
const SEC_PER_DAY:int = SEC_PER_HOUR * 24;
const SEC_PER_WEEK:int = SEC_PER_DAY * 7;
const SEC_PER_MONTH:int = SEC_PER_DAY * 30;
const SEC_PER_YEAR:int = SEC_PER_MONTH * 12;
// if now isn't defined, make it a new Date object (the present)
if (!now) { now = new Date(); }
// don't use secondsElapsed here because the values are
// huge so they use uints and are never negative
if (now.time < date.time) { return "in the future"; }
// get the difference in seconds between the two values.
var secondsElapsed:uint = Math.floor((now.time - date.time) / 1000);
// seconds
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_MINUTE) { return "just now"; }
// minutes
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_HOUR) {
var minutes:int = int(secondsElapsed / SEC_PER_MINUTE);
return formatAgoString(minutes, "minute");
// hours
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_DAY) {
var hours:int = int(secondsElapsed / SEC_PER_HOUR);
return formatAgoString(hours, "hour");
// days
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_WEEK) {
var days:int = int(secondsElapsed / SEC_PER_DAY);
if (days == 1) { return "yesterday"; }
return formatAgoString(days, "day");
// weeks
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_MONTH) {
var weeks:int = int(secondsElapsed / SEC_PER_WEEK);
return formatAgoString(weeks, "week");
// months
if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_YEAR) {
var months:int = int(secondsElapsed / SEC_PER_MONTH);
return formatAgoString(months, "month");
// years
return "more than a year ago";
// Returns a string in the format "count unit(s) ago"
function formatAgoString(count:int, unit:String):String {
return count + " " + unit + (count > 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";