Я создал этот код для добавления прямоугольника под вашу группу:
Sub SubAddFrame(ObjGroup As Object)
Dim ObjRectangle As Object
Dim DblPlus As Double
Dim StrRectangleName As String
Dim WrsWorksheet As Worksheet
'Checking if ObjGroup exist.
If ObjGroup Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Group named " & ObjGroup.Name & " not found. The frame will not be added/edited.", vbCritical, "SubAddFrame - Error"
Exit Sub
End If
'Setting variables.
StrRectangleName = "ShpFrameFromSubroutine"
DblPlus = 6
Set WrsWorksheet = ObjGroup.Parent
'Checking if a previous ObjRecangle has been created with this macro.
On Error Resume Next
If WrsWorksheet.Shapes(StrRectangleName) Is Nothing Then
Set ObjRectangle = WrsWorksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 0, 0, 72, 72)
Set ObjRectangle = WrsWorksheet.Shapes(StrRectangleName)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Focusing ObjRectangle.
With ObjRectangle
'Filling it with grid.
With .Fill
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorBackground1
.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
.ForeColor.Brightness = -0.25
.Patterned msoPatternDottedGrid
End With
'Setting the line.
With .Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.Weight = 2
End With
'Placing it over the ObjGroup.
.Height = ObjGroup.Height + DblPlus * 2
.Width = ObjGroup.Width + DblPlus * 2
.Left = ObjGroup.Left - DblPlus
.Top = ObjGroup.Top - DblPlus
'Setting its name.
.Name = StrRectangleName
'Pushing it back.
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End Sub
Он может быть вызван из другой подпрограммы. Вот пример, разработанный в соответствии с вашими дальнейшими инструкциями:
Sub AnyOfYourSub()
'[You can place more of your code here]
'Deleting "FrameFromSubroutine" (if it exists already).
On Error Resume Next
'Ungrouping any object (if any grouped).
On Error GoTo 0
Call SubAddFrame(shDesignFormat.DrawingObjects.group)
'[You can place more of your code here]
End Sub