Вот решение с сильными комментариями:
def backtrack(i,j):
# if matrix[i][j] is visited, then do nothing
# if it is a wall, then do not insert it in the path from the first place
if visit[i][j] != 0 or matrix[i][j] == 'X':
# mark the index as visited as to not visit it again
visit[i][j] = 1
# add the index to the path
# if it is the GOAL, then store this path somewhere,
# and pop the last index to traverse other paths that reaches the GOAL
if matrix[i][j] == 'G':
# any paths that reach the GOAL are appended here
# loop on the neighbors. if they are valid indices, do the same work again
for k in range(3):
nwi = i + row[k]
nwj = j + col[k]
if valid(nwi, nwj):
backtrack(nwi, nwj)
# after finishing this index, just pop because we do not need it any more
def valid(i,j):
return (i >= 0 and i <=2) and (j >= 0 and j <= 2)
# just a dummy matrix to start with
matrix = [['.', '.', '.'], ['.', 'X', '.'], ['.', 'G', 'X']]
# an array that marks indices as visited or not
visit = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
# the path that is used in the back tracking
path = []
# this will be a list of lists containing ALL the paths that can reach the GOAL
ans = []
# these are the neighbors indices
row = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
col = [0, 0, 1, -1]
if len(ans) == 0:
print("no path found!")
Мое решение предоставит вам все пути, которые могут достичь вашей цели, в списке списков под названием ans . Если длина ans равна нулю, пути не найдены.
Если вы не поняли комментарии, написанные в коде, или каким-либо образом запутались, не стесняйтесь комментировать, и я отвечу.
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