Я пытаюсь создать функцию, которая возвращает словарь python с различными результатами, полученными при моделировании, но она всегда возвращает только последнее вычисленное значение в словаре, но когда я запускаю код вне функции, она возвращает все значения в словаре. Я хотел бы знать, как вернуть в словарь все вычисленные значения.
def calcular_pr(datos_meses,datos_final,groupsY,number_of_simulations):
datos_final : DataFrame
Example of input data of datos_final
Date Datos
1/1/1962 54
1/2/1962 20
1/3/1962 0
1/4/1962 0
1/5/1962 0
1/6/1962 0
1/7/1962 2
1/8/1962 0
1/9/1962 0
1/10/1962 0
1/11/1962 0
1/12/1962 5
1/13/1962 0
1/14/1962 0
1/15/1962 49
datos_meses : DataFrame
Example of input data of datos_meses
Date Datos
1/31/1962 138
2/28/1962 174
3/31/1962 149
4/30/1962 320
groupsY : DataFrame
Example of input data of groupsY
Date Datos year
12/31/1962 365 1962
12/31/1963 365 1963
12/31/1964 366 1964
number_of_simulations : int
Amount of simulations to do
dict_Simulaciones : Dictionary of DataFrames
dict_datos_meses_Gen : Dictionary of DataFrames
dict_mean_gen : Dictionary of Numpy array
#Creates the dictionaries
dict_Simulaciones = {}
dict_datos_meses_Gen = {}
dict_mean_gen = {}
for p in range(0,number_of_simulations):
#Creates the array for the calculations
preciCalc = np.array([])
for i in groupsY['year']:
#month_to_day is another function
preciCalc = np.append([[preciCalc]],[[month_to_day(datos_meses.loc[( datos_meses.index.year==i)],i, datos_final)]])
#Resets the index
#From numpy array to pandas dataframe
preciCalc = pd.DataFrame(data=preciCalc.flatten(), columns = ['Datos'])
#Use same index for the dates
preciCalc.index = datos_final.index
#Copy the column date from the original data
preciCalc[['Date']] = datos_final[['Date']]
#Set Index Date
preciCalc.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
#Set Index Date
datos_final.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
preciCalc example results are as shown below
Date Datos
1/1/1962 45.55210047
1/2/1962 11.11451802
1/3/1962 3.735904344
1/4/1962 11.29685609
1/5/1962 8.290304
1/6/1962 5.283751914
1/7/1962 2.436745634
1/8/1962 1.275859957
1/9/1962 2.299992086
1/10/1962 4.147684473
1/11/1962 8.652954151
1/12/1962 2.915383054
1/13/1962 2.026484989
1/14/1962 0.728845763
1/15/1962 0.47243286
# Sum of the complete months
downsample = preciCalc.resample('M').sum()
#Reset index
#Generate the list accumulator
datos_meses_Gen = []
#for loop that loops over the years with complete days of data
for k in groupsY['year']:
#for loop to loop over the index in the df datos
for j in range(len(downsample)):
#if to compare if the years with data complete is in the df datos
if k == downsample.Date[j].year:
#use the list accumulator when the if statement is true
datos_meses_Gen.append([downsample.Date[j], downsample.Datos[j]])
#Convert the list into a dataframe
datos_meses_Gen = pd.DataFrame(datos_meses_Gen, columns = ['Date','Datos'])
#Puts the datetime index
datos_meses_Gen.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
dict_Simulaciones[p] = preciCalc
dict_datos_meses_Gen[p] = datos_meses_Gen
# mean of Generated data
meanGen = np.array([])
#Calculate the statistics
for a in range(1,13):
meanGen = np.append([[meanGen]],[[np.mean(dict_datos_meses_Gen[p].loc[(dict_datos_meses_Gen[p].index.month==a)])]])
dict_mean_gen[p] = meanGen
return (dict_Simulaciones, dict_mean_gen)
Это результат, который я хочу получить
Это то, что я получаю с моим текущим кодом