Я написал скрипт diff для файлов рабочей среды, который может быть интегрирован с TortoiseSVN и TortoiseGit, который будет в точности выполнять то, что предлагает Джим Льюис: извлекать фактический XML из архива и распространять его.
Скрипт также устранит все ptr -Итрибут шума в diff. Объединение невозможно и будет немного сложнее (узнайте, как поведут себя атрибуты ptr , перепакуйте XML в архив, что с другими метаданными в архиве ?, ...)
Скрипт Python доступен на pastebin под CC-BY 3.0:
# extensions: mwb
# TortoiseSVN Diff script for MySQL Workbench scheme files
# 2012 by Oliver Iking, Z-Software GmbH, oliverikingREPLACETHISWITHANATz-software.net, http://www.z-software.net/
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
# Will produce two diffable documents, which don't resemble the FULL MWB content, but the scheme relevant data.
# Merging is not possible
# Open your TortoiseSVN (or TortoiseSomething) settings, go to the "Diff Viewer" tab and click on "Advanced". Add
# a row with the extension ".mwb" and a command line of
# "path\to\python.exe" "path\to\diff-mwb.py" %base %mine
# Apply changes and now you can diff mysql workbench scheme files
import sys
import zipfile
import os
import time
import tempfile
import re
# mysql workbench XML will have _ptr_ attributes which are modified on each save for almost each XML node. Remove the visual litter,
# make actual changes stand out.
def sanitizeMwbXml( xml ):
return re.sub('_ptr_="([0-9a-fA-F]{8})"', '', xml)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Not enough parameters, cannot diff documents!")
docOld = sys.argv[1]
docNew = sys.argv[2]
if not os.path.exists(docOld) or not os.path.exists(docNew):
print("Documents don't exist, cannot diff!")
# Workbench files are actually zip archives
zipA = zipfile.ZipFile( docOld, 'r' )
zipB = zipfile.ZipFile( docNew, 'r' )
tempSubpath = os.tempnam(None,"mwbcompare")
docA = os.path.join( tempSubpath, "mine.document.mwb.xml" )
docB = os.path.join( tempSubpath, "theirs.document.mwb.xml" )
os.makedirs( tempSubpath )
if os.path.exists(docA) or os.path.exists(docB):
print("Cannot extract documents, files exist!")
# Read, sanitize and write actual scheme XML contents to temporary files
docABytes = sanitizeMwbXml(zipA.read("document.mwb.xml" ))
docBBytes = sanitizeMwbXml(zipB.read("document.mwb.xml" ))
docAFile = open(docA, "w")
docBFile = open(docB, "w")
os.system("TortoiseProc /command:diff /path:\"" + docA + "\" /path2:\"" + docB + "\"");
# TortoiseProc will spawn a subprocess so we can't delete the files. They're in the tempdir, so they
# will be cleaned up eventually
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
# Sleep, or the command window will close