Так что в настоящее время у меня возникли проблемы с разработкой того, как создать функцию «считать» в моей игре «Камень, ножницы, бумага». Я новичок в Python, и это мой первый опыт использования нескольких функций для выполнения игровой логики c. Вот мой код ...
import random
from random import choice
cpu_score = 0
player_score = 0
# dictionary from which gestures are pulled
gestures = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
n_rounds = int(input("How many rounds would you like to play? "))
while n_rounds % 2 == 0 or n_rounds <= -1:
print("Number of rounds must be an odd number! Select an odd number!")
n_rounds = input("How many rounds?")
print("Lets play",n_rounds,"rounds!")
rounds_to_win = ((n_rounds + 1)//2)
rounds_to_win = round(rounds_to_win)
print("You must win",rounds_to_win,"rounds to beat the game!")
def computer_choice():
"""Movement made by the computer"""
comp = random.choice(gestures)
return comp
def player_gesture():
"""Movement by player"""
player = input("Please select, rock, paper or scissors")
if player not in gestures:
print("That's not an option! Please try again.")
player = input("Please select, rock, paper or scissors")
return player
def who_won_round(comp, player):
'''Who is the winner of the round.'''
winner = 0
if ((player == "rock") and (comp == "paper")) or \
((player == "paper") and (comp == "scissors")) or \
((player == "scissors") and (comp == "rock")):
winner = 1
elif ((comp == "rock") and (player == "paper")) or \
((comp == "paper") and (player == "scissors")) or \
((comp == "scissors") and (player == "rock")):
winner = 2
winner = 0
return winner
def win_counter(winner, cpu_score,player_score):
rounds = 1
if winner == 1:
player_score += 1
print("This is round",rounds)
rounds += 1
return player_score
if winner == 2:
cpu_score += 1
print("This is round",rounds)
rounds += 1
return cpu_score
def count_round(winner, player, comp, cpu_score, player_score):
if winner == 0:
print("It's a tie!")
elif winner == 1:
print("The player chose",player)
print("The computer chose",comp)
print("The computer won the round!")
print("The computer has won",cpu_score,"rounds!")
elif winner == 2:
print("The player chose",player)
print("The computer chose",comp)
print("The player won the round!")
print("The player has won",player_score,"rounds!")
def game_structure():
while rounds_to_win < n_rounds:
comp = computer_choice()
player = player_gesture()
winner = who_won_round(comp,player)
win_count = win_counter(winner, cpu_score,player_score)
count = count_round(winner, player, comp, cpu_score, player_score)
В основном у меня возникают проблемы с возвратом переменных, чтобы вести подсчет баллов за "количество раундов" и "cpu_score" и "player_score". Я предпочитаю не объявлять глобальные переменные, так как я понимаю, что они могут быть грязными, но я не совсем уверен, как этого избежать.