Использование маркера аутентификации с истекшим сроком действия не позволит вам пройти аутентификацию с помощью Firebase. Поэтому сначала вы должны получить токен fre sh ID.
Если GoogleSignInAccount
, сохраненный на вашем устройстве, поддерживает его (у вас есть сохраненный refre sh токен), вы сможете использовать silentSignIn()
чтобы получить токен fre sh ID, который вы затем можете передать в Firebase.
Нижеприведенный поток грубо исключен из Javascript. Ожидайте опечаток и ошибок, но это должно указать вам (или кому-то еще) в правильном направлении.
public void deleteCurrentFirebaseUser() {
final FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser();
if (user == null) {
// TODO: Throw error or show message to user
// STEP 1: Get a new ID token (using cached user info)
Task<GoogleSignInAccount> task = mGoogleSignInClient.silentSignIn();
.continueWithTask(Continuation<GoogleSignInAccount, Task<AuthResult>>() {
public void then(Task<GoogleSignInAccount> silentSignInTask) {
GoogleSignInAccount acct = silentSignInTask.getResult();
// STEP 2: Use the new token to reauthenticate with Firebase
AuthCredential credential = GoogleAuthProvider.getCredential(acct.getIdToken(), null);
return mAuth.reauthenticate(credential);
.continueWithTask(Continuation<AuthResult, Task<Void>>() {
public void then(Task<AuthResult> firebaseSignInTask) {
AuthResult result = firebaseSignInTask.getResult();
// STEP 3: If successful, delete the user
FirebaseUser user = result.getUser();
return user.delete();
.addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> deleteUserTask) {
// STEP 4: Handle success/errors
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// User was successfully deleted
Log.d(TAG, "deleteCurrentFirebaseUser:success");
// TODO: Go to sign-in screen
} else {
// User was not deleted
// Google sign in, Firebase sign in or Firebase delete user operation failed.
Log.w(TAG, "deleteCurrentFirebaseUser:failure", task.getException());
Snackbar.make(mBinding.mainLayout, "Failed to delete user.", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
final Exception taskEx = task.getException();
if (taskEx instanceof ApiException) {
ApiException apiEx = (ApiException) taskEx;
int googleSignInStatusCode = apiEx.getStatusCode();
// TODO: Handle Google sign-in exception based on googleSignInStatusCode
// e.g. GoogleSignInStatusCodes.SIGN_IN_REQUIRED means the user needs to do something to allow background sign-in.
} else if (taskEx instanceof FirebaseAuthException) {
// One of:
// - FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException (disabled/deleted user)
// - FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException (token revoked/stale)
// - FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException (user already exists? - likely that Google Sign In wasn't originally used to create the matching account)
// - FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException (need to reauthenticate user - shouldn't occur with this flow)
FirebaseAuthException firebaseAuthEx = (FirebaseAuthException) taskEx;
String errorCode = firebaseAuthEx.getErrorCode(); // contains the reason for the exception
String message = firebaseAuthEx.getMessage();
// TODO: Handle Firebase Auth exception based on errorCode or more instanceof checks
} else {
// TODO: Handle unexpected exception
Альтернативой вышеупомянутому было бы использование Функция вызываемого облака , которая использует функция удаления пользователя Admin SDK, как прокомментировано @ example . Вот базовая реализация этого (без какого-либо шага подтверждения):
exports.deleteMe = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
if (!context.auth) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called while authenticated.');
const uid = context.auth.uid;
return admin.auth().deleteUser(uid)
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deleted user');
return 'Success!';
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error deleting user: ', error);
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'Failed to delete user.', error.code);
, который будет вызываться с использованием:
.continueWith(new Continuation<HttpsCallableResult, Void>() {
public void then(@NonNull Task<HttpsCallableResult> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// deleted user!
} else {
// failed!
Если вы используете подход облачных функций, я настоятельно рекомендую отправить подтверждение удаления на связанный адрес электронной почты пользователя перед удалением его учетной записи, просто чтобы убедиться, что это не плохой актер. Вот черновик того, что вам нужно для этого:
exports.deleteMe = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
if (!context.auth) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called while authenticated.');
const uid = context.auth.uid;
return getEmailsForUser(context.auth)
.then(userEmails => {
if (data.email) { // if an email was provided, use that
if (!userEmails.all.includes(data.email)) { // throw an error if the provided email isn't linked to this user
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'User is not linked to provided email.');
return sendAccountDeletionConfirmationEmail(uid, data.email);
} else if (userEmails.primary) { // if available, send confirmation to primary email
return sendAccountDeletionConfirmationEmail(uid, userEmails.primary);
} else if (userEmails.token) { // if not present, try the authentication token's email
return sendAccountDeletionConfirmationEmail(uid, userEmails.token);
} else if (userEmails.all.length == 1) { // if not present but the user has only one linked email, try that
// if not present, send confirmation to the authentication token's email
return sendAccountDeletionConfirmationEmail(uid, userEmails.all[0]);
} else {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal', 'User has multiple emails linked to their account. Please provide an email to use.');
.then(destEmail => {
return {message: 'Email was sent successfully!', email: email}
exports.confirmDelete = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const uid = request.params.uid;
const token = request.params.token;
const nextPath = request.params.next;
if (!uid) {
res.status(400).json({error: 'Missing uid parameter'});
if (!token) {
res.status(400).json({error: 'Missing token parameter'});
return validateToken(uid, token)
.then(() => admin.auth().deleteUser(uid))
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deleted user');
res.redirect('https://your-app.firebaseapp.com' + (nextPath ? decodeURIComponent(nextPath) : ''));
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error deleting user: ', error);
res.json({error: 'Failed to delete user'});
function getEmailsForUser(auth) {
return admin.auth().getUser(auth.uid)
.then(record => {
// used to create array of unique emails
const linkedEmailsMap = {};
record.providerData.forEach(provider => {
if (provider.email) {
linkedEmailsMap[provider.email] = true;
return {
primary: record.email,
token: auth.token.email || undefined,
all: Object.keys(linkedEmailsMap);
function sendAccountDeletionConfirmationEmail(uid, destEmail) {
const token = 'oauhdfaskljfnasoildfma'; // TODO: Create URL SAFE token generation logic
// 'confirmation-tokens' should have the rules: { ".read": false, ".write": false }
return admin.database().ref('confirmation-tokens/'+uid).set(token)
.then(() => {
// place uid and token in URL, and redirect to "/" when finished (next=%2F).
const url = `https://your-app.firebaseapp.com/api/confirmDelete?uid=${uid}&${token}&next=%2F`;
const emailBody = 'Please click <a href="' + url + '">here</a> to confirm account deletion.<br/><br/>Or you can copy "'+url+'" to your browser manually.';
return sendEmail(destEmail, emailBody); // TODO: Create sendEmail
.then(() => destEmail);
function validateToken(uid, token) {
return admin.database().ref('confirmation-tokens/'+uid).once('value')
.then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.val() !== token) {
throw new Error('Token mismatch!');