Неверный указатель буфера кода MPI Fortran - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 29 марта 2020

Я получил мой параллельный код (conductivityMAINp.f90 и conductivityCALp.f90) и обновил их ниже. Могу я задать еще несколько вопросов?

  1. Я обнаружил, что результаты моих последовательных и параллельных кодов дают почти одинаковое значение, но десятичная часть значения отличается. Я вставляю один из результатов теста ниже. Считаете ли вы, что эта разница между десятичной частью нормальна или все еще может быть что-то не так с кодом? Считаете ли вы, что результаты последовательного и параллельного кода должны быть абсолютно одинаковыми или нет?

последовательная версия (-50979.1014624820, -8.548064305026142E-013) параллельная версия (-50979.0937138954, -6.321723719222822E- 013)

Я также сравнил файлы, сгенерированные последовательными и параллельными. Я считаю, что некоторые файлы имеют разный размер; как эти файлы ниже.

серийная версия par.dat 26600 con.dat 3730147

параллельная версия par.dat 266 con.dat 37623

Я понимаю, что разные процессы вводят эти файлы и записывают в них данные отдельно, поэтому данные в этих файлах стирались и перезаписывались различными процессами. Именно поэтому данные в этих файлах от последовательных и параллельных отличаются друг от друга. Считаете ли вы, что есть способ сохранить данные всех процессов в одном файле?

Не могли бы вы порекомендовать мне некоторые учебники по навыкам MPI? Я хочу лучше понять распараллеливание.

Исходный код conductivityMAINp.f90

    PROGRAM MAIN        
    USE MPI        
    USE CAL        
    IMPLICIT NONE        
    !Variables for setting up the parameters in INPUT.dat file
    CHARACTER (LEN=50)            :: na(2)                !Array to store the names of Hamiltonian files from wannier90
    INTEGER                       :: km(2)                !k point mesh
    INTEGER                       :: vd                   !Velocity direction of the Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: fermi                !Fermi energy value
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: bv                   !Broadening value
    !Variables for parameters in '.wout' file
    INTEGER                       :: sta                  !Status of files
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: rea_c(3,3)           !Lattice constant of unit cell in real space
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: rec_c(3,3)           !Vectors of unit cell in the reciprocal space
    !Variables for parameters in Hamiltonian ('_hr.dat') file from wannier90
    INTEGER                       :: nu_wa                !Number of wannier function
    INTEGER                       :: nu_nr                !Number of Wigner-Seitz grid point
    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE          :: nd(:)                !Degeneracy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: hr(:,:)              !Array to store the Hamitlonian matrix information in '_hr.dat' file
    !Internal variables
    INTEGER                       :: i, j, k, l, n        !Integer for loop
    CHARACTER (LEN=100)           :: str                  !String for transitting data
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: tr(3)                !Array for transitting data
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: kp(:,:)              !Array to store the Cartesian coordinate of k-point mesh
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: ka(:,:,:)            !Array to store the Cartesian coordiantes of all k points
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tb(:,:)              !Array to store the extracted tight binding Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: ec(:,:)              !Array to store the Eigen vector matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: ev(:,:)              !Array to store the Eigen value on single k point
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: vh(:,:)              !Array to store the velocity of Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: dk(2)                !Array to store the Delta kx and ky
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: sc                   !Sum of conductivity on all km(1) k points
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: ct_all(:)            !Array of ct
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: ct                   !Sum of conductivity on all k points
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: ct_total             !Sum of conductivity
    !Parameters for timer
    INTEGER                       :: cr, t00, t0, t       !Timer variables
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: ra                   !Timer rate        
    !Parameters for MPI
    INTEGER                       :: world_size           !MPI
    INTEGER                       :: world_rank, ierr     !MPI
    INTEGER                       :: irank, j0            !MPI
    !Initializing MPI
    CALL MPI_Init(ierr)
    CALL MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, world_size, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, world_rank, ierr)
    !Initializing timer
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       CALL system_clock(count_rate=cr)
       ra = REAL(cr)
    END IF
    !Starting timer for reading and broadcasting all input parameters
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       CALL system_clock(t00)
       CALL system_clock(t0)
    END IF
    !Reading the parameters in the INPUT.dat file
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       !Opening INPUT.dat file
       OPEN (UNIT=3, FILE='INPUT.dat', STATUS='OLD')
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT='(a)') na(1)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT='(a)') na(2)
       DO i = 1, 8, 1
          READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       END DO
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*) km
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*) vd
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*) fermi
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=3, FMT=*) bv
       !Closing INPUT.dat file
    !Opening files with magnetization along z axis

    END IF
    !Broadcasting parameters from rank 0 to all other ranks
    CALL MPI_Bcast(na, 50*2, MPI_char, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(km, 2, MPI_int, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(vd, 1, MPI_int, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(fermi, 1, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(bv, 1, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    !Allocating array to store Cartesian coordinates of all k points
    ALLOCATE (ka(km(2),km(1),3))
    !Insitialising the array to store Carteisan coordiantes of all k points
    ka = 0.0d0
    !Reading the '.wout' file, generating coordiantes of all k points and computing delta kx and ky
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN

       !Reading Lattice constant in real space
       DO WHILE (sta .EQ. 0)
                READ (UNIT=4, FMT='(a)', IOSTAT=sta) str
                IF (TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) .EQ. 'Lattice Vectors (Ang)') THEN
                   DO i = 1, 3, 1
                      READ (UNIT=4, FMT='(a)', IOSTAT=sta) str
                      str = ADJUSTL(str)
                      READ (UNIT=str(4:), FMT=*) rea_c(i,:)
                   END DO
                END IF
       END DO
       !Reading Vectors of unit cell in the reciprocal space
       DO WHILE (sta .EQ. 0)
                READ (UNIT=4, FMT='(a)', IOSTAT=sta) str
                IF (TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) .EQ. 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1)') THEN
                   DO i = 1, 3, 1
                      READ (UNIT=4, FMT='(a)', IOSTAT=sta) str
                      str = ADJUSTL(str)
                      READ (UNIT=str(4:), FMT=*) rec_c(i,:)
                   END DO
                END IF
       END DO
       !Closing the output file with magnetization along z axis
       CLOSE (UNIT=4)
       !Generating the Cartesian coordinates for Monkhorst k-point mesh
       OPEN (UNIT=5, FILE='k_cartesian.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN')        
       WRITE (UNIT=5, FMT='(I10)') km(1) * km(2)
       DO i = 1, km(2), 1
          DO j = 1, km(1), 1
             tr(1) = 0.0d0 + 1.0d0 / DBLE(km(1)) * DBLE(j - 1)
             tr(2) = 0.0d0 + 1.0d0 / DBLE(km(2)) * DBLE(i - 1)
             tr(3) = 0.0d0
             ka(i,j,1) = tr(1) * rec_c(1,1) + tr(2) * rec_c(2,1) +&
                         tr(3) * rec_c(3,1)
             ka(i,j,2) = tr(1) * rec_c(1,2) + tr(2) * rec_c(2,2) +&
                         tr(3) * rec_c(3,2)
             ka(i,j,3) = tr(1) * rec_c(1,3) + tr(2) * rec_c(2,3) +&
                         tr(3) * rec_c(3,3)
             WRITE (UNIT=5, FMT='(F15.8,3X,F15.8,3X,F15.8)') ka(i,j,1:3)
          END DO
       END DO

       CLOSE (UNIT=5)
       !Computing Delta kx and ky
       dk(1) = DSQRT(rec_c(1,1) ** 2 + rec_c(1,2) ** 2 + rec_c(1,3) ** 2) / DBLE(km(1))
       dk(2) = DSQRT(rec_c(2,1) ** 2 + rec_c(2,2) ** 2 + rec_c(2,3) ** 2) / DBLE(km(2))
    END IF
    !Broadcasting lattice constants in both real and reciprocal spaces, the Cartesian coordiantes of all k points and
    !delta kx and ky from rank 0 to all ranks
    CALL MPI_Bcast(rea_c, 3*3, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(rec_c, 3*3, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(ka, km(2)*km(1)*3, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(dk, 2, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    !Stopping timer for reading and broadcasting all input parameters
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       CALL system_clock(t)
       WRITE (*,'(A,F10.3)') "Time for INIT   (seconds):", (t - t0) / ra
    END IF
    !Starting timer for computing conductivity
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       CALL system_clock(t0)
    END IF
    !Reading number of wannier function
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*)
       READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) nu_wa
       !Reading number of Wigner-Seitz grind point in Hamiltonian file
       READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) nu_nr
    END IF
    !Broadcasting number of wannier function and the degenerancy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point from rank 0 to all other ranks
    CALL MPI_Bcast(nu_wa, 1, MPI_int, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(nu_nr, 1, MPI_int, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    !Allocating the array to store the degeneracy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point
    ALLOCATE (nd(nu_nr))
    !Allocating array to store k point, Hamiltonian matrix, eigen vector matrix and eigen value
    !Allocating the array to store the Cartesian coordinates of k-point mesh
    ALLOCATE (kp(km(1),3))
    !Allocating the array to store the extracted tight binding Hamiltonian matrix
    ALLOCATE (tb(nu_wa*km(1),nu_wa))
    !Allocating the array to store the tight binding Eigen vector matrix
    ALLOCATE (ec(nu_wa*km(1),nu_wa))
    !Allocating the array to store the tight binding Eigen value
    ALLOCATE (ev(km(1),nu_wa))
    !Allocating array to store the velocity of Hamiltonian matrix
    ALLOCATE (vh(nu_wa*km(1),nu_wa*2))
    !Allocating the array to store Hamiltonian matrix information in '_hr.dat' file from wannier90
    ALLOCATE (hr(nu_wa**2*nu_nr,7))
    !Reading relevant information in Hamiltonian matrix
    !Reading the degeneracy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       IF (MOD(nu_nr, 15) .EQ. 0) THEN
          DO i = 1, nu_nr / 15, 1
             READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) nd(1+(i-1)*15:i*15)
          END DO
          DO i = 1, nu_nr / 15, 1
             READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) nd(1+(i-1)*15:15+i*15)
          END DO
          READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) nd(1+(nu_nr/15)*15:nu_nr)
       END IF
       !Reading the Hamiltonian matrix information in '_hr.dat' file
       DO i = 1, nu_wa**2*nu_nr, 1
          READ (UNIT=6, FMT=*) hr(i,:)
       END DO        
       !Converting the unit number into coordinate for R in exponent term of phase factor in
       !tight binding Hamiltonian matrix for magnetic moment along z axis case
       DO i = 1, nu_wa**2*nu_nr, 1
          tr(1) = hr(i,1) * rea_c(1,1) + hr(i,2) * rea_c(2,1) + hr(i,3) * rea_c(3,1)
          tr(2) = hr(i,1) * rea_c(1,2) + hr(i,2) * rea_c(2,2) + hr(i,3) * rea_c(3,2)
          tr(3) = hr(i,1) * rea_c(1,3) + hr(i,2) * rea_c(2,3) + hr(i,3) * rea_c(3,3)
          hr(i,1:3) = tr
       END DO
    END IF        
    !Broadcasting Hamiltonian from rank 0 to all other ranks
    CALL MPI_Bcast(nd, nu_nr, MPI_int, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    CALL MPI_Bcast(hr, nu_wa**2*nu_nr*7, MPI_double, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    !Opening file that stores the total conductivity value
    OPEN (UNIT=7, FILE='Conductivity.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN')
    !!Building up the Hamitonian        
    !Initialising array used to store the total conductivity
    ct = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    !opening test files
    open (unit=21,file='normalisedprefactor.dat',status='unknown')
    open (unit=22,file='gd.dat',status='unknown')
    open (unit=23,file='con.dat',status='unknown')
    open (unit=24,file='par.dat',status='unknown')
    open (unit=25,file='grga.dat',status='unknown')
    open (unit=26,file='nfdk.dat',status='unknown')
    !Reading the Cartesian coordinates of k-point mesh
    DO j = 1, km(2), 1
       IF (mod(j-1, world_size) .NE. world_rank) CYCLE
       DO k = 1, km(1), 1
          kp(k,:) = ka(j,k,:)
       END DO
       !Building up Hamiltonian matrix on k points and diagonalising the matrix to obtain Eigen vectors and values
       CALL HAMCON(vd,kp,nu_wa,nu_nr,km(1),nd,hr,tb,ec,ev,vh,fermi,bv,dk,sc)
       ct = ct + sc
    END DO
    CALL MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
        ALLOCATE (ct_all(world_size))
    END IF
    ct_all = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    CALL MPI_Gather(ct, 1, MPI_double_complex, ct_all, 1, MPI_double_complex, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)        
    !Writing total conductivity value into the file
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
        ct_total = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
        DO i = 1, world_size, 1
           ct_total = ct_total + ct_all(i)
        END DO
        WRITE (UNIT=7, FMT='(A33,$)') 'Conductivity without coeffieicnt:'
        WRITE (UNIT=7, FMT=*) ct_total
        WRITE (UNIT=7, FMT='(A30,$)') 'Conductivity with coefficient:'
        WRITE (UNIT=7, FMT=*) !ct_total /
    END IF
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       DEALLOCATE (ct_all)
    END IF        
    !Stopping timer for computing conductivity
    IF (world_rank .EQ. 0) THEN
       CALL system_clock(t)
       WRITE (*,'(A,f10.3)') "Time for  HAM&CON   (seconds):", (t-t0)/ra
       WRITE (*,'(A,f10.3)') "Time for  ALL       (seconds):", (t-t00)/ra
    END IF
    !Finalising MPI
    CALL MPI_Finalize(ierr)
    !Deallocating array that stores the degeneracy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point
    !Deallocating array that stores the Hamitlonian matrix information in '_hr.dat' file
    !Deallocating the array to store the Cartesian coordinates of k-point mesh
    !Deallocating the array to store the extracted tight binding Hamiltonian matrix
    !Deallocating array that stores the tight binding Eigen vector matrix
    !Deallocating array that stores the tight binding Eigen value
    !Deallocating array to store the velocity of Hamiltonian matrix
    !Closing files with magnetization along z axis
    CLOSE (UNIT=6)
    !Closing file that store the total conductivity
    CLOSE (UNIT=7)

Исходный код conductivityCALp.f90

    !Building up tight binding Hamiltonian matrix and computing eigen vector matrix and eigen value
    SUBROUTINE HAMCON(vd,kp,nu_wa,nu_ws,nu_kp,nd,hr,tb,ec,ev,vh,fermi,bv,dk,sc)
    !External variables
    INTEGER                       :: vd                   !Velocity direction of the Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: kp(:,:)              !Array to store the Cartesian coordinate of k-point mesh
    INTEGER                       :: nu_wa                !Number of wannier function
    INTEGER                       :: nu_ws                !Number of Wigner-Seitz grid point for different magnetic moment direction cases
    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE          :: nd(:)                !Degeneracy of each Wigner-Seitz grid point
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: hr(:,:)              !Array to store the Hamitlonian matrix information in '_hr.dat' file
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tb(:,:)              !Array to store the extracted tight binding Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: ec(:,:)              !Array to store the Eigen vector matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: ev(:,:)              !Array to store the Eigen value
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: vh(:,:)              !Array to store the velocity of Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: fermi                !Fermi energy value
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: bv                   !Broadening value
    DOUBLE PRECISION              :: dk(2)                !Array to store the Delta kx and ky
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: sc                   !Sum of conductivity on all km(1) k points
    !Internal variables
    INTEGER                       :: nu_kp                !Number of k point passed by the main code
    INTEGER                       :: i, j, k, l, m        !Integer for loop
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: dc(3)                !Array to store complex number i
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tr1(:,:)             !Array for transitting Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tr2(:,:)             !Array for transitting Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tr3(:,:)             !Array for transitting Hamiltonian matrix
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: tr4(:,:)             !Array for transitting Hamiltonian matrix
    !Variables for ZHEEV subroutine
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: a(:,:)               !Array for transitting the Eigen vector matrix
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: w(:)                 !Array for transitting the Eigen value
    INTEGER                       :: n, lda, lwork, info  !Parameters in ZHEEV subroutine
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: rwork(:)             !Parameters in ZHEEV subroutine
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: work(:)              !Parameters in ZHEEV subroutine
    !Variables for computing conductivity
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: gr(2)                !Array to store the retarded Green functions
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: ga(2)                !Array to store the advanced Green functions
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: gd(2)                !Array to store the Gr - Ga
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: mt1(:,:)             !Array for storing conjugate eigen vectors
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: mt2(:,:)             !Array for storing eigen vectors
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: mt3(:,:)             !Array for storing conjugate eigen vectors
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: mt4(:,:)             !Array for storing eigen vectors
    DOUBLE COMPLEX, ALLOCATABLE   :: mt5(:,:)             !Array for storing velocity of Hamiltonian
    DOUBLE PRECISION, ALLOCATABLE :: nm(:)                !Array for storage of normalising prefactor
    DOUBLE COMPLEX                :: oc(2)                !Conductivity value on single k point
    tb = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    dc(1) = CMPLX(0.0d0, 1.0d0)
    !Allocating array to transit Hamiltonian matrix
    ALLOCATE (tr1(nu_wa,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (tr2(nu_wa,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (tr3(nu_wa,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (tr4(nu_wa,nu_wa))
    !Building up Hamiltonian matrix
    DO i = 1, nu_kp, 1
       tr1 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       DO j = 1, nu_ws, 1
          tr2 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
          DO k = 1, nu_wa**2, 1
             l = hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,4)
             m = hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,5)
             dc(2) = CMPLX(hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,6), hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,7))
             tr2(l,m) = EXP(dc(1) * (kp(i,1)*hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,1)&
                        * dc(2)
          END DO
          tr2 = tr2 / DBLE(nd(j))
          tr1 = tr1 + tr2
       END DO
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          l = j + (i-1) * nu_wa
          DO k = 1, nu_wa, 1
             tb(l,k) = tb(l,k) + tr1(j,k)
          END DO
       END DO
    END DO
    !Initialising the array to store the Eigen vector matrix
    ec = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    !Initialising the array to store the Eigen value
    ev = 0.0d0
    !Setting up all parameters used by ZHEEV subroutine
    n = nu_wa
    lda = nu_wa
    ALLOCATE (a(nu_wa,nu_wa))                             !Transitting Eigen vector matrix
    ALLOCATE (w(nu_wa))                                   !Transitting Eigen value
    ALLOCATE (work(2*nu_wa-1))
    lwork = 2 * nu_wa - 1
    ALLOCATE (rwork(3*nu_wa-2))
    !Computing Hamiltonian matrix, Eigen vector matrix and Eigen value on each k point
    DO i = 1, nu_kp, 1
       !Initialising parameters used by ZHEEV subroutine
       a = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       w = 0.0d0
       work = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       rwork = 0.0d0
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          a(j,:) = tb(j+(i-1)*nu_wa,:)
       END DO
       CALL ZHEEV('V','L',n,a,lda,w,work,lwork,rwork,info)
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,j) = a(:,j)
       END DO
       ev(i,:) = w
    END DO
    !Computing the velocity of the Hamiltonian matrix
    vh = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    DO i = 1, nu_kp, 1
       tr1 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       tr2 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       DO j = 1, nu_ws, 1
          tr3 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
          tr4 = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
          DO k = 1, nu_wa**2, 1
             l = hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,4)
             m = hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,5)
             dc(2) = CMPLX(hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,6), hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,7))
             dc(3) = CMPLX(hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,1), 0.0d0)
             tr3(l,m) = EXP(dc(1) * (kp(i,1)*hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,1)&
                        * dc(2) * dc(1) * dc(3)
             dc(3) = CMPLX(hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,2), 0.0d0)
             tr4(l,m) = EXP(dc(1) * (kp(i,1)*hr(k+(j-1)*nu_wa**2,1)&
                        * dc(2) * dc(1) * dc(3)
          END DO
          tr3 = tr3 / DBLE(nd(j))
          tr4 = tr4 / DBLE(nd(j))
          tr1 = tr1 + tr3
          tr2 = tr2 + tr3
       END DO
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          l = j + (i-1) * nu_wa
          DO k = 1, nu_wa, 1
             vh(l,k) = vh(l,k) + tr1(j,k)
             vh(l,k+nu_wa) = vh(l,k+nu_wa) + tr2(j,k)
          END DO
       END DO
    END DO
    !Computing the conductivity
    !Allocating the arrays that store the eigen vector, velocity of Hamiltonian and normalising prefactor
    ALLOCATE (mt1(1,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (mt2(nu_wa,1))
    ALLOCATE (mt3(1,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (mt4(nu_wa,1))
    ALLOCATE (mt5(nu_wa,nu_wa))
    ALLOCATE (nm(nu_wa))
    !Initialising the array that stores the conductivity values on all km(1) k points
    sc = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
    !Computing the conductivity
    DO i = 1, nu_kp, 1
       !Normalized factor part
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          mt1(1,:) = DCONJG(ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,j))
          mt2(:,1) = ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,j)
          nm(j) = REAL(SUM(MATMUL(mt1,mt2)))
          WRITE (UNIT=21, FMT=*) SUM(MATMUL(mt1,mt2))
          nm(j) = 1.0d0 / DSQRT(nm(j))
       END DO
       !Velocity of Hamiltonian
       IF (vd .EQ. 0) THEN
           mt5 = vh(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,1:nu_wa)
           mt5 = vh(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,1+nu_wa:2*nu_wa)
       END IF
       !Conductivity part
       oc = CMPLX(0.0d0, 0.0d0)
       DO j = 1, nu_wa, 1
          gr(1) = CMPLX (1.0d0, 0.0d0) / CMPLX(fermi - ev(i,j), bv)
          ga(1) = CMPLX (1.0d0, 0.0d0) / CMPLX(fermi - ev(i,j), 0.0d0 - bv)
          gd(1) = gr(1) - ga(1)
          mt1(1,:) = DCONJG(ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,j))
          mt2(:,1) = ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,j)
          DO k = 1, nu_wa, 1
             gr(2) = CMPLX (1.0d0, 0.0d0) / CMPLX(fermi - ev(i,k), bv)
             ga(2) = CMPLX (1.0d0, 0.0d0) / CMPLX(fermi - ev(i,k), 0.0d0 - bv)
             gd(2) = gr(2) - ga(2)
             mt3(1,:) = DCONJG(ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,k))
             mt4(:,1) = ec(1+(i-1)*nu_wa:i*nu_wa,k)
             oc(1) = SUM(MATMUL(mt1,MATMUL(mt5,mt4)))*SUM(MATMUL(mt3,MATMUL(mt5,mt2)))*&
             write(unit=22,fmt=*) SUM(MATMUL(mt1,MATMUL(mt5,mt4))), SUM(MATMUL(mt3,MATMUL(mt5,mt2)))
             write(unit=25,fmt=*) gr(1),ga(1),gr(2),ga(2)
             write(unit=26,fmt=*) nm(j), nm(k), dk(1), dk(2)
             oc(2) = oc(2) + oc(1)
          END DO
       END DO
       sc = sc + oc(2)
       write(unit=23,fmt=*) oc(2),sc
    END DO
    !Deallocating arrays used for transitting Hamiltonian
    DEALLOCATE (tr1)
    DEALLOCATE (tr2)
    DEALLOCATE (tr3)
    DEALLOCATE (tr4)
    !Deallocating arrays used by ZHEEV subroutine
    DEALLOCATE (rwork)
    DEALLOCATE (work)
    !Deallocating arrays used to transitting eigen vectors
    DEALLOCATE (mt1)
    DEALLOCATE (mt2)
    DEALLOCATE (mt3)
    DEALLOCATE (mt4)
    !Deallocating array used to transitting velocity of Hamiltonian
    DEALLOCATE (mt5)
    !Deallocating array used to store the normalising prefactor