Запуск valgrind с массивом не может профилировать приложение - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 апреля 2020

Я попытался выполнить профилирование кучи, используя valgrind и массив, с помощью следующей команды:

/system/bin/valgrind --tool=massif --max-snapshots=1000 --time-unit=ms --detailed-freq=100 --massif-out-file=/data/massif_output.dat /system/bin/testApplication

Но не удалось, так как он застрял со следующим выводом:

==12320== Massif, a heap profiler
==12320== Copyright (C) 2003-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Nicholas Nethercote
==12320== Using Valgrind-3.10.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==12320== Command: system/bin/testApplication
WARNING: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x421
disInstr(arm): unhandled instruction: 0xEC510F1E
                 cond=14(0xE) 27:20=197(0xC5) 4:4=1 3:0=14(0xE)
==12320== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x54d38c8.
==12320==    at 0x54D38C8: _armv7_tick (in /system/lib/libcrypto.so)
==12320== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==12320== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==12320== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==12320==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==12320==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==12320== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==12320==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==12320==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==12320== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==12320== probably kill your program.

Я также попытался провести простой анализ памяти, используя следующая команда:

/system/bin/valgrind --leak-check=full --num-callers=20 --allow-mismatched-debuginfo=yes --log-file=/data/local/tmp/test.log --trace-children=yes /system/bin/testApplication

Тот же результат, застрял на следующий результат:

WARNING: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x421
WARNING: linker: Unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x421
