Я пытаюсь внедрить больше тестов в приложениях Rails наших компаний и использую Rspe c, FactoryBot и Matcha соответствия. Основы легко реализовать, например, ассоциации и наличие. Это более «exoti c», где я сталкиваюсь с проблемами и получаю ошибки, которые я не совсем понимаю, как исправить, поскольку FactoryBot создает хорошие экземпляры для тестирования. Вот моя модель, которую я тестирую:
class Outage < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :service
validates_presence_of :start_time, :end_time, :reason, :frequency
validates_numericality_of :start_time
validates_numericality_of :end_time, :is_greater_than => :start_time
Вот файл FactoryBot:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :outage_fo, class: 'Outage' do
start_time { Time.now }
end_time { Time.now + Random.rand(1e5..1e6).floor}
is_recurring { false }
frequency { "None" }
reason { Faker::Company.bs }
service_id { Random.rand(1..50) }
factory :outage_ro, class: 'Outage' do
start_time { Time.now }
end_time { Time.now + Random.rand(1e5..1e6).floor}
is_recurring { true }
frequency { ["Daily", "Monthly" ].sample }
reason { Faker::Company.bs }
service_id { Random.rand(1..50) }
, а вот фактический тест RSpe c:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Outage, type: :model do
let(:outage_fo) { build(:outage_fo) }
describe "associations" do
it { should belong_to(:service) }
describe "validations" do
it { should validate_presence_of(:start_time) }
it { should validate_presence_of(:end_time) }
it { should validate_presence_of(:reason) }
it { should validate_presence_of(:frequency) }
it { should validate_numericality_of(:end_time).is_greater_than(Time.now) }
Я получаю ошибку:
1) Outage validations is expected to validate that :end_time looks like a number greater than 2020-04-20 12:57:33 -0400
Failure/Error: it { should validate_numericality_of(:end_time).is_greater_than(Time.now) }
Expected Outage to validate that :end_time looks like a number greater
than 2020-04-20 12:57:33 -0400, but this could not be proved.
After setting :end_time to ‹"2020-04-20 12:57:33 -0400"› -- which was
read back as ‹Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:57:33 UTC +00:00› -- the matcher
expected the Outage to be invalid and to produce the validation error
"must be greater than 2020-04-20 12:57:33 -0400" on :end_time. The
record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors
* service: ["must exist"]
* start_time: ["can't be blank"]
* reason: ["can't be blank"]
* end_time: ["is not a number"]
As indicated in the message above, :end_time seems to be changing
certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do
with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method
for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test
pass, or do something else entirely.
# ./spec/models/outage_spec.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.24732 seconds (files took 1.87 seconds to load)
6 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/models/outage_spec.rb:16 # Outage validations is expected to validate that :end_time looks like a number greater than 2020-04-20 12:57:33 -0400
[12:57:33] (develop_2) tml_dashboard_2
// ♥ rspec spec/models/outage_spec.rb
1) Outage validations is expected to validate that :end_time looks like a number greater than 2020-04-20 12:58:31 -0400
Failure/Error: it { should validate_numericality_of(:end_time).is_greater_than(Time.now) }
Expected Outage to validate that :end_time looks like a number greater
than 2020-04-20 12:58:31 -0400, but this could not be proved.
After setting :end_time to ‹"2020-04-20 12:58:31 -0400"› -- which was
read back as ‹Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:58:31 UTC +00:00› -- the matcher
expected the Outage to be invalid and to produce the validation error
"must be greater than 2020-04-20 12:58:31 -0400" on :end_time. The
record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors
* service: ["must exist"]
* start_time: ["can't be blank", "is not a number"]
* reason: ["can't be blank"]
* end_time: ["is not a number"]
As indicated in the message above, :end_time seems to be changing
certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do
with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method
for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test
pass, or do something else entirely.
# ./spec/models/outage_spec.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.23808 seconds (files took 1.77 seconds to load)
6 examples, 1 failure