Мульти-ввод PySimple GUI для рабочего python скрипта - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 17 января 2020

Я использую рабочий скрипт, встроенный в python 3, который читает файл Excel. Используя данные, он определяет, какой VIP (Виртуальный IP) su bnet I следует использовать и с каким балансировщиком нагрузки F5 должен сопоставляться VIP, а затем выдает команды cli, необходимые для настройки на балансировщике нагрузки, в виде другого файла. Я хочу знать, возможно ли добавить basi c GUI к этому, используя код, который я имею ниже. Исходя из этого, он создаст файл на моем рабочем столе с командами, которые мне нужно настроить, взятыми из файла Excel и введенными данными. Если информация в Excel пуста, она предложит вам запрос. Отредактированный пример простого рабочего скрипта, который выполняется, показан ниже:

import pandas as pd
import datetime
from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress, IPSet
import os
import glob
import shutil

def createfolder(directory):
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
    except OSError:
        print('Error: Creating directory. ' + directory)

global options
global member
global lb_mode
global pool_member1
global pool_member2
global pool_member3
global pool_member4
global cert
global iRule1
global iRule2
global rules
global one_connect
global http_profile
global primary_persist
global fallback_persist
global snat
global rule_member_1
global rule_member_2
global rule_member_3
global irules
global profiles
global loadbalancer
global subnet
global ssl_profile_name
global ssl_config

x = datetime.datetime.now()
change_order = input("What is the change order for this VIP? ")
lbarf_file = str(input("Enter the full path of the LBARF form. ").strip('\"'))
description = "description " + change_order
df = pd.read_excel(lbarf_file)

# Info pulled from the LBARF
service_port_input = str(df.iloc[13, 2])
http_profile_input = df.iloc[33, 2]
primary_persist_input = df.iloc[34, 2]
fallback_persist_input = df.iloc[35, 2]
iRule1_input = df.iloc[42, 2]
iRule2_input = df.iloc[43, 2]
snat_input = df.iloc[47, 2]
one_connect_input = df.iloc[48, 2]
fqdn = str(df.iloc[12, 2]).lower()
member1 = str(df.iloc[19, 2])
member2 = str(df.iloc[20, 2])
member3 = str(df.iloc[21, 2])
member4 = str(df.iloc[22, 2])
pool_port1 = str(df.iloc[19, 4])
pool_port2 = str(df.iloc[20, 4])
pool_port3 = str(df.iloc[21, 4])
pool_port4 = str(df.iloc[22, 4])
lb_mode_input = df.iloc[32, 2]
pool_name = str(fqdn + "-" + pool_port1)
monitor_input = df.iloc[36, 2]

# Pool builder
if member1 == "nan":
    pool_member1 = ""
elif member1 != "nan":
    pool_member1 = member1 + ":" + pool_port1 + " "
if member2 == "nan":
    pool_member2 = ""
elif member2 != "nan":
    pool_member2 = member2 + ":" + pool_port2 + " "
if member3 == "nan":
    pool_member3 = ""
elif member3 != "nan":
    pool_member3 = member3 + ":" + pool_port3 + " "
if member4 == "nan":
    pool_member4 = ""
elif member4 != "nan":
    pool_member4 = member4 + ":" + pool_port4 + " "

if lb_mode_input == "Round Robin":
    lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode round-robin "
elif lb_mode_input == "Least connections":
    lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode least-connections-node "
elif lb_mode_input == "Observed":
    lb_mode = "load-balancing-mode observed-node "

if monitor_input == "TCP":
    monitor = "monitor tcp "
elif monitor_input == "TCP 30 seconds":
    monitor = "monitor tcp-30 "
elif monitor_input == "Self-Service":
    monitor = "monitor self-service "
elif monitor_input == "None":
    monitor = ""
    monitor = " monitor " + input("Please enter the health monitor name: ") + " "

member = IPAddress(member1)

# Lists for each LB pair containing the node subnets.
loadbalancer1_node_IPs = IPSet([IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork('')])
loadbalancer2_node_IPs = IPSet([IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork(''), IPNetwork('')])

# Provides the LB the VIP is to be built on based on node IP address.
if IPAddress(member) in loadbalancer1_node_IPs:
    loadbalancer = "The LB pair you need to build this VIP on is loadbalancer1_node_IPs"
    subnet = "You need a VIP ip from subnet,, or"
elif IPAddress(member) in loadbalancer2_node_IPs:
    loadbalancer = "The LB pair you need to build this VIP on is loadbalancer2_node_IPs"
    subnet = "You need a VIP ip from subnet,, or"


vip_ip_input = IPAddress(input("Which VIP IP did you choose? "))
vip_ip = str(vip_ip_input) + str(":") + str(service_port_input)
ip = str(vip_ip_input)

if iRule1_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
    iRule1 = "_sys_https_redirect "
elif iRule1_input == "x-Forwarding":
    iRule1 = "x-forwarding "
    iRule1 = ""
if iRule2_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
    iRule2 = "_sys_https_redirect "
elif iRule2_input == "x-Forwarding":
    iRule2 = "x-forwarding "
    iRule2 = ""

if snat_input == "Auto Map":
    snat = "snat automap "
    snat = ""

if one_connect_input == "oneconnect":
    one_connect = "oneconnect "
    one_connect = ""

if http_profile_input == "http":
    http_profile = "http "
    http_profile = ""

if primary_persist_input == "Source Addr":
    primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { source_addr } "
elif primary_persist_input == "Dest Addr":
    primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { dest_addr } "
elif primary_persist_input == "Cookie":
    primary_persist = " persist replace-all-with { cookie } "
    primary_persist = ""

if fallback_persist_input == "Source Addr":
    fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence source_addr "
elif fallback_persist_input == "Dest Addr":
    fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence dest_addr "
elif fallback_persist_input == "Cookie":
    fallback_persist = " fallback-persistence cookie "
    fallback_persist = ""

folder = r'C:\Users\username\Desktop\LBARF script' + str(change_order)


fh = open(folder + "/" + str(change_order) + ".txt", "w")
fh.write("This program is a test. I assume no responsibility." + "\r" +
         "Please verify everything looks correct." + "\r" + "\r" + "This script was run on " +
         x.strftime("%x") + " @ " + x.strftime("%I") + ":" + x.strftime("%M") + " " + x.strftime("%p") +
         " for change order " + change_order + "\r" + "\r" + fqdn + "\r" + ip + "\r" + loadbalancer + "\r" + "\r")

fh.write("create ltm pool " + pool_name + " members add { " + pool_member1 + pool_member2 + pool_member3 +
         pool_member4  + " } " + monitor + lb_mode + description + "\r" + "\r")

if service_port_input == "80 and 443":
    service_port_input = "80"

if service_port_input == "80":
    if iRule1_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
        port_80_redirect_vip = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-80 destination " + ip +
                                ":80 profiles add { http } snat automap rules { _sys_https_redirect } "
                                + description + "\r" + "\r")
        print("Port 80 VIP is complete, We will now move on to the 443 VIP")
        service_port_input = "443"
        irules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
    elif iRule2_input == "_sys_https_redirect":
        port_80_redirect_vip = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-80 destination " + ip +
                                ":80 profiles add { http } snat automap rules { _sys_https_redirect } "
                                + description + "\r" + "\r")
        print("Port 80 VIP is complete, We will now move on to the 443 VIP")
        service_port_input = "443"
        irules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
        vip_build = ("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-" + service_port_input + " destination " + ip + ":" +
                     service_port_input + " pool " + pool_name + " profiles add { " + http_profile + " } " +
                     primary_persist + fallback_persist + description + "\r" + "\r")
        service_port_input = "443"

if iRule1.__contains__("sys"):
    rules = "rules { " + iRule2 + " } "
elif iRule2.__contains__("sys"):
    rules = "rules { " + iRule1 + " } "
    rules = "rules { " + iRule1 + iRule2 + " } "

if service_port_input == "443":
    ssl_profile_input = input("Will you be applying an SSL profile? y or n: ").lower()
    if ssl_profile_input.__contains__("y"):
        cert = input("Installing a cert? y or n: ").lower()
        if cert.__contains__("y"):
            ssl_profile_name = fqdn + "-clientssl"
            upload_name = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y")
            print("**** SSL PROFILE CONFIG *****")
            print("**** Upload Cert/Key to " + loadbalancer + " with the name of " + upload_name)
            ssl_cert = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y") + ".crt "
            ssl_key = fqdn + "-" + x.strftime("%Y") + ".key "
            chain_input = input("Will a chain be applied? y or n: ").lower()
            if chain_input.__contains__("y"):
                chain = " chain " + input("What is the name of the chain? ")
                chain = ""
            ciphers_input = input("Will ciphers be applied? ").lower()
            if ciphers_input.__contains__("y"):
                ciphers = "ciphers " + input("Enter Ciphers here: ")
                ciphers = ""
            ssl_config = ("create ltm profile client-ssl " + ssl_profile_name + " cert " + ssl_cert + " key " +
                          ssl_key + ciphers + " " + chain + description + "\r" + "\r")
            ssl_profile_name = input("What is the SSL profile name? ")
        ssl_profile_name = ""
        cert = ""
        key = ""
        chain = ""
        ciphers = ""
        ssl_config = ""
    ssl_profile_name = ""
    cert = ""
    key = ""
    chain = ""
    ciphers = ""
    ssl_config = ""

profile = "profiles add { " + one_connect + http_profile + ssl_profile_name + " } "
if profile == "profiles add {  } ":
    profiles = ""
    profiles = ("profiles add { " + one_connect + http_profile + ssl_profile_name + " } ")
    options = (profiles + snat + primary_persist + fallback_persist + rules + description)

if cert.__contains__("y"):

fh.write("create ltm virtual " + fqdn + "-" + service_port_input + " destination " + ip + ":" + service_port_input +
         " pool " + pool_name + " " + options + "\r" + "\r")

key_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.key'
crt_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.crt'
cer_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.cer'
pem_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.pem'
pfx_files = 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/*.pfx'
filelist = glob.glob(key_files)

for single_file in filelist:
    shutil.move(single_file, folder)
filelist = glob.glob(crt_files)

for single_file in filelist:
    shutil.move(single_file, folder)

filelist = glob.glob(cer_files)
for single_file in filelist:
    shutil.move(single_file, folder)

filelist = glob.glob(pem_files)
for single_file in filelist:
    shutil.move(single_file, folder)

filelist = glob.glob(pfx_files)
for single_file in filelist:
    shutil.move(single_file, folder)

# os.rename(lbarf_file, 'C:/Users/username/Downloads/' + change_order + ".xlsx")
shutil.move(lbarf_file, folder)
print("The CLI commands for this VIP are located at " + folder)
exit(input("Press Enter to exit."))

Мне было предложено поместить скрипт как функцию и импортировать его в код для GUI, который я сделал и назвал это vipTest. Затем я импортировал его в PySimple GUI, который я использую для создания простой формы:

import vipTest
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# Very basic form.  Return values as a list
form = sg.FlexForm('VIP Builder')  # begin with a blank form

layout = [
          [sg.Text('Please enter the information below')],
          [sg.Text('What is the change order for this VIP?: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('change #')],
          [sg.Text('Enter the full path of the LBARF form: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('location path')],
          [sg.Text('Which VIP IP did you choose?: ', size=(30, 1)), sg.InputText('ip address of vip')],
          [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]

lbarf_file, folder = vipTest.createfolder(directory)

button, values = form.Layout(layout).Read()

У меня проблемы с получением результата из GUI результатов. Когда я запускаю эту программу в PyCharm, GUI не открывается и скрипт запускается в консоли. Даже если я смогу заставить GUI работать с конкретным примером c, я обеспокоен тем, что мне может потребоваться добавить текстовое поле GUI каждый раз, когда информация в файле excel пуста. В конечном счете, я хотел бы отобразить команды конфигурации из gui, но я никуда не попадаю, как есть. Любая помощь в этом очень ценится. Спасибо.
