С немного расширенными образцами данных, где CODE
s 1 и 3 имеют и Прибытие, и Отправление:
SQL> with test (code, year, action) as
2 (select 1, 2020, 'Departure' from dual union all
3 select 1, 2021, 'Arrival' from dual union all
4 select 2, 2020, 'Departure' from dual union all
5 --
6 select 3, 2018, 'Arrival' from dual union all
7 select 3, 2019, 'Departure' from dual
8 ),
9 subq as
10 (select distinct action,
11 count(distinct action) over () cnt_da
12 from test
13 )
14 select a.code, a.year
15 from test a join subq s on a.action = s.action
16 where s.cnt_da = (select count(distinct action)
17 from test b
18 where b.code = a.code
19 );
---------- ----------
1 2021
1 2020
3 2019
3 2018
Еще один вариант, используя оператор набора MINUS
SQL> with test (code, year, action) as
2 (select 1, 2020, 'Departure' from dual union all
3 select 1, 2021, 'Arrival' from dual union all
4 select 2, 2020, 'Departure' from dual union all
5 --
6 select 3, 2018, 'Arrival' from dual union all
7 select 3, 2019, 'Departure' from dual
8 ),
9 subq as
10 (select distinct action from test) --> this is your "subquery"
11 select code, year
12 from test a
13 where (select s.action from subq s
14 minus
15 select b.action from test b where b.code = a.code
16 ) is null;
---------- ----------
1 2020
1 2021
3 2018
3 2019