Arcpy использует следующий синтаксис для преобразования таблиц базы геоданных в Excel ![enter image description here](
Это просто.
Таблицы Excel нельзя хранить в базе геоданных. Наиболее разумно хранить их в корневой папке, в которой находится база геоданных с таблицей. Скажем, я хочу преобразовать таблицу
, приведенную ниже, в Excel и сохранить ее в папке root или в папке, в которой находится база геоданных.
Я сделаю go следующим образом : Я поставил объяснения после #.
import arcpy
import os
from datetime import datetime, date, time
# Set environment settings
in_table= r"C:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\Centroid.gdb\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable"
out_xls= os.path.basename(in_table)+'%Y%m%d') # Here
#os.path.basename(in_table)- Gives the base name of pathname. In this case, it returns the name table
# + is used in python to concatenate
# gives todays date
# Converts todays date into a string in the format YYYMMDD
# Please add all the above statements and you notice you have a new file name which is the table you input plus todays date
#os.path.dirname() method in Python is used to get the directory name from the specified path
geodatabase = os.path.dirname(in_table)
# In this case, os.path.dirname(in_table) gives us the geodatabase
# The The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins them into one string
SaveInFolder= "\\".join(geodatabase.split('\\')[:-1])
# This case, I tell python take \ and join on the primary directory above which I have called geodatabase. However, I tell it to remove some characters. I will explain the split below.
# I use split method. The split() method splits a string into a list
#In the case above it splits into ['W:\\working\\Sunderwood\\Network', 'Analyst\\MarchDistances\\Centroid.gdb']. However, that is not what I want. I want to remove "\\Centroid.gdb" so that I remain with the follwoing path ['W:\\working\\Sunderwood\\Network', 'Analyst\\MarchDistances']
#Before I tell arcpy to save, I have to specify the workspace in which it will save. So I now make my environment the SaveInFolder
arcpy.env.workspace =SaveInFolder
## Now I have to tell arcpy what I will call my newtable. I use os.path.join.This method concatenates various path components with exactly one directory separator (‘/’) following each non-empty part except the last path component
newtable = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, out_xls)
#In the above case it will give me "W:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable20200402"
# You notice the newtable does not have an excel extension. I resort to + to concatenate .xls onto my path and make it "W:\working\Sunderwood\Network Analyst\MarchDistances\SunderwoodFirstArcpyTable20200402.xls"
table= newtable+".xls"
#Finally, I call the arcpy method and feed it with the required variables
# Execute TableToExcel
arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(in_table, table)
print (table + " " + " is now available")