Как избежать Максимальное время выполнения 60 секунд превысило Laravel без изменений php .ini max_execution_time - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 17 января 2020

У меня есть проблема с моим кодом, где я буду экспортировать в CSV, который содержит более 100 000 данных, здесь я использовал chunk 2 раза, первая - это переменная getData, где эта переменная принимает AssetRepository функция в другом классе, и другой мой использовать, когда foreach, если я загружаю 1000 данных, используя limit, данные могут быть экспортированы. Можно ли загрузить данные без изменения max_execute_time на php.ini и только с использованием chunk? если вы можете, как я могу оптимизировать мой код?

в этом случае я использую PostgreSQL.

вот код для AssetRepository.php

class AssetRepository
    public $query = null;
    private $trashed = false;

    public static function query()
        $repo = new AssetRepository();
        $repo->query = DB::table('assets as a')
            DB::raw("distinct a.id"),
            "a.duration as duration",
            DB::raw("COALESCE( NULLIF(a.qr_code,'') , 'QR Code Not Set' ) as qr_code"),
            DB::raw("COALESCE( NULLIF(a.serial_no,'') , 'Serial No Not Set' ) as serial_no"),
            "a.id as id",
            "b.name as model",
            "b2.name as brand",
            "p.name as pop",
            "p2.name as sbu",
            "q.name as building",
            "s.name as sts",
            "c.name as category",
            "a.status_approval as status_approval",
            "a.habis_masa_garansi as habis_masa_garansi",
            "permission_approval.action as action_approval",
            DB::raw("CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) as username"),
            DB::raw("CONCAT(u2.first_name, ' ', u2.last_name) as username2"),
            DB::raw("CONCAT(u3.first_name, ' ', u3.last_name) as approved_by"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN q2.name is null THEN 'Not Set' ELSE q2.name END as room"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.installation_year as text) is null THEN 'Not Set' ELSE cast(a.installation_year as text) END as installation_year"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(b.mpls_hierarchy as text) is null THEN 'Not Set' ELSE cast(b.mpls_hierarchy as text) END as mpls_hierarchy"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a2.name as text) is null THEN 'Not Set' ELSE cast(a2.name as text) END as rack"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.remark1 as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.remark1 as text) END as remark1"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.remark2 as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.remark2 as text) END as remark2"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.remark3 as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.remark3 as text) END as remark3"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.remark4 as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.remark4 as text) END as remark4"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.remark5 as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.remark5 as text) END as remark5"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN cast(a.desc as text) is null THEN 'No Data' ELSE cast(a.desc as text) END as notes"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN a.c_status = 1 THEN 'Complete' ELSE 'Not Complete' END AS complete"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN a.c_status = 1 THEN 'btn-primary' ELSE 'btn-warning' END AS btn"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN p.offline_sts = 1 THEN 'Offline' ELSE 'Online' END AS offline_sts"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN p.offline_sts = 1 THEN 'btn-default' ELSE 'btn-info' END AS offline_btn"),
            DB::raw("CASE WHEN p.offline_sts = 1 THEN 'disabled' ELSE 'enabled' END AS disableds")
        ->leftJoin('assets as a2', 'a.rack', '=', 'a2.id')
        ->join('kategoris as c', 'a.asset_category', '=', 'c.id')
        ->join('users as u', 'a.updated_by', 'u.id')
        ->join('users as u2', 'a.created_by', 'u2.id')
        ->leftJoin('users as u3', 'a.role_approval', 'u3.id')
        ->join('sbus as p', 'p.id', '=', 'a.pop_id')
        ->join('sbus as p2', 'p2.id', '=', 'a.sbu_id')
        ->leftJoin('pops as q', 'a.building_id', '=', 'q.id')
        ->leftJoin('pops as q2', 'a.room_id', '=', 'q2.id')
        ->leftJoin('brands as b', 'a.model_id', '=', 'b.id')
        ->leftJoin('permission_approval', 'a.permission_approval_id', '=', 'permission_approval.id')
        ->leftJoin('asset_to_sid', 'a.id', '=', 'asset_to_sid.asset_id')
        ->join('brands as b2', 'a.brand_id', '=', 'b2.id')
        ->join('statuses as s', 's.id', '=', 'a.status')
        ->leftJoin('statuses as ss', 'p.type', '=', 'ss.id')
        ->orderBy('a.updated_at', 'desc');

        return $repo;

    public function getQuery()
        return $this->query ?? self::query();

    public function get()
        if (!$this->trashed) {
            return $this->getQuery()->whereNull('a.deleted_at')->get();

        return $this->getQuery()->get();

dan ini untuk export pada AssetController.php

public function exportAll(Request $request)
    $data = AssetRepository::query(); //From AssetRepository Function

    $headers = array(
        'Content-Type'        => 'text/csv',
        'Cache-Control'       => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
        'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=export.csv',
        'Expires'             => '0',
        'Pragma'              => 'public',

    $response = new StreamedResponse(function () use ($data) {
        $handle = fopen('php://output', 'w');
        $getData = $data->get();
        $remark = Remark::all(['id','label','type']);
        $remarkAsset = RemarkAsset::all(['asset_id','value','remark_id']);
        $getHeader = array_keys((array)$getData[0]);
        $newArray = array();
        $setHeader = array();

        foreach ($getHeader as $header) {
            $setHeader[$header] = $header;

        $remarkHeader = []; //result

        foreach ($remark as $headerRemark) {
            $remarkHeader[] = array(
                'id'    => $headerRemark['id'],
                'label' => $headerRemark['label'],
                'type'  => $headerRemark['type']

            $setHeader[$headerRemark['type']] = $headerRemark['type'];

        $remarkAssets = [];
        foreach ($remarkAsset as $assetRemark) {
            $remarkAssets[] = (array)array(
                'asset_id' => $assetRemark['asset_id'],
                'value' => $assetRemark['value'],
                'remark_id' => $assetRemark['remark_id']

        array_push($newArray, (object)$setHeader);
        // $coountData = count($getData) / 4;
        $chunk = collect($getData);

        foreach ($chunk as $data) {
            $theKey=array_keys(array_combine(array_keys($remarkAssets), array_column($remarkAssets, 'asset_id')),$data->id);

            foreach ($remarkHeader as $head) {
                $countKey = count($theKey);
                if ($countKey > 0) {
                    $valueRemark = '';

                    foreach ($theKey as $key) {
                        if ($remarkAssets[$key]['remark_id'] == $head['id']) {
                            $valueRemark = $remarkAssets[$key]['value'];

                    $data = (array)$data;
                    $data[$head['type']] = $valueRemark;
                    $data = (object)$data;
                } else {
                    $data = (array)$data;
                    $data[$head['type']] = '';
                    $data = (object)$data;
            array_push($newArray, $data);
        $chunkArray = collect($newArray);

        foreach ($chunkArray as $datas) {
            if (is_object($datas))
                $datas = (array)$datas;
            fputcsv($handle, $datas);

    }, 200, $headers);

    return $response->send();

при необходимости игнорировать AssetController.php это запрос, используемый в моем коде

Ответы [ 4 ]

1 голос
/ 17 января 2020

Лучше выполнять эти длительные задачи асинхронно. В Laravel вы можете использовать для этого очереди . Поскольку очереди работают на CLI, вы можете настроить для этого другой max_execution_time. Если вы предпочитаете оставить время выполнения одинаковым, попробуйте разделить задачу, которую вы выполняете, на несколько частей. Если каждая из этих частей не превышает 1 минуты, тогда вы можете go.

0 голосов
/ 18 января 2020

Может быть, этот запрос возвращает так много элементов PHP проводит большую часть времени, просто оборачивая вокруг них объект Collection. Если вы хотите узнать, сколько времени тратится на сам запрос, вы можете запустить его прямо на своей PostgreSQL Server, консоли (php artisan tinker) или использовать DB::listen в своем коде

public function exportAll(Request $request)
    // PHP >= 7.4.0
    DB::listen(fn($query) => dump($query->sql, $query->bindings, $query->time));
    // PHP < 7.4.0
    DB::listen(function ($query) { dump($query->sql, $query->bindings, $query->time); });

Если проблема связана с Collection, попробуйте использовать LazyCollection. Это доступно с Laravel 6.0. Вы используете его, вызывая $data->cursor() вместо $data->get().

A LazyCollection - это, по сути, объект, который вы можете перебирать и использовать некоторые методы Collection. Они позволяют вам работать с данными без дополнительных затрат на создание большого Collection для количества строк X.

Я сделаю репост вашей функции exportAll с некоторыми изменениями, которые, я думаю, положительно скажутся на производительности.

public function exportAll(Request $request)
    $data = AssetRepository::query(); //From AssetRepository Function

    $headers = array(
        'Content-Type'        => 'text/csv',
        'Cache-Control'       => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
        'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=export.csv',
        'Expires'             => '0',
        'Pragma'              => 'public',

    $response = new StreamedResponse(function () use ($data) {
        $handle = fopen('php://output', 'w');
         * Use a LazyCollection instead
         * $getData = $data->get();
        $getData = $data->cursor();
        $remark = Remark::all(['id','label','type']);
        $remarkAsset = RemarkAsset::all(['asset_id','value','remark_id']);
         * Since we are using a LazyCollection, 
         * we can't treat $getData as an array directly.
         * $getHeader = array_keys((array)$getData[0]);
        $getHeader = array_keys((array)$getData->get(0));
        $newArray = array();
         * This can be achieved with array_combine
         * $setHeader = array();
         * foreach ($getHeader as $header) {
         *    $setHeader[$header] = $header;
         * }
        $setHeader = array_combine($getHeader, $getHeader);
         * $remarkHeader is unnecesary. You can just call $remark->toArray() instead.
         * Also, what you're trying to do with the following foreach can be done with
         * a combination of array_merge and array_combine
         * $remarkHeader = []; //result
         * foreach ($remark as $headerRemark) {
         *     $remarkHeader[] = array(
         *         'id'    => $headerRemark['id'],
         *         'label' => $headerRemark['label'],
         *         'type'  => $headerRemark['type']
         *     );
         *     $setHeader[$headerRemark['type']] = $headerRemark['type'];
         * }
        $setHeader = array_merge(
         * Again, $remarkAssets is unnecessary. All you're doing with this loop
         * is the same as calling $remarkAsset->toArray()
         * $remarkAssets = [];
         * foreach ($remarkAsset as $assetRemark) {
         *     $remarkAssets[] = (array)array(
         *         'asset_id' => $assetRemark['asset_id'],
         *         'value' => $assetRemark['value'],
         *         'remark_id' => $assetRemark['remark_id']
         *     );
         * }
        array_push($newArray, (object)$setHeader);
        // $coountData = count($getData) / 4;
         * $getData is already a Collection. Here, you're telling PHP to rebuild it
         * for no reason. For large collections, this adds a lot of overhead.
         * You can already call the chunk method on $getData anyways.
         * You could do $chunk = $getData->chunk(500) for example.
         * It's not even necessary to make a new variable for it since you won't use
         * $chunk again after this.
         * $chunk = collect($getData);
         * $chunk->chunk(500);
         * Also, according to the docs you're not using chunk properly.
         * https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/collections#method-chunk
         * You're supposed to loop twice because the chunk method doesn't alter the collection.
         * If you run
         *    $chunk->chunk(500)
         *    foreach($chunk as $data) { ... }
         * You're still looping over the entire Collection.
         * Since your code is not made to work with chunks, I'll leave it like that
         * foreach ($chunk as $data) {
        foreach ($getData as $data) {
             * This seems to return an array of the keys of $remarkAssets 
             * where 'asset_id' is equal to $data->id. 
             * You can achieve this through Collection methods on $remarkAsset instead.
             * $theKey = array_keys(
             *     array_combine(
             *         array_keys($remarkAssets),
             *         array_column($remarkAssets, 'asset_id')
             *     ),
             *     $data->id
             * );
             * Since there is no real need to return an array, I'll leave $theKey as a collection.
            $theKey = $remarkAsset->where('asset_id', $data->id)->keys();

             * Since $remarkHeader doesn't exist in this context, we use $remark instead
             * foreach ($remarkHeader as $head) {
             * Since $theKey is a collection, the count is obtained
             * through the count() Collection method. Also, since you don't
             * ever use $countKey again, you could inline it instead.
             *     $countKey = count($theKey);
             *     if ($countKey > 0) {
            foreach ($remark as $head) {
                if ($theKey->count() > 0) { 
                    $valueRemark = '';

                    foreach ($theKey as $key) {
                         * Since $remark is a collection and $head an object
                         * the following if statement needs to be rewritten
                         * if ($remarkAssets[$key]['remark_id'] == $head['id']) {
                         *     $valueRemark = $remarkAssets[$key]['value'];
                         * }
                        if ($remark->get($key)->remark_id == $head->id) {
                            $valueRemark = $remark->get($key)->value;

                 * $data being a stdClass, you can just set the property instead of
                 * going through the trouble of casting it as an array, setting a value
                 * and then re-casting it as an object.
                 *     $data = (array)$data;
                 *     $data[$head['type']] = $valueRemark;
                 *     $data = (object)$data;
                 * } else {
                 *     $data = (array)$data;
                 *     $data[$head['type']] = '';
                 *     $data = (object)$data;
                    $data->{$head['type']} = $valueRemark;
                } else {
                    $data->{$head['type']} = '';
            array_push($newArray, $data);

        $chunkArray = collect($newArray);
         * As explained earlier, your use of chunk() doesn't do anything.
         * We can then safely remove this line.
         * $chunkArray->chunk(500);

        foreach ($chunkArray as $datas) {
            if (is_object($datas))
                $datas = (array)$datas;
            fputcsv($handle, $datas);

    }, 200, $headers);

    return $response->send();

Без всех комментариев

public function exportAll(Request $request)
    $data = AssetRepository::query(); //From AssetRepository Function

    $headers = array(
        'Content-Type'        => 'text/csv',
        'Cache-Control'       => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
        'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=export.csv',
        'Expires'             => '0',
        'Pragma'              => 'public',

    $response = new StreamedResponse(function () use ($data) {
        $handle = fopen('php://output', 'w');
        $getData = $data->cursor();
        $remark = Remark::all(['id','label','type']);
        $remarkAsset = RemarkAsset::all(['asset_id','value','remark_id']);
        $getHeader = array_keys((array)$getData->get(0));
        $newArray = array();
        $setHeader = array_combine($getHeader, $getHeader);
        $setHeader = array_merge(
        array_push($newArray, (object)$setHeader);

        foreach ($getData as $data) {
            $theKey = $remarkAsset->where('asset_id', $data->id)->keys();

            foreach ($remark as $head) {
                if ($theKey->count() > 0) { 
                    $valueRemark = '';

                    foreach ($theKey as $key) {
                        if ($remark->get($key)->remark_id == $head->id) {
                            $valueRemark = $remark->get($key)->value;
                    $data->{$head['type']} = $valueRemark;
                } else {
                    $data->{$head['type']} = '';
            array_push($newArray, $data);

        $chunkArray = collect($newArray);

        foreach ($chunkArray as $datas) {
            if (is_object($datas))
                $datas = (array)$datas;
            fputcsv($handle, $datas);

    }, 200, $headers);

    return $response->send();

Вы также можете использовать Lazy Collections для RemarkAsset моделей, например

$remark = Remark::select('id','label','type')->cursor();
$remarkAsset = RemarkAsset::select('asset_id','value','remark_id')->cursor();
0 голосов
/ 17 января 2020
ini_set('max_execution_time', 180); //3 minutes
0 голосов
/ 17 января 2020

Вы можете вызвать set_time_limit(0), чтобы удалить ограничение по времени от остальной части исполнения, или вы можете вызвать set_time_limit(n) в каждой итерации, например, oop (например), чтобы сбросить таймер еще на n секунд.


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