Я построил графическую панель управления da sh с тепловой картой. Однако я заметил, что t = некоторые метки на моей оси Y не отображаются. Я только ограничен, я не уверен, что происходит не так. Вот моя панель инструментов:
import dash
import dash_table
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input,Output
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
#correlation dataframe
correlation_df = supervisor[['Características (D)', 'Características (I)',
'Características (S)', 'Características (C)', 'Motivación (D)',
'Motivación (I)', 'Motivación (S)', 'Motivación (C)', 'Bajo Stress (D)',
'Bajo Stress (I)', 'Bajo Stress (S)', 'Bajo Stress (C)','span','Mean Team Performance','employment span','Pay to team size ratio']]
correlation_df = correlation_df.corr()
corr_fig = go.Figure()
z= correlation_df.values,
x= ['Características (D)', 'Características (I)',
'Características (S)', 'Características (C)', 'Motivación (D)',
'Motivación (I)', 'Motivación (S)', 'Motivación (C)', 'Bajo Stress (D)',
'Bajo Stress (I)', 'Bajo Stress (S)', 'Bajo Stress (C)','span','Mean Team Performance','employment span','Pay to team size ratio'],
y= ['Características (D)', 'Características (I)',
'Características (S)', 'Características (C)', 'Motivación (D)',
'Motivación (I)', 'Motivación (S)', 'Motivación (C)', 'Bajo Stress (D)',
'Bajo Stress (I)', 'Bajo Stress (S)', 'Bajo Stress (C)','span','Mean Team Performance','employment span','Pay to team size ratio'],
corr_fig.update_layout(title="Correlation heatmap",
yaxis={"title": 'Traits'},
xaxis={"title": 'Traits',"tickangle": 45}, )
app = dash.Dash()
#html layout
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
html.H1(children='Dashboard', style={
'textAlign': 'center',
'height': '10'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Вот пример моего фрейма данных:
{'Características (D)': {'Características (D)': 1.0,
'Características (I)': -0.744432853713455,
'Características (S)': 0.20085563028990697,
'Características (C)': -0.039907357919985106,
'Motivación (D)': 0.8232188768568326,
'Motivación (I)': -0.6987940156295481,
'Motivación (S)': 0.17336394623619988,
'Motivación (C)': -0.03941838984936696,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.8142337605566142,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.48861318810993065,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.3207614659369065,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.0461134826855843,
'span': 0.2874881163983965,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.40633858242603244,
'employment span': -0.09857697245687172,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.022958588188126107},
'Características (I)': {'Características (D)': -0.744432853713455,
'Características (I)': 1.0,
'Características (S)': -0.3779100652350093,
'Características (C)': -0.11879176229148546,
'Motivación (D)': -0.8454566900924195,
'Motivación (I)': 0.8314885901746485,
'Motivación (S)': -0.5493813305976118,
'Motivación (C)': 0.020902885445784,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.4614762821424876,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.8628000011272827,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.07723803992022794,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.26492408476089707,
'span': -0.2923189384010105,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.04150083345671622,
'employment span': 0.4006484556146567,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.27081339758378836},
'Características (S)': {'Características (D)': 0.20085563028990697,
'Características (I)': -0.3779100652350093,
'Características (S)': 1.0,
'Características (C)': -0.7739057580439489,
'Motivación (D)': 0.28928161764191546,
'Motivación (I)': -0.14811042351159115,
'Motivación (S)': 0.7823864767779756,
'Motivación (C)': -0.6651182815949327,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.10162624205618695,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.5488737066087104,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.46905181352171205,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.4698328671560004,
'span': -0.02087671997992093,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.12496266913575294,
'employment span': 0.27001694775950746,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.07931062556531454},
'Características (C)': {'Características (D)': -0.039907357919985106,
'Características (I)': -0.11879176229148546,
'Características (S)': -0.7739057580439489,
'Características (C)': 1.0,
'Motivación (D)': -0.011616389427962759,
'Motivación (I)': -0.292733356844308,
'Motivación (S)': -0.4343733032773228,
'Motivación (C)': 0.774357808826908,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.04367706074639601,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.0931714388059811,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.6482541912883304,
'Bajo Stress (C)': 0.7732581689662739,
'span': 0.03775247426826095,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.07825282894287325,
'employment span': -0.5003613024138532,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.20937248430293648},
'Motivación (D)': {'Características (D)': 0.8232188768568326,
'Características (I)': -0.8454566900924195,
'Características (S)': 0.28928161764191546,
'Características (C)': -0.011616389427962759,
'Motivación (D)': 1.0,
'Motivación (I)': -0.6401977926528387,
'Motivación (S)': 0.27806883694592277,
'Motivación (C)': -0.2534345146499511,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.35748019323906,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.7219032007713697,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.21293087519106632,
'Bajo Stress (C)': 0.2698254124168881,
'span': 0.5037240436882805,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.48414442720369955,
'employment span': -0.20711331594020507,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.3769998767635495},
'Motivación (I)': {'Características (D)': -0.6987940156295481,
'Características (I)': 0.8314885901746485,
'Características (S)': -0.14811042351159115,
'Características (C)': -0.292733356844308,
'Motivación (D)': -0.6401977926528387,
'Motivación (I)': 1.0,
'Motivación (S)': -0.48288361435623983,
'Motivación (C)': -0.4135335004412625,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.5563645790627242,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.45272622386580263,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.31345796324782077,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.1236088717264958,
'span': -0.4334332491868192,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.027223644357210867,
'employment span': 0.08277408562811393,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.30770777808996924},
'Motivación (S)': {'Características (D)': 0.17336394623619988,
'Características (I)': -0.5493813305976118,
'Características (S)': 0.7823864767779756,
'Características (C)': -0.4343733032773228,
'Motivación (D)': 0.27806883694592277,
'Motivación (I)': -0.48288361435623983,
'Motivación (S)': 1.0,
'Motivación (C)': -0.23220036735524985,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.12079023858043715,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.5418626995091027,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.12381340765657087,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.3091698232697242,
'span': 0.1503231802207429,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.38838798587565976,
'employment span': 0.09981399691805137,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.20858825983296703},
'Motivación (C)': {'Características (D)': -0.03941838984936696,
'Características (I)': 0.020902885445784,
'Características (S)': -0.6651182815949327,
'Características (C)': 0.774357808826908,
'Motivación (D)': -0.2534345146499511,
'Motivación (I)': -0.4135335004412625,
'Motivación (S)': -0.23220036735524985,
'Motivación (C)': 1.0,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.18028688548066718,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.386437402512207,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.7351725371592022,
'Bajo Stress (C)': 0.21452556505271267,
'span': 0.15796613914842977,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.11411844367303944,
'employment span': -0.1335403092401566,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.16110863218572585},
'Bajo Stress (D)': {'Características (D)': 0.8142337605566142,
'Características (I)': -0.4614762821424876,
'Características (S)': 0.10162624205618695,
'Características (C)': -0.04367706074639601,
'Motivación (D)': 0.35748019323906,
'Motivación (I)': -0.5563645790627242,
'Motivación (S)': 0.12079023858043715,
'Motivación (C)': 0.18028688548066718,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 1.0,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.1849352428080063,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.2529157606770202,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.31055770095686547,
'span': -0.11631187918782246,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.05369401779765192,
'employment span': -0.042901905999867325,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.4484652828139771},
'Bajo Stress (I)': {'Características (D)': -0.48861318810993065,
'Características (I)': 0.8628000011272827,
'Características (S)': -0.5488737066087104,
'Características (C)': 0.0931714388059811,
'Motivación (D)': -0.7219032007713697,
'Motivación (I)': 0.45272622386580263,
'Motivación (S)': -0.5418626995091027,
'Motivación (C)': 0.386437402512207,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.1849352428080063,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 1.0,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.0981237735359993,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.27961420029017486,
'span': -0.06711566955045667,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.06327392392569486,
'employment span': 0.5471491483201977,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.17612214868518486},
'Bajo Stress (S)': {'Características (D)': 0.3207614659369065,
'Características (I)': 0.07723803992022794,
'Características (S)': 0.46905181352171205,
'Características (C)': -0.6482541912883304,
'Motivación (D)': 0.21293087519106632,
'Motivación (I)': 0.31345796324782077,
'Motivación (S)': -0.12381340765657087,
'Motivación (C)': -0.7351725371592022,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.2529157606770202,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.0981237735359993,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 1.0,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.3570697743190169,
'span': -0.23885238917830093,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.41404235485716345,
'employment span': 0.33146618322475935,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.49978958145813196},
'Bajo Stress (C)': {'Características (D)': -0.0461134826855843,
'Características (I)': -0.26492408476089707,
'Características (S)': -0.4698328671560004,
'Características (C)': 0.7732581689662739,
'Motivación (D)': 0.2698254124168881,
'Motivación (I)': -0.1236088717264958,
'Motivación (S)': -0.3091698232697242,
'Motivación (C)': 0.21452556505271267,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.31055770095686547,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.27961420029017486,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.3570697743190169,
'Bajo Stress (C)': 1.0,
'span': -0.01344626398272969,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.08070306908833835,
'employment span': -0.5968535698213163,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.2795657757692292},
'span': {'Características (D)': 0.2874881163983965,
'Características (I)': -0.2923189384010105,
'Características (S)': -0.02087671997992093,
'Características (C)': 0.03775247426826095,
'Motivación (D)': 0.5037240436882805,
'Motivación (I)': -0.4334332491868192,
'Motivación (S)': 0.1503231802207429,
'Motivación (C)': 0.15796613914842977,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.11631187918782246,
'Bajo Stress (I)': -0.06711566955045667,
'Bajo Stress (S)': -0.23885238917830093,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.01344626398272969,
'span': 1.0,
'Mean Team Performance': -0.19851531030268585,
'employment span': 0.13994502995917002,
'Pay to team size ratio': -0.802380461421258},
'Mean Team Performance': {'Características (D)': 0.40633858242603244,
'Características (I)': -0.04150083345671622,
'Características (S)': -0.12496266913575294,
'Características (C)': -0.07825282894287325,
'Motivación (D)': 0.48414442720369955,
'Motivación (I)': -0.027223644357210867,
'Motivación (S)': -0.38838798587565976,
'Motivación (C)': -0.11411844367303944,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.05369401779765192,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.06327392392569486,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.41404235485716345,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.08070306908833835,
'span': -0.19851531030268585,
'Mean Team Performance': 1.0,
'employment span': 0.3992240651662481,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.38910257451919805},
'employment span': {'Características (D)': -0.09857697245687172,
'Características (I)': 0.4006484556146567,
'Características (S)': 0.27001694775950746,
'Características (C)': -0.5003613024138532,
'Motivación (D)': -0.20711331594020507,
'Motivación (I)': 0.08277408562811393,
'Motivación (S)': 0.09981399691805137,
'Motivación (C)': -0.1335403092401566,
'Bajo Stress (D)': -0.042901905999867325,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.5471491483201977,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.33146618322475935,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.5968535698213163,
'span': 0.13994502995917002,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.3992240651662481,
'employment span': 1.0,
'Pay to team size ratio': 0.04572394154746432},
'Pay to team size ratio': {'Características (D)': 0.022958588188126107,
'Características (I)': 0.27081339758378836,
'Características (S)': 0.07931062556531454,
'Características (C)': -0.20937248430293648,
'Motivación (D)': -0.3769998767635495,
'Motivación (I)': 0.30770777808996924,
'Motivación (S)': -0.20858825983296703,
'Motivación (C)': -0.16110863218572585,
'Bajo Stress (D)': 0.4484652828139771,
'Bajo Stress (I)': 0.17612214868518486,
'Bajo Stress (S)': 0.49978958145813196,
'Bajo Stress (C)': -0.2795657757692292,
'span': -0.802380461421258,
'Mean Team Performance': 0.38910257451919805,
'employment span': 0.04572394154746432,
'Pay to team size ratio': 1.0}}
Это снимок того, как выглядит тепловая карта, если вы запустите мой код: