Источник можно найти на Github в orthogonal_eval.pxd .
В целочисленном случае сложность O (k).
kx = floor(k)
if k == kx and (fabs(n) > 1e-8 or n == 0):
# Integer case: use multiplication formula for less rounding error
# for cases where the result is an integer.
# This cannot be used for small nonzero n due to loss of
# precision.
nx = floor(n)
if nx == n and kx > nx/2 and nx > 0:
# Reduce kx by symmetry
kx = nx - kx
if kx >= 0 and kx < 20:
num = 1.0
den = 1.0
for i in range(1, 1 + <int>kx):
num *= i + n - kx
den *= i
if fabs(num) > 1e50:
num /= den
den = 1.0
return num/den