Извлечение содержимого между двумя наборами тегов - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 13 февраля 2020

Я пытаюсь извлечь некоторый контент и поместить его в табличный формат в Excel. В одном столбце будут указаны страны, во втором столбце - меры, которые они применяют против коронавируса. Вот как выглядит HTML:

<strong>AUSTRALIA</strong> - published 11.02.2020<br />
1. Passengers who have transited through or have been in China (People's Rep.) on or after 1 February 2020, will not be allowed to transit or enter Australia.<br />
- This does not apply to nationals of Australia. They will be required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from their arrival into Australia.<br />
- This does not apply to permanent residents of Australia and their immediate family members. They will be required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from their arrival into Australia.<br />
- This does not apply to airline crew.<br />
2. Nationals of Australia who have transited through or have been in China (People's Rep.) on or after 1 February 2020 will be required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from their arrival into Australia.<br />
3. Permanent residents of Australia and their immediate family members who have transited through or have been in China (People's Rep.) on or after the 1 February 2020 will be required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from their arrival into Australia.<br />
<br />
<strong>AZERBAIJAN</strong> - published 06.02.2020

Так что здесь нет реальной структуры, о которой можно было бы говорить. Однако я хотел бы иметь возможность извлечь список стран в один столбец (это легко, поскольку они между сильными тегами). Но я хотел бы, чтобы другой столбец был соответствующим текстом для каждой страны. Это сложнее, так как нет ничего, чтобы изолировать это. Единственное, о чем я могу думать, это попросить VBA l oop между двумя наборами strong тегов и извлечь это содержимое во второй столбец. Я не уверен, как это сделать, хотя. Код, который я нашел до сих пор, позволяет мне извлечь список стран и ничего больше:

Sub Test()

Dim IE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLAs As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection

IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate "https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm"


Set HTMLDoc = IE.Document

ProcessHTMLPage HTMLDoc

    Set HTMLAs = HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("strong")

    For Each HTMLA In HTMLAs

    Debug.Print HTMLA.innerText
    If HTMLA.getAttribute("href") = "http://x-rates.com/table/" And HTMLA.getAttribute("rel") = "ratestable" Then
'I don't understand why, but the previous line of code is essential to making this work. Otherwise I only get the first country
        Exit For
        End If


End Sub

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 13 февраля 2020

Пожалуйста, прочитайте комментарии в макросе. Не стесняйтесь упорядочить текст другим способом или получить дату сообщения из строки или чего-либо еще:

Редактировать 2: Я удалил первое редактирование, потому что указал на ошибки в макрос. Но я исправил их сейчас и заменил код макроса с помощью этого редактирования

Редактировать 3: Я заменил второй макрос на тот, который работает сейчас

Sub ExtractCoronaVirusCountryInfos()

  'To get the clear text for each country we must restruct the html code of parts of the page
  'It's necessary to delete some tags (p and span) and place some new tags (div and p)
  'To manipulate the html code like we need it we use tools of the dom (document object model)
  'and tools to make string operations on the html code

  Dim url As String
  Dim ie As Object
  Dim nodeTextContainer As Object
  Dim nodeAllP As Object
  Dim nodeOneP As Object
  Dim nodeNewBody As Object
  Dim nodeAllDiv As Object
  Dim nodeOneDiv As Object
  Dim htmlString As String
  Dim tableRow As Long
  Dim tableColumn As Long
  Dim countryName As String
  Dim infoDate As String
  Dim infoText As String
  Dim p As Long
  Dim openingArrowBracketIndex As Long
  Dim closingArrowBracketIndex As Long
  Dim openingRealBrTagComment As Long
  Dim closingRealBrTagComment As Long
  Dim openingRealBrTagStyle As Long
  Dim closingRealBrTagStyle As Long

  tableRow = 2
  tableColumn = 1
  url = "https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm"

  'Initialize Internet Explorer, set visibility,
  'call URL and wait until page is fully loaded
  Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
  ie.Visible = True
  ie.navigate url
  Do Until ie.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
  'Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)

  'Get the text container
  Set nodeTextContainer = ie.document.getElementsByClassName("middle")(0)
  'Get all p-tags
  'They contain the text we want
  Set nodeAllP = nodeTextContainer.getElementsByTagName("p")
  'Kick the p tags (only the opening and closing strings)
  'and concatinate the results of this operation
  'We can do this very easy by getting the innerhtml
  For Each nodeOneP In nodeAllP
    htmlString = htmlString & nodeOneP.innerhtml
  Next nodeOneP

  'Now we want to kick the span tags. But we can't do that in the same way
  'like with the p tags because there are nested span tags in the document
  'Let's see what's the problem with nested tags
  'HTML code example with two nested span tags:
  '  <span>
  '    Data to show
  '  </span>
  'VBA code to build a node collection:
  'Set nodeAllSpan = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("span")
  'Now there are two elements in the node collection:
  'nodeAllSpan(0) = <span><span>Data to show</span></span>
  'nodeAllSpan(1) = <span>Data to show</span>
  'The Text we want is doubled!
  'If we take the innertext of the whole collection we get this:
  'Data to showData to show
  'That is realy not our goal. Thats the reason we use string operations to delete
  'all span tags. For the closing parts </span> it's easy with replace. The opening
  'parts are unknown because they can have style information, attributes and even
  'more. So we must search first for '<span'. Than for '>' after the before found
  'position in string. Then we can delete the tag and go on for the next one
  'First we replace the closing parts of all span tags with an empty string
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "</span>", "")
  'With the following part of the macro we delete the opening parts of all span tags
  'We must search the whole string after each manipulation again so we need a loop
  'until there is no more span tag
    openingArrowBracketIndex = InStr(1, htmlString, "<span")
    closingArrowBracketIndex = InStr(openingArrowBracketIndex + 1, htmlString, ">")
    If openingArrowBracketIndex > 1 Then
      openingArrowBracketIndex = openingArrowBracketIndex - 1
    End If
    htmlString = Left(htmlString, openingArrowBracketIndex) & Mid(htmlString, closingArrowBracketIndex + 1)
  Loop Until openingArrowBracketIndex = 0

  'Now we have a string that starts with some text we don't need and some text at the end we don't need
  'But we also have a string with a pattern we can use to place new html tags which can be used to get
  'the text in that way we want
  'The start text will lost automatically. The end text too with a little manipulation before placing all other new tags
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br><br><br>", "</div>")
  'Now we place the new structure
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br><strong><br>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<strong><br><br>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br><br><strong>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br><br><a name=" & Chr(34) & "_GoBack" & Chr(34) & "></a><strong>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br><strong>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<strong><br>", "<strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<strong>", "</p></div><div><strong>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "</strong>", "</strong><p>")
  htmlString = Replace(htmlString, "<br>", "</p><p>")

  'Our htmlString contains all info we want. So we can
  'use the ie to generate a new dom object
  Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
  ie.Visible = True
  ie.navigate "about:blank"
  Do Until ie.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop

  'First we encapsulate our htmlString in a body tag to be able to query it afterwards
  htmlString = "<body>" & htmlString & "</body>"
  'Than we use a little trick to get the htmlString as dom object
  ie.document.Write (htmlString)
  Set nodeNewBody = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("body")(0)

  'Now we can get the text like we want it
  'The information for every single country is placed now in a div tag
  'By creating a node collection of all div tags we lost automatically
  'the not needed text at the start and at the end
  Set nodeAllDiv = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("div")
  'Place data for each country in the excel table
  For Each nodeOneDiv In nodeAllDiv
    'Get country name
    countryName = Trim(nodeOneDiv.getElementsByTagName("strong")(0).innertext)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(tableRow, tableColumn).Value = countryName
    tableColumn = tableColumn + 1

    'Get date of message
    'The date string is placed allways in the first p tag
    infoDate = Trim(nodeOneDiv.getElementsByTagName("p")(0).innertext)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(tableRow, tableColumn).Value = infoDate
    tableColumn = tableColumn + 1

    'Get the message itself
    'The text of the message is placed from p tag 2 till the last p tag
    Set nodeAllP = nodeOneDiv.getElementsByTagName("p")
    For p = 1 To nodeAllP.Length - 1
      infoText = infoText & Trim(nodeAllP(p).innertext) & Chr(10)
    Next p
    'Write Infotext to table without the last new line
    ActiveSheet.Cells(tableRow, tableColumn).Value = Left(infoText, Len(infoText) - 1)
    infoText = ""
    tableColumn = 1
    tableRow = tableRow + 1
  Next nodeOneDiv
End Sub
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