Python, psycopg2, используя обновление - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 марта 2020

Я пытаюсь запустить следующий оператор обновления с помощью psycopg2:

class AddPathToHTMLFile(ConnectToPostgres):
    This class is used to add to each mission's row the HTML file after a retrieve function has occurred on an object.
    So the user could return to that mission again without RePlotting.

    def set_query(cls, mission_name):
        path = get_file_path(mission_name)
            query = f'UPDATE {FIND_SECOND_GDT} SET "HTMLFile" = {str(path)} WHERE "MissionName" = "{mission_name}"'
            # Commit the insertion of data.
            count = cls.cursor.rowcount
            print(count, f"Record inserted successfully into {FIND_SECOND_GDT} table")
        except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
            if cls.connection:
                print("Failed to insert data.", error)

# Class: ConnectToPostgres Establishes connection to the DB and been tested to work. 

class ConnectToPostgres:
    Class that Connects to the PostgreSQL DB.

    connection = psycopg2.connect(user=POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION['user'],
    cursor = connection.cursor()

При запуске кода я получаю следующую ошибку:

Failed to insert data. syntax error at or near "/"
LINE 1: UPDATE find_second_gdt SET "HTMLFile" = /home/yovel/PycharmP...

Поэтому я попытался поставить путь в двойных кавычках, но тогда ошибка изменилась:

path = "/home/yovel/PycharmProjects/Triangulation-Calculator/triangulationapi/syria2.html"

Failed to insert data. relation "find_second_gdt" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE find_second_gdt SET "HTMLFile" = "/home/yovel/Pycharm...