Сохраните количество записей в строке значений и выполните инструкцию, когда количество достигнет предела. Сбросьте счетчик и очистите строку значений и повторите в пределах l oop. Выполните одно окончательное выполнение, если после выхода из l oop.
Sub second_export()
' sheet layout
Const DATA_RANGE = "H2:AS47"
' database
Const TABLE_NAME = "SBC_Performance_Metrics"
Const BATCH_SIZE = 500 ' insert every 500 rows
' db connection
Dim sCnn As String, db As Object, rs As Object
sCnn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Portfolio_Analytics;Data Source=" & SERVER & ";" & _
"Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;"
Set db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
If db.State = 0 Then db.Open sCnn
' take dates from row above DATA_RANGE
Dim dates As Range
Set dates = ActiveSheet.Range(DATA_RANGE).Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0)
Debug.Print dates.Address
Dim PropertyName As String, InsertedDate As Date, GL As String, Category As String
Dim rowcount As Integer, dataRow As Range, col As Integer, count As Integer
Dim GLID As String, dt As Date, amount ''As Currency perhaps ??
Dim SQL As String, sqlValues As String
sqlValues = ""
' load data
PropertyName = ActiveSheet.Range(PROPERTY_NAME).Value
InsertedDate = ActiveSheet.Range(INSERTED_DATE).Value
For Each dataRow In ActiveSheet.Range(DATA_RANGE).Rows
' fixed per-row
GLID = Trim(dataRow.Cells(1).Value)
Category = Trim(dataRow.Cells(2).Value)
' loopover the date columns
For col = 3 To dataRow.Cells.count
dt = dates.Cells(1, col).Value 'date from header
amount = dataRow.Cells(col).Value
'Debug.Print GLID, PropertyName, Category, amount, dt
sqlValues = sqlValues & "('" & GLID & "', " & "'" & PropertyName & _
"', " & "'" & Category & "', " & amount & ", " & _
"'" & dt & "', " & "'" & InsertedDate & "'),"
count = count + 1
' insert batch of records when necessary
If count >= BATCH_SIZE Then
' remove end comma and execute
sqlValues = Left(sqlValues, Len(sqlValues) - 1)
db.Execute SQL & sqlValues
MsgBox count & " inserted"
' reset for next batch
sqlValues = ""
count = 0
End If
Next col
Next dataRow
' insert remaining
If Len(sqlValues) > 0 Then
sqlValues = Left(sqlValues, Len(sqlValues) - 1)
db.Execute SQL & sqlValues
MsgBox count & " inserted"
End If
' result
Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & TABLE_NAME)
MsgBox rs(0) & " records in table " & TABLE_NAME, vbInformation
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
остаются какие-либо значения.