Диапазон копирования от первой ко всем другим рабочим листам
Ограничения: необходимо прочитать перед использованием
Работа лист для копирования из ДОЛЖЕН быть первым , т.е. крайним левым (первым) листом на вкладках . Если вы случайно или преднамеренно переместите его в другое положение, вы можете нанести серьезный ущерб вашей книге.
Работа книга должна содержать только рабочие листы , например, не содержит диаграмм или код не пройден.
Option Explicit
Sub Button4_Click()
Const RangeAddress As String = "H4:AD600" ' Source Range Address
Dim SourceRange As Range ' Source Range
Dim i As Long ' Worksheets Counter
With ThisWorkbook
' Define and copy Source Range in First Worksheet to clipboard.
Set SourceRange = .Worksheets(1).Range(RangeAddress)
' Paste Source Range into the remaining worksheets.
For i = 2 To .Worksheets.Count
.Worksheets(i).Range(RangeAddress).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
Next i
' Select range 'A1' in all worksheets and activate first worksheet.
For i = .Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1
Next i
End With
' Remove Source range from clipboard.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
' Inform user that the operation has finished.
MsgBox "Copied Range(" & RangeAddress & ") from the first to " _
& "the remaining worksheets.", vbInformation, "Copy Range"
End Sub
Sub Button4_ClickStudy()
Const RangeAddress As String = "H4:AD600"
Dim SourceRange As Range
Dim i As Long
' In ThisWorkbook (the workbook containing this code).
With ThisWorkbook
' Create a reference to the range specified by RangeAddress
' on the first worksheet (the left-most worksheet on the sheet tabs).
Set SourceRange = .Worksheets(1).Range(RangeAddress)
' The following For Next block is only useful if you want to remove
' the previous formatting, since the values of the cells are going
' to be overwritten anyway.
' Loop through the rest of the worksheets.
For i = 2 To .Worksheets.Count
' Clear the range specified by RangeAddress on the current
' worksheet. Clear is different than ClearContents (DEL).
Debug.Print "The range '" & RangeAddress & "' in worksheet '" & i _
& "' (" & .Worksheets(i).Name & ") has just been cleared."
Next i
' Copy SourceRange i.e. the range is copied to the clipboard (memory).
' Excel is displaying an animated moving border around the range.
' This is the same as if you would have selected the range and
' pressed CTRL+C in Excel.
' Loop through the rest of the worksheets.
For i = 2 To .Worksheets.Count
' In range of current worksheet
With .Worksheets(i).Range(RangeAddress)
'.PasteSpecial ' will paste (almost) everything, incl. formulas.
'.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormuats
.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
'.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
' Column widths and comments are only pasted in this way:
'.PasteSpecial xlPasteColumnWidths
'.PasteSpecial xlPasteComments
Debug.Print "Sheet '" & i & "' (" & .Parent.Name _
& ") has just been written (pasted) to."
End With
Next i
' The following will just show the name of the ActivSheet.
' In this case it will show that the first sheet is active.
Debug.Print "The ActiveSheet's name is '" & ActiveSheet.Name & "'."
' Loop through the rest of the worksheets from the last to the first
' because you would want to see the first sheet after the operation.
For i = .Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1 ' Remember to use negative Step!
' In current worksheet
With .Worksheets(i)
' To select a range on a worksheet, you have to first
' activate the worksheet. There will be no error if it
' is already active (like in this case).
.Range("A1").Select 'or Cells(1, 1) or Range("A1")
Debug.Print "Range 'A1' has just been selected on Sheet '" & i _
& "' (" & .Name & ")."
End With
Next i
End With
' Remove the range from the clipboard (memory).
' Removes the animated moving border around the range.
' This is the same as if you would have pressed ESC in Excel (after
' you have cut or copied a range).
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Debug.Print "Range '" & RangeAddress & "' in sheet '1' (" _
& ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Name _
& ")' has just been removed from the clipboard."
' When the code is a fast operation, you might not have noticed
' that anything had happened. So it is a good idea to inform yourself.
MsgBox "Copied Range(" & RangeAddress & ") from the first to " _
& "the remaining worksheets.", vbInformation, "Copy Range"
End Sub