Пожалуйста, попробуйте метод, который использует структуру Обещание / Будущее , чтобы найти последовательность документов, которые соответствуют критериям поиска. Например:
import org.mongodb.scala.bson._
def find (search_key: String, search_value: String, collection_name: String): Seq[Document] = {
// The application will need to wait for the find operation thread to complete
// in order to process the returned value.
log.debug(s"Starting database find_all operation thread")
// Set up new client connection, database, and collection
val _client: MongoClient = MongoClient(config_client)
val _database: MongoDatabase = _client.getDatabase(config_database)
val collection: MongoCollection[Document] = _database.getCollection(collection_name)
// Set up result sequence
var result_seq : Seq[Document] = Seq.empty
// Set up Promise container to wait for the database operation to complete
val promise = Promise[Boolean]
// Start insert operation thread; once the thread has finished, read resulting documents.
collection.find(equal(search_key, search_value)).collect().subscribe((results: Seq[Document]) => {
log.trace(s"Found operation thread completed")
// Append found documents to the results
result_seq = result_seq ++ results
log.trace(s" Result sequence: $result_seq")
promise.success(true) // set Promise container
_client.close // close client connection to avoid memory leaks
val future = promise.future // Promise completion result
Await.result(future, Duration.Inf) // wait for the promise completion result
// Return document sequence
Затем вы можете перебрать последовательность документов и перетащить продукты в Список (лучше, чем Массив).
def read : List[String] = {
val document_seq = Database.find("userID","1234",collection)
// Set up an empty return map
val return_map : mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map.empty
// Translate data from each document into Product object
document_seq.foreach(_document => {
// Convert values to list map and return
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