My ti c -ta c - кажется, что работает неправильно. Я пробовал разные вещи, но ничего не меняется.
Вы можете запустить скрипт самостоятельно, просто чтобы увидеть, что каждый раз, когда он спрашивает ход игрока, игра делает вертикальную линию X в нужном столбце и заканчивается там.
Вероятно, это проблема с моей реализацией minimax или функции computedMove, хотя я не могу найти там никаких ошибок.
# Boardsize initialization
boardSize = 0
# Board initialization
board = []
person = 'X'
ai = 'O'
#This variable indicates the player who has their turn at the moment.
currentPlayer = ''
# This shows the board.
for n in range (boardSize):
for m in range (boardSize):
print (" - "),
print ("\n")
#Checking if somebody won (only horizontal or vertical)
def winLine(line, letter):
return all(n == letter for n in line)
#New list from diagonals
def winDiagonal(board):
return (board[n][n] for n in range (boardSize))
#The function universally checks whether somebody has won, or not.
def checkWinner (board):
#Liczenie wolnych pol
openSpots = 0
for n in range(boardSize):
for m in range(boardSize):
if board[n][m] == '0':
openSpots += 1
#Transposition of the board, so it's possible to use winline() here
for letter in (person, ai):
transPos = list(zip(*board))
#Horizontal check
if any(winLine(row, letter) for row in board):
return letter
#Vertical check
elif any (winLine(col, letter) for col in transPos):
return letter
#Diagonal check
elif any (winLine(winDiagonal(dummy), letter) for dummy in (board, transPos)):
return letter
elif openSpots == 0: return 'tie'
else: return 'N/A'
#This function returns the player's move
def playerMove (row, col):
#Checking if the field is clear
if board[row][col] == '0':
board[row-1][col-1] = person
print('You cannot make that move.')
#Minimax constants
plusInf = float('inf')
minusInf = float('-inf')
#Lookup table for minimax scores
scores = {
'X': 10,
'O': -10,
'None': 0
#Minimax itself
def minimax(baord, depth, maximizes):
#Checking whether anybody has won
res = checkWinner(board)
if (res != 'N/A'):
return scores[res]
#Maximizing player
if maximizes:
minmaxBoard = board.copy()
maxTarget = minusInf
for n in range(boardSize):
for m in range(boardSize):
if minmaxBoard[n][m] == '0':
minmaxBoard[n][m] = ai
score = minimax(minmaxBoard, depth + 1, False)
maxTarget = max(score, maxTarget)
return maxTarget
#Minimizing player
minTarget = plusInf
minmaxBoard = board.copy()
for n in range(boardSize):
for m in range(boardSize):
if minmaxBoard[n][m] == '0':
minmaxBoard[n][m] = person
score = minimax(minmaxBoard, depth + 1, True)
minTarget = min(score, minTarget)
return minTarget
#The computer uses this function to make its move
def computedMove():
computedTarget = minusInf
for n in range(boardSize):
for m in range(boardSize):
newBoard = board.copy()
if newBoard[n][m] == '0':
newBoard[n][m] = ai
score = minimax(newBoard, 0, False)
if score > computedTarget:
computedTarget = score
move = (n,m)
board[move[0]][move[1]] = ai
# Getting input for the player's move
def getPlayerMove():
res = input('Please type in your move on the form \"x y\", x being the number of the column and y the number of the row of your choosing.\n')
col, row = res.split(" ")
row = int(row)
col = int(col)
move = (row, col)
return move
# Drawing the board
def drawBoard():
for n in range(boardSize):
for m in range(boardSize):
if board[n][m] == '0':
print(' - ', end='')
print(' '+board[n][m]+' ', end='')
# Current state of the game, False at first
playing = False
#The game loop
while True:
currentPlayer = person
boardSize = int(input("Please enter the size of the board. (one sie)\n"))
board = [['0']*boardSize]*boardSize
print("You go first.")
playing = True
while playing:
if currentPlayer == person:
move = getPlayerMove()
playerMove(move[0]-1, move[1]-1)
if checkWinner(board) == person:
print("Yaay, you won!")
playing = False
if checkWinner(board) == 'tie':
print('It\'s a tie!')
currentPlayer = ai
if currentPlayer == ai:
if checkWinner(board) == ai:
print('You lose!')
playing = False
if checkWinner(board) == 'tie':
print('It\'s a tie!')
currentPlayer = person
if not input('Do you want to play again?').lower().startswith('y'):