VBA изначально не предоставляет такую информацию. Для получения аргументов командной строки необходимо использовать API Windows.
В следующем коде показано, как использовать API GetCommandLineA
и lstrcpynA
для извлечения полной командной строки. Затем он анализируется для выбора каждого отдельного аргумента.
Declare Function GetCommandLineA Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Declare Function lstrcpynA Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal pDestination As String, ByVal pSource As Long, _
ByVal iMaxLength As Integer) As Long
Function GetCmdLineInfo() As String
' Pointer to the command line
' Which will be passed as pSource to lstrcpynA
Dim ptrCmdLine As Long
' Will hold the command line after the call to lstrcpynA
' Pointer to the destination; before being passed...
' must first be initialized with enough characters to hold that string
Dim strCmdLine As String
' Get the pointer to the command line string
ptrCmdLine = GetCommandLineA
' Fill the string with enough zeros to make sure there are enough
' characters available for the command string (which will replace the content).
' 300 is an arbitrary number, more might be necessary.
strCmdLine = String$(300, vbNullChar)
' Copy from the pointer to a VBA-style string
lstrcpynA strCmdLine, pCmdLine, Len(strCmdLine)
' Remove the extra vbNullChar characters at the end of the command line
strCmdLine = left(strCmdLine, InStr(1, strCmdLine, _
vbNullChar) - 1)
GetCmdLineInfo = strCmdLine
End Function
Function GetCmdLineArgs(strCmdLine As String) As String
Dim lExePos As Long, lSpaceAfterExe As Long
Dim strArgString As String
'Get the end of the path to the exe file...
lExePos = InStr(LCase(strCmdLine), ".exe")
strArgString = Mid(strCmdLine, lExePos + 4)
'Move beyond any quote characters and spaces after '.exe'
'The first argument may be the path to a file or
'an argument beginning with a forward slash, so get it all.
lSpaceAfterExe = InStr(strArgString, " ")
If lSpaceAfterExe > 0 Then
strArgString = Mid(strArgString, lSpaceAfterExe + 1)
strArgString = "No args"
End If
GetCmdLineArgs = Trim(strArgString)
End Function
Sub TestCmdLineargs()
Dim strCmdLine As String
Dim strCmdArgs
strCmdLine = GetCmdLineInfo
strCmdArgs = GetCmdLineArgs(strCmdLine)
'Debug.Print Len(strCmdLine), strCmdLine, strCmdArgs
'Extract the individual args to an array
Dim strArgChar As String
Dim lFirstArgPos As Long, lNextArgPos As Long
Dim argsList() As String
Dim strArgString As String
Dim argsCounter As Long
strArgChar = " /"
argsCounter = 0
lFirstArgPos = InStr(strCmdArgs, strArgChar)
'If the first argument is a file path, store that in the array
If left(strCmdArgs, 1) <> "/" Then
ReDim Preserve argsList(argsCounter)
strArgString = Trim(left(strCmdArgs, lFirstArgPos - 2))
argsList(argsCounter) = strArgString
argsCounter = argsCounter + 1
End If
'Get the rest of the args, that start with a /
Do While lFirstArgPos > 0
ReDim Preserve argsList(argsCounter)
strArgString = Mid(strCmdArgs, lFirstArgPos + 1)
lNextArgPos = InStr(lFirstArgPos + 2, strCmdArgs, strArgChar)
'If lNextArgPos is not greater than 0, then there are no more args
If lNextArgPos <= 0 Then
argsList(argsCounter) = strArgString
Exit Do
strArgString = Mid(strCmdArgs, lFirstArgPos + 1, lNextArgPos - lFirstArgPos)
argsList(argsCounter) = strArgString
argsCounter = argsCounter + 1
lFirstArgPos = lNextArgPos
End If
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(argsList) To UBound(argsList)
Debug.Print argsList(i)
End Sub