При очистке нужных веб-страниц содержимое всех файлов TXT является выбранными мной узлами. - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 31 марта 2020

Я делаю для себя базовое c упражнение по просмотру веб-страниц, извлекаю Штаты * из этого веб-сайта .

из моего кода, чтобы получить то, что мне нужно, выглядит следующим образом ,


#load webpage
pres.library <- read_html(x = "https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/presidential-documents-archive-guidebook/annual-messages-congress-the-state-the-union")

#get URL of links
links <- pres.library %>%
  html_nodes("span a , td~ td+ td a") %>%

#get link text
text <- pres.library %>%
  html_nodes("span a , td~ td+ td a") %>%

#combine into df 
sotu <- data.frame (text = text, links = links, stringsAsFactors = F)

После очистки датафрейм выглядит следующим образом для каждого штата Союза.

Year                                                                                                      links             President                 Party
1   2020 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-before-joint-session-the-congress-the-state-the-union-27       Donald J. Trump            Republican
2   2019 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-before-joint-session-the-congress-the-state-the-union-26       Donald J. Trump            Republican
3   2018 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-before-joint-session-the-congress-the-state-the-union-25       Donald J. Trump            Republican
4   2017                                                    https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=123408       Donald J. Trump            Republican
5   2016                                                    https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=111174          Barack Obama            Democratic
6   2015                                                    https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=108031          Barack Obama            Democratic

Когда я перебираю свой фрейм данных для извлечения текста, используя это

for (i in seq(nrow(sotu))) {
  sotu.text <- read_html(paste0(x = "https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/presidential-documents-archive-guidebook/annual-messages-congress-the-state-the-union"),sotu$links[i]) %>%
    html_nodes("span a , td~ td+ td a") %>%
  filename <- paste0("State of the Union", " ", sotu$Year[i], " ", sotu$President[i], " ", sotu$Party[i], ".txt")
  sink(file = filename) %>%
    cat(text) %>%

.txt файлы находятся в моем каталоге, но по какой-то причине содержимое всех файлы .txt - это просто узлы, которые я выбрал с помощью инструмента selectorgadget в Chrome.

Я полагаю, что это как-то связано с переменной href в html_attr?

Любая помощь с благодарностью.



#combine into df 
sotu <- data.frame (text = text, links = links, stringsAsFactors = F)

#change text column to year
names(sotu)[1] <- "Year"

#remove redunant rows & row of 1973 sotu(nixon wrote 6 separate speeches with a different topic, will be added to 1973)
sotu <- sotu[-c(89, 87, 77, 52 ),]

#replace symbols
sotu$Year <- sub("‡", "", sotu$Year)

#replace Nixon 1973 speeches
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress: Overview and Goals", "1973", sotu$Year)
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress on Natural Resources and the Environment", "1973", sotu$Year)
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress on the Economy", "1973", sotu$Year)
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress on Human Resources", "1973", sotu$Year)
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress on Community Development", "1973", sotu$Year)
sotu$Year <- sub("State of the Union Message to the Congress on Law Enforcement and Drug Abuse Prevention", "1973", sotu$Year)

#order by year (no SOTU in 1933)
sotu <- arrange(sotu, desc(Year))

#add party and president name to the dataframe (watch out! because different parties are overlapping for the same year: 1953, 1961 & 1981) => add manually

#1 add order column
sotu$order <- c(1:246)

#2. Add name of presidents (probably a more productive way to do this, but haven't found it yet), William Harisson & James A. Garfield are ommited, no SOTU. Ad NA as starting value. 
sotu$President <- NA
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(246:239),
                         "George Washington", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(238:235),
                         "John Adams", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(234:227),
                         "Thomas Jefferson", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(226:219),
                         "James Madison", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(218:211),
                         "James Monroe", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(210:207),
                         "John Quincy Adams", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(206:199),
                         "Andrew Jackson", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(198:195),
                         "Martin Van Buren", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(194:191),
                         "John Tyler", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(190:187),
                         "James K. Polk", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(186),
                         "Zachary Taylor", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(185:183),
                         "Millard Fillmore", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(182:179),
                         "Franklin Pierce", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(178:175),
                         "James Buchanan", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(174:171),
                         "Abraham Lincoln", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(170:167),
                         "Andrew Johnson", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(166:159),
                         "Ulysses S. Grant", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(158:155),
                         "Rutherford B. Hayes", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(154:151),
                         "Chester A. Arthur", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(150:147),
                         "Grover Cleveland", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(146:143),
                         "Benjamin Harrison", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(142:139),
                         "Grover Cleveland", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(138:135),
                         "William McKinley", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(134:127),
                         "Theodore Roosevelt", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(126:123),
                         "William Howard Taft", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(122:115),
                         "Woodrow Wilson", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(114:113),
                         "Warren G. Harding", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(112:107),
                         "Calvin Coolidge", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(106:103),
                         "Herbert Hoover", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(102:90),
                         "Franklin D. Roosevelt", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(89:82),
                         "Harry S. Truman", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(81:72),
                         "Dwight D. Eisenhower", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(71:69),
                         "John F. Kennedy", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(68:63),
                         "Lyndon B. Johnson", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(62:51),
                         "Richard M. Nixon", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(50:48),
                         "Gerald R. Ford", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(47:41),
                         "Jimmy Carter", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(40:33),
                         "Ronald Reagan", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(32:29),
                         "George Bush", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(28:21),
                         "William J. Clinton", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(20:13),
                         "George W. Bush", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(12:5),
                         "Barack Obama", sotu$President)
sotu$President <- ifelse(sotu$order %in% c(4:1),
                         "Donald J. Trump", sotu$President)

#Add Political Party
sotu$Party <- NA

sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("George Washington"),
                     "Independent", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("John Adams"),
                     "Federalist", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("Thomas Jefferson", "James Madison", "James Monroe", "John Quincy Adams"),
                     "Democratic-Republican", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("Andrew Jackson", "Martin Van Buren", "James K. Polk", "Franklin Pierce", "James Buchanan", "Grover Cleveland", 
                                           "Woodrow Wilson", "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "Harry S. Truman", "John F. Kennedy", "Lyndon B. Johnson", "Jimmy Carter", 
                                           "William J. Clinton", "Barack Obama"),
                     "Democratic", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("John Tyler", "Zachary Taylor", "Millard Fillmore"),
                     "Whig", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("Andrew Johnson"),
                     "Democrat (Union)", sotu$Party)
sotu$Party <- ifelse(sotu$President %in% c("Abraham Lincoln", "Ulysses S. Grant", "Rutherford B. Hayes", "Chester A. Arthur", "Benjamin Harrison", 
                                           "William McKinley", "Theodore Roosevelt", "William Howard Taft", "Warren G. Harding", "Calvin Coolidge", "Herbert Hoover", 
                                           "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "Richard M. Nixon", "Gerald R. Ford", "Ronald Reagan", "George Bush", "George W. Bush", 
                                           "Donald J. Trump"),
                     "Republican", sotu$Party)

#order column is redundant, so it can be removed
sotu$order <- NULL

#rearrange the columns
select(sotu, "Year", "President", "Party", "links")

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 31 марта 2020

Вам может понадобиться что-то вроде

for (i in seq(nrow(sotu))) {
  sotu.text <- read_html(sotu$links[i]) %>%
    html_nodes(".col-sm-8") %>%
  filename <- paste0("State of the Union", " ", sotu$Year[i], " ", sotu$President[i], " ", sotu$Party[i], ".txt")
  cat(sotu.text, file=filename, sep = "\n")