получить отзыв рейтинг пузыря от tripadvisor - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2020

как получить обзор от tripadvisor

этот мой код с помощью beautifulsoup

review_data = data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'reviews-tab'})

for review in review_data:
    namareview = review.findNext('a', attrs={'class':'ui_header_link social-member-event-MemberEventOnObjectBlock__member--35-jC'})[0].text.strip()
    ratingreview =
    tittlereview = data.find_all('a', attrs={'class':'location-review-review-list-parts-ReviewTitle__reviewTitleText--2tFRT'})[0].text.strip()
    print (namareview)

и как получить оценку рейтинга стоимости из пузырькового рейтинга

<span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_30"></span>

этот мой код сейчас

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
url = "https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g297722-d6611509-Reviews-Pahawang_Island-Bandar_Lampung_Lampung_Sumatra.html"
response = requests.get(url)
data = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
nama = data.find_all('h1', attrs={'class':'ui_header h1'})[0].text.strip()
print (nama)
category = data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'attractions-attraction-review-header-AttractionLinks__detail--2-xvX'})[0].text.strip()
print (category)
location= data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'attractions-contact-card-ContactCard__contactRow--3Ih6v'})[0].text.strip()
print (location)
review_data = data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'reviews-tab'})
for review in review_data:
    namareview = review.findNext('a', attrs={'class':'ui_header_link social-member-event-MemberEventOnObjectBlock__member--35-jC'})[0].text.strip()
    tittlereview = data.find_all('a', attrs={'class':'location-review-review-list-parts-ReviewTitle__reviewTitleText--2tFRT'})[0].text.strip()
    print (namareview,bubblereview,tittlereview)

на этот раз мой полный код

Ответы [ 3 ]

1 голос
/ 06 марта 2020

Значение пузырькового рейтинга представляется как число в конце имени класса. Каждый пузырь имеет значение 10, поэтому ui_bubble_rating bubble_30 - это рейтинг с 3 из 5 заполненных пузырьков. Аналогично ui_bubble_rating bubble_45 будет заполнено 4,5 из 5 пузырьков. Вы можете найти все эти экземпляры с помощью регулярного выражения, так как число меняется.

bubblereview = data.find_all('span', {'class': re.compile('ui_bubble_rating bubble_\d*')})

Полученный список:

[<span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_45"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_45"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_40"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_30"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_50"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_50"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_30"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_40"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_35"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_40"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_40"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_45"></span>,
 <span class="ui_bubble_rating bubble_40"></span>]

Вы можете отфильтровать оценки следующим образом:

ratings = re.findall('\d+', ''.join(map(str, bubblereview)))
# ['45', '45', '40', '30', '50', '50', '30', '40', '35', '40', '40', '45', '40']
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2020

Tripadvisor - хитрый сайт, который нужно почистить. Но не невозможно. Не уверен, что вы после, но вы можете работать / посмотреть на синтаксический анализ json в тегах сценария:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
import re
import json

url = "https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g297722-d6611509-Reviews-Pahawang_Island-Bandar_Lampung_Lampung_Sumatra.html"
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36'}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
data = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
nama = data.find_all('h1', attrs={'class':'ui_header h1'})[0].text.strip()
print (nama)
category = data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'attractions-attraction-review-header-AttractionLinks__detail--2-xvX'})[0].text.strip()
print (category)
location= data.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'attractions-contact-card-ContactCard__contactRow--3Ih6v'})[0].text.strip()
print (location)

# Get Total count of reviews
data = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

reviewDataIDs = []
scripts = data.find_all('script')
for script in scripts:
    if 'window.__WEB_CONTEXT__=' in script.text:
        jsonStr = script.text
        jsonStr = jsonStr.split('window.__WEB_CONTEXT__={pageManifest:')[-1]

        iterateJson = True
        while iterateJson == True:
                jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr + '}')
                iterateJson = False
                jsonStr = jsonStr.rsplit('}',1)[0]

raiseError = True
for k, v in jsonData['urqlCache'].items():
        totalCount = jsonData['urqlCache'][k]['data']['locations'][0]['reviewListPage']['totalCount']  
        raiseError = False

def getJsonData(reviewCount, reviewDataIDs, continueLoop):
    while continueLoop == True:
        url = "https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g297722-d6611509-Reviews-or%s-Pahawang_Island-Bandar_Lampung_Lampung_Sumatra.html#REVIEWS"  %reviewCount   
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        data = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

        scripts = data.find_all('script')
        for script in scripts:
            if 'window.__WEB_CONTEXT__=' in script.text:
                jsonStr = script.text
                jsonStr = jsonStr.split('window.__WEB_CONTEXT__={pageManifest:')[-1]

                iterateJson = True
                while iterateJson == True:
                        jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr + '}')
                        iterateJson = False
                        jsonStr = jsonStr.rsplit('}',1)[0]

        raiseError = True
        for k, v in jsonData['urqlCache'].items():
                reviewData = jsonData['urqlCache'][k]['data']['locations'][0]['reviewListPage']['reviews']  
                raiseError = False
                if k not in reviewDataIDs:#
                    continueLoop = False

        if raiseError == True:
            raise ValueError ('Data could not be found.')

        if continueLoop == False:
            return reviewData, reviewDataIDs

# Get Reviews
for reviewCount in list(range(0,totalCount,5)):
    reviewData, reviewDataIDs = getJsonData(reviewCount, reviewDataIDs, continueLoop=True)

    for each in reviewData:
        rating = each['rating']
        title = each['title']
        text = each['text']
        user = each['username']

        print  ('Name: %s\nTitle: %s\nRating: %s\nReview: %s\n' %(user, title, rating, text) + '-'*70 + '\n')


Name: Hamdan O
Title: Great for snorkelling and beach fun
Rating: 4
Review: Get a boat from Ketapang Jetty. There were 4 piers with lots of boats to choose from. Choose from traditional wooden boats which are cheaper but slow paced or higher priced fast fiberglass speed boats. We haggled for a fast speed boat to take us snorkelling and island hopping for half a day at 700K Rupiah. We got it from Pak Yayat at Pier 2. Pahawang is excellent for snorkelling. Just off shore the island the residents built platforms with small food/drink booths. They moored the boats there as bases for snorkelling. You can hop from one platform to another. Fantastic ideas to preserve the corals but unfortunately the inexperienced snorkellers ravaged through some of the patches closer to te beach. Great for an overnight trip as well at some of the local folks' homestays on the island.


Name: PaulusKK
Title: he Trip is just So So
Rating: 3
Review: the boat trip to Pahawang island to me is a bit unsafe, it was a small wooden boat, and the journey was bumpy with high waves, and the island itself almost have no attraction, and the lunch provided there was not good, I only enjoy the fresh coconut water.

Name: damarwianggo
Title: Pahawang is awesome
Rating: 5
Review: It was a story that Pahawang Island is great place to visit. Then, when I had a chance to accompany students from SMAK IPEKA Palembang to visit Pahawang Island in Lampung, Pahawang is truly exciting. Our one-day-trip to Pahawang was really extraordinary. Moreover, all the students were really excited to join all activities during the trip. The guide helped us to enjoy the trip.

Name: deddy p
Title: Awesome
Rating: 5
Review: One word i can tell about Pahawang..... Superb. Clean water, beautiful corals. Hope you can help to take care this beautiful environment. Keep it clean.....stay away from plastic.

Name: kristi0308
Title: Clean beach
Rating: 3
Review: I felt like in pulau pari seribu island for the view 
The corals are dead but i saw lots of babies baracudas and a huge purple jellyfish and still got so many pretty little fish
Water are clean and people are not careless about environment as it was very clean when i swam in the island
Thanks to my boat man i paid him only 400k just for a day trip by myself
Paid boat parking every time i move like around 15-20k 
And snorkel gear for 30k
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2020

Попробуйте это l oop:

for review in data.select("div[class*='SingleReview']"):
    title= review.select_one(":scope a > span > span").get_text()
    buble_tag = review.select_one(":scope span[class*='bubble']")
    raiting = buble_tag["class"][-1].split("_")[-1]